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Wilayat Wasat Ifriqiya (Cental Africa Province; then many were from ADF) is not as active as Gharb Ifriqiya (West Africa; Boko Haram then, but now they splited because IS Central was even considered some were rogue because too serampangan at their attacks), especially those who are in DRC, but still a very good contribution from our forces tho, through UN operation.

Glad now they are not as strong as before, thanks to their Central flattened by the US backed forces in NE Syria (Mainly PYD forces, the SDF) and anyone including Russia and Assad (even personally i don’t like them) in western side of the Euphrates. This affecting their affiliates around the world.

FYI, back then when i was still in SMP, one guy that was that made what they called as Hijrah to Darul Islam (Land of Islam) came back to Indonesia that they called as Darul Kufr (Land of Kafir) more specific Solo (Raya) and made mass bai’at to Al-Baghdadi in a mosque just across Polsek Grogol (Solo Baru) lol, can’t imagine how if their gathering started to disturb national security. Solo always have anything you thinking of, the (one of the) first LGBT+ (Gay more specific) organization in Asia was declared here, Lambda Indonesia and made their magazines here too, Abu Bakar Ba’asyir then so called Amir of Jemaah Islamiyah is also here with his Al-Mukmin in Ngruki, Densus would consider Ngruki as hot spot for sure.


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FYI, back then when i was still in SMP, one guy that was that made what they called as Hijrah to Darul Islam (Land of Islam) came back to Indonesia that they called as Darul Kufr (Land of Kafir) more specific Solo (Raya) and made mass bai’at to Al-Baghdadi in a mosque just across Polsek Grogol (Solo Baru) lol, can’t imagine how if their gathering started to disturb national security. Solo always have anything you thinking of, the (one of the) first LGBT+ (Gay more specific) organization in Asia was declared here, Lambda Indonesia and made their magazines here too, Abu Bakar Ba’asyir then so called Amir of Jemaah Islamiyah is also here with his Al-Mukmin in Ngruki, Densus would consider Ngruki as hot spot for sure.
Dibalik steriotype Solo kalem nggih-nggih, kerisnya dibelakang. Banyak ide sama macem-macem yang hotspotnya sini, Njoto dan Lekranya (yang Kongres pertamanya milih di Solo daripada Jogja, maybe because Lekra influenctial guy, Oetomo Ramelan here) sampe Abu Bakar Baasyir. Gesang was also member of Lekra tho wkwk, but don’t care about that, artists needs freedom, actually blank paper is the source of freedom eventhough you are in prison, Anti-Lekra that put politics first, PSI linked official or not Manikebu must mepet dia after the massacre.

If Ganjar become the next President, we all gonna have another Solo (Raya, Karanganyar) President wkwk, Kejawen would said, “Daerah Kidul bekas Mataram magis emang”
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Abu Bakar Ba’asyir
This guy is definitely a slippery belut. He said that Bali Bombing 2002 was CIA Israel conspiracy, probably to saved his ass, while Ali Imron himself said that he was the one that made the bomb and told people to not believe such conspiracy theory1.

He didn’t got caught then, but after that he caught because of his involvement in Jalin Jantho lol. In prison he did the bai’at to Al-Baghdadi, but looks like his own son didn’t agree with him and split the JAT and made his own JAS, that consider Al-Baghdadi Caliphate as not Islamic.

1 :

nevermind this one hosted by someone with political agenda of himself and his group. This interview is informative.

Edit: When he said nuclear bomb, I’m sure it doesn’t mean he did made that during in Afghanistan or Pakistan, but he understand how it works and the basic of it if they want to make crude version of it. This that written again by a guy with Solo link, Bahrun Naim, also has it. That website is not the real website tho, the real one can’t be open already. VPN needed. It would be so dangerous if he has radioactive materials from hospital or something lol, he may could weaponized the radiation or whatever.

My intention to post that bombmaking etc website here is not to promote violence, just as a teacher in school, to educate people that open it
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Sewaktu milih topik skripsi kemaren mau milih topik soal kesenjangan Ekonomi Indonesia dan korelasinya dengan etnis (engga bermaksud rasis ya), karena masalah kesenjangan Ekonomi di Indonesia bukan hanya berdasarkan struktur kelas sosial tapi juga etnis. Ditolak lah sama Kaprodi dibilang terlalu bahaya pemikirannya padahal kaprodi baru jadi pembicara seminar soal kebebasan pemikiran wkkkk.
Korelasinya bisa salah bisa benar, kalau mau ambil topik ini harus pakai kuantitatif untuk pembuktiannya supaya objektif.

Faktor kelas sosial dan etnis terhadap kesenjangan ekonomi sebenarnya bisa disatukan apabila kamu bisa membuktikan ada hubungan antara etnis dan kelas sosial, mengapa, dan teorinya apa.

So Etnis -> Kelas Sosial -> Kesenjangan Ekonomi -> Etnis

Saya bisa memprediksi hasil dari penelitian ini: mungkin ada korelasi antara etnis dan status ekonomi, tapi kausasi-nya belum tentu, dan malah jatuhnya hasilnya nanti tidak terbukti/ tidak konsisten.

Sebaiknya topik semacam itu untuk level Disertasi S3, karena topik seperti itu tidak mungkin akan terjawab dengan baik kalau cuma penelitian skripsi. Karena jika kamu S1 lebih baik pilih topik yang cakupannya lebih terbatas dan lebih ke menjelaskan fenomena berdasarkan teori, misalnya bagaimana korelasi antara strata ekonomi dengan etnis X (cuma 1 pembahasan).

S1 = Teori sudah ada, pertanyaan sederhana, gunakan teori yang sudah ada untuk menjawab pertanyaan.

Jika pertanyaannya hubungan kesenjangan sosial dengan etnis, itu berlapis-lapis pembahasannya, misalnya harus menjelaskan hubungan antar-etnis, stratifikasi sosial, makroekonomi, teori elit, sejarah ekonomi, pasti harus melihat lebih dari satu dimensi, makanya level S3, yang tujuannya menghasilkan teori baru untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian.

S3 = Teori belum ada, pertanyaan kompleks, membuat teori baru untuk menjawab pertanyaan


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2023 kalo gak salah.

Did he just said that the additional power would be from abroad? Is that what he mean?
Not particularly sending their troop if something hot happen, but at least steady stream of supply and advance weapons would be good too.


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2023 kalo gak salah.

Did he just said that the additional power would be from abroad? Is that what he mean?

"We're gonna try to get even more countries next year," Perkasa told Nikkei at the headquarters of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, or Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) in the Indonesian language, in east Jakarta. "The level of ... not only cooperation, but training with India, Japan, Australia, the U.S., also other countries -- let's say, France -- I think it's very important."

Perkasa said of the 13 countries, only five committed troops in August: Indonesia, the U.S., Singapore, Australia and Japan. "Next year, we expect to have at least 12 countries committing troops, plus observer countries -- [so] more countries."


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but at least steady stream of supply and advance weapons would be good too.
Like Ukraine now. I’m personally okay if they sending troops here tho, and I’m gonna be vocal to support that if the situation getting worse. That about existence of this idea of Bangsa Indonesia or us punya negara sendiri.


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"We're gonna try to get even more countries next year," Perkasa told Nikkei at the headquarters of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, or Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) in the Indonesian language, in east Jakarta. "The level of ... not only cooperation, but training with India, Japan, Australia, the U.S., also other countries -- let's say, France -- I think it's very important."

Perkasa said of the 13 countries, only five committed troops in August: Indonesia, the U.S., Singapore, Australia and Japan. "Next year, we expect to have at least 12 countries committing troops, plus observer countries -- [so] more countries."
It'll be Yudo's job next year


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It'll be Yudo's job next year
These whole things of cooperations and exercises before were totally AP initiative, CMIIW, I don’t thing YM has his own initiative to did what were happened before if AP did nothing. He’s gonna be the common Indonesian Chief of Armed Forces or doing stuff in the very normative way in Indonesian standard in my head now.


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AP: kita tak bisa dapatkan semua Fighter yang kita butuhkan

Uraa / tankie : Yyyyeee F15 batal YeEeEEee


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"We're gonna try to get even more countries next year," Perkasa told Nikkei at the headquarters of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, or Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) in the Indonesian language, in east Jakarta.
How he can be so sure that the TNI gonna try to get more countries next year for Garuda Shield? He’s not in control of anything. Yes, he met with Thai Athan(?) before to invite Thai for the next exercise, but just that. How about the continuation for this effort next?

Anyway, I’m really gonna put in my head that Garuda Shield is not about exercise anymore, I’m gonna called Indonesia and ‘coalitions’ as Garuda Shield colloquially if there’s no name for it yet.

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