Coming from both sides

I am frightened
@Lonewolf @Raptor. We are screwed.. We have green army coming from all sides on their

Jokes apart, this is what I call dreaming with open eyes if I may call it so.... Although there also is a limit on dreams but than there is no limit for those whose females were raped by their own & still continue to lick their feet with obedience.
If we do genetics of those born in circa 1972 in than East pak... Chances are more than 50 % will turn out to be non. Biological kids of their fathers... Apparently, that's the scales of rapes commuted by west pak in 1971.
Coming to current day, All it will take is few sortie to flatten out what ever is remaining there....
As for ref to vijayamagara goes, treachery & back stabbing is a inherent trait of certain...and trend continues even today.. Only cowards who think their manhood get a boast by suppressing women & kids can do such things and boast of same.... No body in civilised world would ever do that...