The noose is tightening for Northern Alliance bacha baaz gang.
Factually incorrect. This is examply of facts being bent over time to suit a agenda. Mujihadeen was a generic name for all factions fighting the Soviet Russians as part of the Afghan 1980s jihad. This title covered the entire spectrum of jihadis and as you mentioned included what came be known as Northern Alliance.mujahideen (which later transformed into the Northern alliance) that is allied with the US
No country is made up of one view. It was Musharaf who sold out our people. Thank god that disgusting person is gone. But I will tell you our present PM Imran Khan opposed the war in Afghanistan. Indeed he was called 'Taliban Khan' for his views. What matters is who is running the coountry now and who has the lever on decision making.Uhhh ohhh, I'm old enough to remember how Pakistani cheers people's like Musharraf and called the Taliban as terrorist
Dostum already escaped to Turkey, Two of his strong men are killed and his birth place (district) is already captured by Taliban's (Former Mujahideen). US and NATO is gone and no one else is willing to support the losers.The noose is tightening for Northern Alliance bacha baaz gang.
There was a time not long ago you guys used to say Talban are stooge of Pakistani ISI and won't even take pee without a nod from Islamabad. Then there was the galactic warping 'Haqqani' network with it's Pentagon HQ inside Pakistan. All I can do is laugh now ....Let ne correct you, the Taliban has been defeating and kicking Kabul admin for a while, there's no WE, who is WE here?
Taliban is alone in this.
Nice try using the word WE.
appreciated for correcting me on the Mujahideen/Northern alliance statement, but again my point is correct. the Mujahideen refers to the general Anti-Afghan govt militia during the era, and this is not the Taliban specifically, the Taliban (in it's 1994-2021) form were never allied with the west. The west NEVER had any alliance with the Taliban (since it's creation in 1994). So Dalit statement is incorrect and lead to disinformation. and again using this the theory of a Pashtun majority militia as an argument that the west is somewhat allying with the Taliban is incorrect.Factually incorrect. This is examply of facts being bent over time to suit a agenda. Mujihadeen was a generic name for all factions fighting the Soviet Russians as part of the Afghan 1980s jihad. This title covered the entire spectrum of jihadis and as you mentioned included what came be known as Northern Alliance.
Taliban were also rebranded Mujihadeen that mostly were Pashtuns as opposed to NA who were clustered around Tajiks of the Panjshir valley. Most of the senior Taliban cadre centred around Kandahar. Since Pashtuns make the largest % of Afghanistan it is only natural to assume that majority of Mujihadeen were Pashtuns and thus if anybody has right to claim as it's successors it would be Taliban.
Taliban is playing the geopolitical game more classy than the last time, but I might want to remind you that Taliban is actually a decentralized organization. So that means that what the officials in Doha tells for example doesn't necessarily give the picture of the rank and file on the ground thinks in Afghanistan.The other thing I would add is it appears that Taliban have become far more refined and wiser to geopolitics then in their earlier iteration. Exactly how they deal with the world is to be seen.
Much of how things play out not only depends on the path the Taliban take but all what Afghanistan's neighbours do. That is in order of importance -
- Pakistan
- Iran
- Central Asia/Russia
- China
If Pakistan, Iran, Central Asia/Russia, China can sit together and work on a shared vision we might see some form of stability emerge at end of this. Again this is result of geography. I believe this is what Pakistan, China and Russia in conjunction with Central Asian republics are working on. Iran sadly is a wild card. You never know with those guys as they tend to flip flop.
I never called them ISI stooge, it's mainly Indian who said so, because you guys have been accusing each other for quite some time now. The other one who kept saying this are usually mis-educated person in the west, the same person who kept accusing USA is behind ISIS.There was a time not long ago you guys used to say Talban are stooge of Pakistani ISI and won't even take pee without a nod from Islamabad. Then there was the galactic warping 'Haqqani' network with it's Pentagon HQ inside Pakistan. All I can do is laugh now ....
I don't see ay difference, Musharraf does that for US $$$$ and political support, Imran Khan is turning a blind eye on Uyghurs next doors because Chinese Yuan.No country is made up of one view. It was Musharaf who sold out our people. Thank god that disgusting person is gone. But I will tell you our present PM Imran Khan opposed the war in Afghanistan. Indeed he was called 'Taliban Khan' for his views. What matters is who is running the coountry now and who has the lever on decision making.
I doubt that. We’d be more than ready to fly them back.
I think the Taliban will ask for Turkey to send back Afghans to rebuild the country.
Sputnik is weak source but if true it is funny plot twist and reveal some bigger geopolicy shifts.
I think the Taliban will ask for Turkey to send back Afghans to rebuild the country.
I already posted an interview of Suhail Shaheen (Taliban spokesperson) with TRT World you can watch it if you want, what ever the dude on the twitter is saying is somewhat identical to Suhail Shaheen words.Sputnik is weak source but if true it is funny plot twist and reveal some bigger geopolicy shifts.
@Nein2.0(Nomad) this guy is one of my favourite twtter posters, always fierce and unapologetic![]()