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Itu fungsinya ada ignore list. Itu orang / kelompok yg sama dgn yg ada di Pakdef. Dan sering kali mereka posting nya sepaket. Sepaket ini maksudnya mereka sudah siapkan dulu apa yg akan diposting, kemudian dlm kemudian diposting semua sampai berurutan (lihat aja timestamp nya). Dan itu kalau kita tanya (contoh kita kebetulan tertarik dgn topiknya) mereka ga akan mampu njawab, bahkan sukur2x dijawab. Gimana mereka mau njawab apa yg mereka posting mereka pd dasarnya juga ga ngerti sama sekali apa itu.

Kelompok seperti mereka operasionalnya cuma dikontrol / dikendalikan satu orang (handler) yg men supervisi dan menyediakan bahan / link utk diposting. Dan itu juga ada target postingan per hari.

kamu benar, coba lihat:

Really not smartest one....for all the brag of high IQ. This one even manages to get banned at PDF regularly, even with the sliver spoon treatment reserved for them and the team. So you can imagine where in farm hierarchy this ones saddled.

I've tried lead him into a cpl confucian thought patterns (back at PDF and here too), just to see...but nah too tunnel visioned in what needs to be done with time allotted.

Belum tentu bot juga. Kelompok2x macam mereka jarang banget yg bisa English speaking atau nulis English. Modus operandi nya (dari pelaku yg sudah berhasil diamankan), mereka sudah diberi bahan postingan oleh handler nya. Tinggal gimana kelompok2x kecil tsb "cari lahan" utk posting bahan2x tsb. Dan tentunya ada pelaporan kpd handler nya sebagai bentuk audit. Dan jangan ber patokan dari IP adress. Mereka tersebar di banyak negara, jadi walaupun kita trace IP adress nya sampai dalam sekalipun, tetap akan kelihatan seolah olah dari audiience di berbagai negara (karna mreka memang posisi fisiknya tersebar luas)

Untuk kelompok2x yg ber operasi di Indonesia, biasanya mereka sewa apartment yg lumayan besar, karna anggota nya biasanya berjumlah antara 4 - 6 orang

Honestly bro, the guy is very "special"...he doesnt have rest of "team" here (that would do the nasty extreme trolling) those roles/types would be booted out real this is all they have left in it comes across as extra cringey since the forum is new and relatively low threads etc...and there is no one to bounce off the next level of convo they do among themselves etc.

Guy literally has no idea/perception of what the same ole same ole does to anyone that is even somewhat neutral to PRC.

It is check in, copy paste, check out....and give 1 of about 3 standard responses if there is someone thats fed up.

No self-awareness to how this is doing exact opposite of what is intended.

This is a C or D team grunt....I don't see a promotion to anything better in his career.


kamu benar, coba lihat:

Really not smartest one....for all the brag of high IQ. This one even manages to get banned at PDF regularly, even with the sliver spoon treatment reserved for them and the team. So you can imagine where in farm hierarchy this ones saddled.

I've tried lead him into a cpl confucian thought patterns (back at PDF and here too), just to see...but nah too tunnel visioned in what needs to be done with time allotted.

Honestly bro, the guy is very "special"...he doesnt have rest of "team" here (that would do the nasty extreme trolling) those roles/types would be booted out real this is all they have left in it comes across as extra cringey since the forum is new and relatively low threads etc...and there is no one to bounce off the next level of convo they do among themselves etc.

Guy literally has no idea/perception of what the same ole same ole does to anyone that is even somewhat neutral to PRC.

It is check in, copy paste, check out....and give 1 of about 3 standard responses if there is someone thats fed up.

No self-awareness to how this is doing exact opposite of what is intended.

This is a C or D team grunt....I don't see a promotion to anything better in his career.

Without the usual mods protection they enjoy in PDF, I think their section will continue to be a one man show, not even SDF allow the kind of behavior, but somehow PDF allows it.
I don't blame him though, I blame the system that allows this to happen, of which you two are part of.


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Then don't speak as if you have the (admin) powers to change that by continuously proclaiming 'free speech'.

I don't understand what you are getting at (I am mod for just cpl sections here). Best let it go (w.r.t me and country mods).

I am just sharing info with some ppl here of the guy, given lot know his tendency from before....and that dude clumsily tried to start a drama in my section (he hasnt done so in indonesian section yet I believe).

If you have problem with way forum is run (esp. given its fairly easy to just ignore a section/poster if you want), you can take it up with higher ups.

He is not getting through to anybody and making things worse for his cause/intent why care too much?


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Saracen grup tu salah satunya. Dan juga, aku tu agak curiga sama video-video youtube sampah yang pake suara robot terus kaya gak well-produced gitu lho. Kadang video2 gitu tu narasi gak bener juga, terus jahanamnya kayak gitu tu banyak, aku curiga itu troll juga sih, gimana menurutmu?
wach kalau urusan pemain domestik (dalam negeri) murni bukan domain saya sich.. Tapi kurang lebihnya kalau pemain domestik mereka khan paham seluk beluk segment pasar domestik, jadi mereka bisa produksi bahan narasi yg lebih tepat sasaran. Dan juga karena mereka pemain lokal, mereka juga jauh lebih "licin" dan biaya operasional mereka juga lumayan minim.

Honestly bro, the guy is very "special"...he doesnt have rest of "team" here (that would do the nasty extreme trolling) those roles/types would be booted out real this is all they have left in it comes across as extra cringey since the forum is new and relatively low threads etc...and there is no one to bounce off the next level of convo they do among themselves etc.

It is check in, copy paste, check out....and give 1 of about 3 standard responses if there is someone thats fed up.

This is a C or D team grunt....I don't see a promotion to anything better in his career.
I actually haven't check (dig in) further of that guy (not interesting enough to warrant the efforts). So far I only put them in ignore list and voilà the forum look much cleaner (and much healthier) without any of their thread. Although its came as a surprise to me if they operate without being part of a larger regimental like group. My assessment of them were based upon a similar cell that was operating in Indonesia a few years back, of which they were receiving their materials for posting from (what we believe & suspected) were coming from mainland China. They were 5 men group with only 1 of them speak English, even that were very broken English.

I don't blame him though, I blame the system that allows this to happen
To a degree you are correct in that particular point. HOWEVER, filtering out such buzzer or worse organized buzzer & troll require extensive efforts. And no matter the scale of the internet forum it will still require intensive human intervention, because it is not a process that can be done correctly by machine (at least using present day's technology). Not even a large site such as Facebook able to filtered out such buzzer effectively even with all their technical savvyness & resources.


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Mardigu Wowiek : (klaim sepihak) macem2 lah kalo dia terlibat di dunia dunia intelijen & nyebar conspiracy theory.

Belum ada apa2nya dia. Diatas, daftar orang2 mantan tentara & bidang keamanan-pertahanan AS yang nyebar conspiracy theory (QAnon khususnya).

Bagi yang gatau QAnon, QAnon ini teori konspirasi yang jadi salah satu alasan kenapa Trump menang tahun 2016. Jadi bilang kalo orang2 partai Demokrat (khususnya lingkarannya Hillary) itu mbunuh anak2 bayi untuk penyembahan setan, terus darahnya diambil dijadiin (atau diambil gitu lupa) adhrenochrome biar penyembah2 setan itu awet muda.

Tema favorit disinformasi Rusia, "nuduh lawan zionis" (The Sword and The Shield hal 19). Biasanya mereka jatohin lawan pake fitnah kalo lawan mereka zionis haus darah. Yang paling laku sampe sekarang disinformasi dari WPC 40an pasca WW2 kalo AS dikendaliin kapitalis zionis haus darah (sumber (buku) : Disinformation oleh Ion Mihai Pacepa)

Aku ngasih tau ini biar pada aware gitu lho. Di perang informasi/psikologi kayak gini, orang2 sipil (kita?) itu terlibat juga. Mereka nyebar agitprop (agitasi-propaganda) kita lawan. Stay aware, guys!!!

Edit : The Sword and The Shield yang Arsip Mitrokhin
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Mardigu Wowiek : (klaim sepihak) macem2 lah kalo dia terlibat di dunia dunia intelijen & nyebar conspiracy theory.
Curiga juga aku sama orang ini. Pandangan chauvinistik (terlalu nasionalis), skeptis sama hubungan multilateral sama persis sama pandangan orang2 ID di EU, yang mana diketahui ada keterlibatan Rusia nya. Entah dia itu emang agent of influence apa cuma useful idiot, sampe securiga ini aku.

Rusia sekarang yang dipimpin sama siloviki yang cenderung non-ideologis, mereka "megang" siapa aja, terserah kanan atau kiri. Sebenernya dari jaman Perang Dingin, KGB itu gak peduli "jagoin" Kanan atau kiri, walaupun negaranya (Uni Soviet, lebih kasual dipanggil Rusia) kiri-jauh. Dulu mereka megang Gaullist (gak Komunis sama sekali) pasca WW2 salah satu contohnya dan Yuri Andropov (yang mana dia orang KGB) mau bikin ekonomi jadi lebih bebas bolehin swasta tapi keduluan meninggal dia.

Edit : ID (Identity and Democracy)
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Curiga juga aku sama orang ini. Pandangan chauvinistik (terlalu nasionalis), skeptis sama hubungan multilateral sama persis sama pandangan orang2 ID di EU, yang mana diketahui ada keterlibatan Rusia nya. Entah dia itu emang agent of influence apa cuma useful idiot, sampe securiga ini aku.

Rusia sekarang yang dipimpin sama siloviki yang cenderung non-ideologis, mereka "megang" siapa aja, terserah kanan atau kiri. Sebenernya dari jaman Perang Dingin, KGB itu gak peduli "jagoin" Kanan atau kiri, walaupun negaranya (Uni Soviet, lebih kasual dipanggil Rusia) kiri-jauh. Dulu mereka megang Gaullist (gak Komunis sama sekali) pasca WW2 salah satu contohnya dan Yuri Andropov (yang mana dia orang KGB) mau bikin ekonomi jadi lebih bebas bolehin swasta tapi keduluan meninggal dia.

Edit : ID (Identity and Democracy)
Terkadang orang kek gini kudu perlu dibiarin.. biarin aja di ngejeplak seenak jidatnya..buat bahan ketawaan doang..
Disalahsatu apartemen di kawasan kemayoran yg dipenuhi cungkok banyak tu para pendekar papantulis..


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Terkadang orang kek gini kudu perlu dibiarin.. biarin aja di ngejeplak seenak jidatnya..buat bahan ketawaan doang..
Disalahsatu apartemen di kawasan kemayoran yg dipenuhi cungkok banyak tu para pendekar papantulis..
Virus orang kayak dia menurutku. Kalo udah kebal conspiracy theory mah gpp, kalo masih polos? Yang ada masuk lubang kelinci, susah keluarnya.


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Ion Mihai Pacepa
Berita hari ini. Letjen Ion Mihai Pacepa (92 tahun) meninggal tanggal 14 Februari 2021, beberapa hari lalu.

Padahal tanggal 23 Februari besok, buku barunya kemungkinan keluar.
Penulisnya mantan Direktur CIA tahun 1993-1995 sama Letjen. Ion Mihai Pacepa.

Bakal kubeli ni buku kalo ada versi onlinenya. Mau memperbanyak ilmu tentang "weaponized fitnah" nya KGB (dan suksesor2 nya).

Edit: versi e-book maksudku
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