Live Conflict War in Afghanistan



Now that US has announced this Afghans will come running to Turkey.

Solution shutdown US embassy and any other countries who'll do US paperwork. So Afghans can go to nearest US embassy which is in Bulgaria or Greece, or Iraq. I bet you US will prefer doing the same stunt only in Iraq.

Pakistan, all central Asian countries, recently Kuwait rejected US request and told them they don't want any of those in their Home Land. Pakistan and central Asian countries bordering Afghanistan deployed troops on the border to stop unwanted coming their way.
Turkey should do the same.


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No idea what is going to happen in the short term but I can almost see over the longer term for certainty that American influence on the pivot of Eurasia will be erased.

The only platform they can rely on is the Ganga region which has no geographic proximity to Eurasia. Pakistan effectively is a wall to Indian projection into West, Central Eurasia. With China to to the north all India can do is play sari dancing with Bangladesh.

With rising China and ascendant Russia Central Asia is a no go zone for America. Unless the Americans can get the Iranians to play but even there the Chinese are busy. You see what you people ignore is the chessboard you see today is product of nearly century of Anglo-American hedgemony premised on their economies.

However as China heads to being biggest economy and Russia is not exactly trifling either you will begin to see that 100 year old chessboard now being reconfigured. It is has began. Watch in 20/30 years time.
What does "play sari dancing" mean? Feel free to demonstrate if it's difficult to explain.


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& Good day to Other

Pakistan is not bothered by this they are used to hell allot of shit but when / if they decide to close the only remaining border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan i.e Torkham border, Which is still under control of Kabul regime, well then Kabul will be in serious trouble.


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Pakistan is not bothered by this they are used to hell allot of shit but when / if they decide to close the only remaining border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan i.e Torkham border, Which is still under control of Kabul regime, well then Kabul will be in serious trouble.
Very true. I got to say I am surprised at the delusion of the Kabuli bubble which lives on American supplied oxgen. The fact is USA and NATO with 150,000 soldiers and to use PM Imran Khan's words "greatest military machine in history' failed to suppress the Taliban what chance does this American bibble have now that the oxygen is about to run out?

Pakistan does not really need to do much. Afghanistan literally depends on Pakistan and unless god comes along. Cracks and changes the geography of the region the country will depend on Pakistan. The Indus Valley is a natural extension of the Afghan highlands. For instance Kabul region drains into Kabul River which flows into Indus at Attock in Pakistan which then flows down to Arabian sea thus highlighting the natural communication route.

So as you noted Torkham crossing is last one in hands of the bubble which is 100% dependent on Pakistan. That says it all. The key here is Jalalabad - when and if it falls that will be snuffing of the American bubble. The map below describes why Pakistan enjoys total strategic advantage that not even America can unwish. Islamabad and Rawalpindi sit athwart the main transport corridor from Kabul.


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