Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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I like how our Dutch friends here are celebrating Taliban car bombings and advancements etc... But let's see what happens when attacks start increasing south of the Durand line too. :D

Bosanski Vojnik

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Dostum is a cowardly blood sucker. Him and his clan needs to die off.

Sorry but we should not support warlords. We go off at countries supporting Haftar the Warlord of Libya while at the same time why should we support warlords in Afghanistan which are just as bad as the Taliban.

Dont forget how the Taliban were formed they were formed due to the warlords being a bunch of rapists.

Well it's a good thing Turkish Foreign Policy is not as short sighted as your betrayal of the Uzbeks:


Also there is no proof of Dostum being a "rapist" anywhere. Taliban Pashtun extremists are warlords as well. Have they raped people? Maybe who knows..

Hazaras are used as Iranian proxies in Syria they carry out awful atrocities.

Not to mention a lot of our soldiers fought against them.

Hazaras are a Turco-Mongol group who were coerced by Iran to fight in Syria and used as cannon fodder in the process:

The LA Times piece reports that Hazaras entering Iran are given a choice: Go to jail, face deportation, or fight in the Fatemiyoun Division — an all-Afghan Shiite militia that backs Assad and seems to take on some of the dirty work Iranians in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard don't touch.

“Iranians see the Hazara as cannon fodder,” a Sheik from Qom, told the LA Times.

The Iranians are forcing Persianisation on the Hazaras. Don't act like they were some special crack troops that were launching rocket artillery attacks on Turkish troops when we know this was not the case.

Turkey should use it's influence and possible troop presence in northern Afghanistan to bring Hazaras back into the fold of the Turkic world.

Bosanski Vojnik

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Taliban are not anti-Turkish at all. The truth is that a minority has been put in charge in Afghanistan. The majority Pashtun has been alienated by US/NATO.

The US/NATO thought it could impose its will on the majority. It doesn't work like that. We also need to remember that not so long ago the Taliban were actually an ally of Western nations.

We know how this rigged game works. Support and befriend until your interests are met. Dump and kill when not needed anymore. That policy is not going to work anymore.

Talibans recent communique in which they threatened Turkish presence in Afghanistan and past treatment of Turkic and Turco-Mongol groups in Afghanistan proves otherwise

Turkey should support a free Turkic Northern Afghanistan which is free from malign Taliban influence and Persian influence weather from neighbouring Iran or Pashtun Extremists.


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You threatening Pakistan? Bro you tried to destroy Pakistan for a good 20 years and you couldn't. What makes you think Northern Alliance child molesters can possibly do to Pakistan?

Don't be angry buddy. We are in charge now. Change of leadership. You lost and we won.
What Pakistan went through for last 20 years I think you would have to be a cold son of *** to wish even on your enemies. I still think back to around 2010. US daily attacking targets in Pakistan using drones. TTP launching suicide attacks across all of Pakistan. Our poor soldiers and policemen being killed everyday. Even GHQ was attack. SSG general was killed in ambush. Benezir Bhutto was killed. Then that dog OBL was found hiding in Pakistan. Indians literally masturbated at Pakistan 'failing, failing, failed' or '3,2,1,0'. Pakistan survived that and came out stronger.

Now the Durand has largely been fenced off with good security along it. Pakistan has able leader in Imran Khan and has the full support of the military. Time for Pakistan to close the chapter on that event that began 2001.


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Well it's a good thing Turkish Foreign Policy is not as short sighted as your betrayal of the Uzbeks:
How is that betrayal of Turks? Dostum only goes by dollars in his pocket. The best guarantor of Uzbeks in Afghanistan is Uzbekistan which is right next door.


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What Pakistan went through for last 20 years I think you would have to be a cold son of *** to wish even on your enemies. I still think back to around 2010. US daily attacking targets in Pakistan using drones. TTP launching suicide attacks across all of Pakistan. Our poor soldiers and policemen being killed everyday. Even GHQ was attack. SSG general was killed in ambush. Benezir Bhutto was killed. Then that dog OBL was found hiding in Pakistan. Indians literally masturbated at Pakistan 'failing, failing, failed' or '3,2,1,0'. Pakistan survived that and came out stronger.

Now the Durand has largely been fenced off with good security along it. Pakistan has able leader in Imran Khan and has the full support of the military. Time for Pakistan to close the chapter on that event that began 2001.

Oh we feel strong and emboldened today. We have a major regional power on our side. All Pakistan has to do is play its cards right. Negotiate very hard for peace in Afghanistan and convince that with China's help the region and Afghans can reap the benefits. China has worked very hard for this day. Finally OBOR can be extended to CAS. Pakistan has a major role to fulfill.

It is a joy to see our enemies fume with anger at the prospect of regional cooperation and prosperity. We have to remain cautious though because there are enough spoilers.
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Well it's a good thing Turkish Foreign Policy is not as short sighted as your betrayal of the Uzbeks:


Also there is no proof of Dostum being a "rapist" anywhere. Taliban Pashtun extremists are warlords as well. Have they raped people? Maybe who knows..

Hazaras are a Turco-Mongol group who were coerced by Iran to fight in Syria and used as cannon fodder in the process:

The Iranians are forcing Persianisation on the Hazaras. Don't act like they were some special crack troops that were launching rocket artillery attacks on Turkish troops when we know this was not the case.

Turkey should use it's influence and possible troop presence in northern Afghanistan to bring Hazaras back into the fold of the Turkic world.

Taliban aren't warlords. Your Northern Alliance buddies on the other hand are renowned for bacha bazi.

What About the Boys: A Gendered Analysis of the U.S. Withdrawal and Bacha Bazi in Afghanistan​

It is also imperative to acknowledge the multifaceted gendered dynamics impacting Afghan society that lead to support, both openly and tacitly, of the Taliban in certain regions. The predatory and abusive nature of some men in the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and the lack of concern on behalf of the U.S. military continues to undermine public support for the U.S.-Afghan partnership in both countries. This is especially at a moment when the Afghan government needs U.S. funding to try and maintain a semblance of stability.

Bacha bazi is a term found in multiple languages and translates roughly into English as “boy play.” While the name takes on different meanings and conjures different understandings throughout history, at its foundation bacha bazi involves pre-pubescent boys dancing for and entertaining a group of men, typically during large gatherings such as weddings. The historical practice of bacha bazi is much more nuanced than its current iteration of sexual abuse of young boys, and it is important to understand the role it plays in today’s Afghanistan, including as a key factor in the rise of the Taliban, who have been public in their opposition to the practice.

The United States has long known about the prevalence of bacha bazi among its partners in the ANSF. It is clear that the U.S. Department of Defense was aware, by 2009 at the latest, of coercive relationships between men and boys on U.S. military bases in Afghanistan. Billions of dollars were spent in order to ensure that the partnership between U.S. forces and ANSF had sufficient capacity to manage and maintain the internal security throughout Afghanistan. In the development of a security sector assistance plan, the U.S. overlooked multiple instances of criminal activity and gross human rights violations, including the sexual abuse of children on military bases.

Over the decades of the American military presence in Afghanistan, the U.S. has continuously turned a blind eye to the ANSF’s and Northern Alliance’s insistence that the current iteration of bacha bazi is Afghan culture, when in reality these groups are co-opting a historical practice in order to traffic and sexually abuse vulnerable Afghan boys. The continued and unquestioned support of the ANSF puts at risk long-term goals for stability and peace in Afghanistan, which the U.S. should continue to emphasize through foreign aid.

It is the Taliban who oppose paedophilia. Northern Alliance clearly enjoys bacha bazi. General Dostum is probably the biggest proponent of bacha bazi in Afghanistan.
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@Dalit do me a favour mate. What will happen will happen. The Turks are our brothers as well. Right now PM Imran Khan is chilling in Afghanistan and looks like his is really been given three star treatment by Uzbeks. We need Uzbeks, Turkmen, Tajiks, Chinese, Turkey and Iran to work together so don't get embroiled with some over zealous members here who don't really have sufficient understanding of the nuances involved here. This is heart of Central Asia and not heart of Europe.

I know many like using words like 'savages' but they ignore that the so called stability and civilization you see in Europe literally only came into existence a few years before I was born and even then they resorted to mass scale barbarity in 1990s and had it took USA to come and get a grip which even now would rip open was it not for massive NATO forces.

Before 1945 it took 50 million dead, 6 million in gas chambers for some form of semblance of peace to arrive. So don't get tripped so easily. Also economics of effort means you should always focus on one enemy and only enemy Pakistan has. And it's not any of these guys but that huge pool of humanity that would drown two Europes and Americas into it. So just keep that in mind. Fact is Pakistan has prevailed.

I would share a toast with you but ......


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And do not for a second fall for this Turkic versus Pashtun blah blah. Imran Khan, Erdogan, Shavkat of Uzbekistan etc will sort everything out. Just watch the events.


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LOL Come on bud. No need to be angry. I know losing is terrible, but don't be sour.

LOL It is good to see you suck up to US/NATO. Get ready for a huge influx of Afghan refugees. As a US/NATO cheerleader you have the responsibility of taking care of Afghan refugees.

You still haven't answered my question. Are you an Indian?
why be angry, I live on the other side of the planet tho :sneaky:

My assessment is based on the hysteria on the Chinese MoFA part, it tells us something when you're not cheering up your enemy departure and the enemy (which is the US) no longer gave a shit.

It needs to be pointed out that the recent abrupt US announcement of complete withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan has led to a succession of explosive attacks throughout the country, worsening the security situation and threatening peace and stability as well as people’s life and safety. China calls on foreign troops in Afghanistan to take into full account the security of people in the country and the region, pull out in a responsible manner and avoid inflicting more turmoil and suffering on the Afghan people.

and here's the latest one

Your assessment I believe comes from toxic nationalism and wishful thinking that is not in line with the reality on the ground. By emphasizing your Pashtun ethnicity which has nothing to do with what the official statements and actions of Chinese, Russian and so called regional actors you've been peddling.

Oh we feel strong and emboldened today. We have a major regional power on our side. All Pakistan has to do is play its cards right.
again I don't know how you define all major regional powers on your side when those regional power (ie. Russia and China) is on a competition of influence themselves in Central Asia.

China has worked very hard for this day. Finally OBOR can be extended to CAS. Pakistan has a major role to fulfill.

As I've explained to you, China has already engaged in Afghanistan economy and trade long before the US departure, they do that under the security umbrella the US+NATO forces provided. you're making it sounded like they'll just wait for the full exit of US troops in Afghanistan to trade.

I know what these irrelivant fools are trying to do. Trying to create a wedge. LOL these fools aren't even natives to this region. They are handing out fatwas on what will happen next LOL

Again this is based on hysteria on Chinese and Russia themselves. Not some wishful thinking.

We will see man. 20 years and we are in the driving seat.

the last 20 years of war has always been between NATO v Taliban, while everyone watches.

. We are a nation that survived an onslaught sponsored by US/NATO.

again I HAVE to correct you, they (Taliban) are the one the survived the onslaught of the US+NATO after getting bombed for 20 years non stop, which ironically the bombs are transported through neighboring Pakistan.

Today these fools are packing their bags and leaving everyone high and dry as predicted. Don't matter. Gives us an opportunity to dictate the terms.

This comes from a nation that could not even dictate a favorable solution to the economic projects in their lands. lmao read this.

and you think you're going to dictate the Taliban which has rejected subordination to you???

I don't care who you are.


We will support our Pashtun brothers through thick and thin. Not those PTM types that are longing for Pakistani territory. I am talking about those Pashtun elements that support Pakistan through thick and thin.
Again a reminder that US troops, weapons and material entered Afghanistan through Pakistani territory either on land or via airspace.
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