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Tumben bener gambaran F15Ex dan Rafale bener...Gak ada apa2, tiba2 media yg dekat sama pemerintah pasang berita beginian. Ada Pertanda kah?
pertanyaannya boleh diganti "kapan batch pertma datang ?"Gak ada apa2, tiba2 media yg dekat sama pemerintah pasang berita beginian. Ada Pertanda kah?
Gak ada apa2, tiba2 media yg dekat sama pemerintah pasang berita beginian. Ada Pertanda kah?
Some Indonesian YouTubers:Untung bukan gambar Mirage yg dipasang. Bakal rusuh klo gambar Mirage muncul
He used 4 exclamation mark for the video title so at least he should get 6.2/10.Ga ada "TNI (insert a country name) ketar ketir", jadi kamu dapat 6/10.
Dah berapa minggu lalu waktu sesi bertemu pemimpin G7Lagi open table dimana mereka?
getting shot at close distance with shotgun in the chest from behind, man where is the secret serviceSome people just want to see the world burn huh?
Still no clear status officially. Just that ambiguous ‘unconscious’ word.Shinzo Abe Shot: Shinzo Abe of Japan Dies After Being Shot During Speech (Published 2022)
The former prime minister, 67, was assassinated on Friday in the city of Nara. He served in the office longer than anyone before stepping down in
@Jagdflieger what is going on with these people? Some rejoicing the shooting?
Electrical trigger. Bet Christmas tree LEDs with open top to create spark by using simple circuit. And also I don’t think he was using any rounds there (12 ga or whatever), just black powder and some projectiles made of metal BB or what put right to the barrels (pipes in this case), think of musket.