Yep how productive, hurling abuse against the neighbours of the country of your origin, when your government and army ran away. Blame everyone but yourselves.
No wonder the Westerners are sick of these protests.
Muslims acting like a bunch of liberals and sjws is not making Islam look any better. Our immigrant parents tell us to work hard and contribute to the community and the respective country but nah lot of the youngsters want to participate in this sjws crap the other side believe this extreme shit is the way to go like anjem choudary's crowd and other extremist losers.
I triggered a lot of these diasporas in Australia when I said I dont care about the Australian Aboriginals vs European Australians.
I said its not our fight let them solve it between themselves. What do Muslims have to do with the colonisation of the USA, Canada and Australia??
Seriously who gives a shit about blm??
Honestly why do Muslims waste their time with matters that have nothing to do with them?
Now the words male priviledge, white priviledge are being used against Turks, Arabs and Pakistanis.