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Mereka dulu mengatai saya dan membela SM ketika saya mengkritik Kemenkeu yang intervensi urusan pertahanan negara.

Sekarang ini ada bukti sahih kalau Kemenkeu memang bisa dan telah melakukan intervensi terhadap kebijakan pengadaan alutsista. Bahkan Bappenas, Kemhan dan TNI cuma bisa plonga-plongo apabila Kemenkeu sudah membuat keputusan sepihak.

Terlepas apakah keputusan ini baik maupun tidak (saya pribadi kurang setuju dengan akuisisi Pohang), ini tetap membuktikan kalau Kemenkeu memang selalu ikut campur dalam urusan anggaran dan pengadaan, dan menurut saya ini kewenangan yang terlalu besar yang seharusnya mereka tidak punya. Dompet tidak boleh melawan balik tuannya.

Udah dibilang F15 EX itu pasti Dateng karena dua belah pihak sama sama butuh ini deal kok


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Lagian sejak kapan TNI Ad make colt phyton 🤣🤣

Range harga dari 2200 -4400 US Dollar gitu, barang mahal itu.
lach iyach mana ada Colt Phyton jadi standard issue di negara manapun. Kalau milik pribadi beda lagi. Saya pribadi belum pernah coba nembak pakai Colt Phyton, tapi lihat kaliber nya .357 Mag gitu udah ampuuun ga kuat ama nendang nya. Saya paling gede ncoba pistol .45 ACP itupun kalau bagi saya cukup kerasa nendang nya, Walaupun kalau buat senjata pertahanan lawan beruang di daerah Alaska kaliber .357 Mag mantap itu (kalau nembak nya jitu / kena sasaran)

Freedom & Democracy (y) Terobosan2x nya 🇨🇳 inovatif ini.

China will grow larger

View attachment 49110

Mereka dulu mengatai saya dan membela SM ketika saya mengkritik Kemenkeu yang intervensi urusan pertahanan negara.

Sekarang ini ada bukti sahih kalau Kemenkeu memang bisa dan telah melakukan intervensi terhadap kebijakan pengadaan alutsista. Bahkan Bappenas, Kemhan dan TNI cuma bisa plonga-plongo apabila Kemenkeu sudah membuat keputusan sepihak.

Terlepas apakah keputusan ini baik maupun tidak (saya pribadi kurang setuju dengan akuisisi Pohang), ini tetap membuktikan kalau Kemenkeu memang selalu ikut campur dalam urusan anggaran dan pengadaan, dan menurut saya ini kewenangan yang terlalu besar yang seharusnya mereka tidak punya. Dompet tidak boleh melawan balik tuannya.
Secara prinsip saya sepakat sekali kalau menteri keuangan tidak bisa intervensi dilluar ranah nya. TETAPI, di negara manapun (kecuali 🇺🇸 🇨🇳) big ticket procurement / project yang pembiayaan nya menggunakan utang luar negeri tentunya sedikit / banyak akan ada intevensi dariMenteri Keuangan nya. Hal ini dikarenakan utang tsb tentunya ada beban bunga (interest rate) dan juga unsur FX reserve yang mengalir keluar, sehingga harus disesuaikan dengan proyeksi & asumsi fiiscal yang dipakai oleh negara tsb.

FYI kondisi fiscal negara kita bisa dibilang saat ini sangat lah riskan. FX reserve kita per bilan September 2022 hanya ada $130.7 Billion, dimana didalam FX reserve tsb juga ada unsur hutang luar negeri nya (yg harus dibayar bunga nya)

MenKeu kita barusan saja nge deal kan debt swap, walaupun nominal nya tidak significant tapi kalau lebih banyak / sering kita dapat debt swap tentunya totalan nya juga kerasa di anggaran


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Bakal diselipin ote ote, imbal dagang atau gimana nih F15EX nya.

Parry Brima

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FYI kondisi fiscal negara kita bisa dibilang saat ini sangat lah riskan. FX reserve kita per bilan September 2022 hanya ada $130.7 Billion, dimana didalam FX reserve tsb juga ada unsur hutang luar negeri nya (yg harus dibayar bunga nya)

I wouldn't say that our current FX reserve is bloody fantastic, but I'd argue that "very risky" is not quite right either.

In fact, if we look at the tendency in the 10-25 years below, this is now probably the right time to spend more for our military.



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Walaupun kalau buat senjata pertahanan lawan beruang di daerah Alaska kaliber .357 Mag mantap itu (kalau nembak nya jitu / kena sasaran)
Muzzleload supremacy lol. Btw, Kodiak Bear is the largest grizzly subspecies

Edit: brown bear more precisely. Grizzly just refers to north american brown bear. Even some also consider kodiak bear and grizzly are same subspecies.

Me personally started to like something like this since i was attracted to falconry lol started to see about this genus that species and where it’s from that it has its own adaptations to the respective environments and became its own subspecies
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Based documentary about Project Cassandra that was sidelined by Obama Admin because during his administration he was tried to make non-nuclear Iran through JCPOA, so any criminal activities that has Iran involvement were tried to be not brought up to lessen the tension.

This one also talked about when IDF, Shin Bet and maybe also Israeli Police raided bank(s) in Ramallah like there is no border there lol. Go in and go out whenever you like


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Based documentary about Project Cassandra that was sidelined by Obama Admin because during his administration he was tried to make non-nuclear Iran through JCPOA, so any criminal activities that has Iran involvement were tried to be not brought up to lessen the tension.

This one also talked about when IDF, Shin Bet and maybe also Israeli Police raided bank(s) in Ramallah like there is no border there lol. Go in and go out whenever you like
Watched it and word Ramallah mentioned make me interested with the nature of Palestinian Authority in West Bank, soon I will read about Hezbollah activities in Lat Am. Wrote Palestinian Authority in Youtube and found out this video is on top

This one about Mahmoud Abbas authoritarian drift that he is silence those who are against his authoritarian drift and corruption which is understandable when you have the whole country for your own and left unchecked because the oppositions are silenced. He was also canceled an election which crazy tho, he really want to be Kim Jong Un and friends or what?

This part of West Bank is fully or almost fully administered by Palestinian Authority, which in this case PLO, while majority of West Bank which according to Oslo Accords are administered by the Israeli, called as Area C. This Area C according to the Oslo Accords have to be gradually transitioned to the PA/SoP, but the right to far-right part of Israeli society seems doesn't care about that Accords and still building new settlements in West Bank, for they consider it as Judea and Samaria District of Administration. Eventhough todays PM Yair Lapid said in UN HQ that he is for two state solution, his anti-Bibi coalition from the right to far-right are against that openly, including Naftali Bennet. Btw, this anti-Bibi coalition is a big tent coalition made of from across of political spectrums, including right to far-right.

Some Israelis disagree with that Oslo Accords put of 1967 borders, for they says PA/SoP not existed yet during 1967.
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US was wrong to gave nuclear technology and expertise to Soekarno's Indonesia through Cold War era "Atoms for Peace". How could they gave that when Soekarno had that openly Anti-American tendensies? Kind of counter productive to gave those who hated them capabilities that possibly could harm themselves.

Iran also got that btw, but after 1979, they took that to the higher level lol

Edit: when was that Indonesian Atoms for Peace? If before 1957 then understandable. 1957 Soekarno started to talked about nationalization and stuff that was supported by PKI that didn't wanted private companies, apalagi barat, capitals here. Then after or during 1957, CIA CAT started to landed in Manado and Indonesian former Presiden Darurat (Based Prawiranegara) post Operation Kraai received US lethal aid in Sumatra lol

CAT for Civil Air Transport btw which then became or used the name AUREV.
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Van Kravchenko

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Selama ini duit itu ada dan selalu ada cuma susahlah jelasinnya, banyak hal sama ga bisa diungkapin yang kayak beginian.
Maksudku sumber pendanaan kira kira jika dari Pendapatan Negara apakah bisa, atau perlu pinjaman ?


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Maksudku sumber pendanaan kira kira jika dari Pendapatan Negara apakah bisa, atau perlu pinjaman ?
Nominalnya berapa ? Kalau pembelian alutsista dari luar negeri jelas butuh PLN cuma kalau dibilang sumber pembiayaan domestik ga ada uang, ga betul juga, uang itu ada cuma susah lah jelasinnya. Kayak Pohang Class itu kan 21 juta USD kita abcde cari sumber pembiayaan PLN padahal kemaren2 35 juta USD buat " itu " ah udahlah, bahaya. Udah kebanyakan bocor aku lama lama.


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Selama ini duit itu ada dan selalu ada cuma susahlah jelasinnya, banyak hal sama ga bisa diungkapin yang kayak beginian.
SILPA indo itu gede, bangke emang, dipake ribet, ga dipake ngegerogotin duit negara kudu bayar bunga

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