Some people learn history from academic books and research scholars. Others believe in myths perpetuated to hide their shame.
We did what ?? It's a common pakistani and Bangladeshi habit to blame india for what happens in their country .
Real game is far from started , do any bullshit ,bear consequences .
Indian insurgents are making peace deals , and if sone swamp dwelling underwear stiching idiot thinks that they are the reason for that ,then unicorn is in bedroom .
India backed Shanti Bahini, Burmese rebels: book
Indira Gandhi was voted out of power in 1977, just when India's external intelligence organisation, R&AW, was preparing to substantially step up its backing for the Shanti Bahini, says Subir Bhaumik in his just-released book "Troubled Periphery:Crisis of India's Northeast". Subhra Kanti
Today there are more insurgents in Indian NE than in Bangladesh's CHT.
Just a bunch of hoodlums - that's what the Taliban are. Probably still shiver at pictures of Dick Cheney and George Bush - so they take it out on some guy stealing chickenI don't know which sharia the Taliban are following but anyway
this is from 2012, by Caspian report. Historically Iran never really expand eastward, but westward towards modern day Iraq and Anatolia. But things could change as now the Iran finding itself again with another Sunni govts in its borders. They WILL want a buffer state, like the post Baath Iraq, and that will eventually clashes with Pakistan's own interests in Afghanistan.Until very recently I've always thought that any future conflict will be from ISKP v Taliban.
I add another possibility of Iran v Taliban. Or even Pakistan, in the form of proxy warfare. With Iran covertly arming or creating a hezb like militia consisted of the Hazara.
Anyway Iran is into another front that could exhaust it's resources.