Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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People struggle to accept the fact that if any group has right to call itself the successor of the anti-Russian Mujihadeen from 1980s it would be the Taliban. As noted above 80% of US supplied arms of the Afghan jihad went to Hezb-e-Islami which went on to form the core fighting force of the newly emerging Taliban in 1990s. Instead many like to think Taliban is a monster came from outside in 1990s. No it is not, the Taliban is mutation of the Muhjihadin.

In fact most of the so called terror infrastructure was also built by CIA funds which at the time was tagged as 'freedom struggle'.


400 flights from Islamabad take part in evacuation from Afghanistan

Islamabad: As many as 400 special flights carrying Afghan nationals and foreigners from Kabul have departed from and arrived at the Islamabad International Airport (IIAP) since the Taliban took on Aug 16.

According to sources, 10,000 to 15,000 Afghan nationals and foreigners evacuated from Afghanistan are expected to arrive at the airport in the next couple of weeks as 2,000 to 2,200 evacuees are expected to arrive at the airport per day.

Sources said Pakistani authorities operated no special flight from Kabul to Islamabad on Friday due to the suicide attack at Kabul airport on previous night. However, several diplomats coming from Kabul in other flights landed at Islamabad.

Afghan nationals and foreigners evacuated from Kabul airport and transiting at the IIAP to return to their countries are not subjected to the immigration procedure. However, those who leave the airport and stay in hotels for a few days are subjected to the immigration process on arrival and departure.

The IIAP administration has made special arrangements in the vicinity of the airport for transit passengers who will be evacuated from Afghanistan and later flown to different countries.

A special squad of security personnel has been deployed for the protection of the evacuees.

Published in Dawn, August 28th, 2021
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