Yg order viper baru siapa aja, taiwan, bahrain...I hope at least 16
Yg order viper baru siapa aja, taiwan, bahrain...I hope at least 16
Bulgaria, Romania.Yg order viper baru siapa aja, taiwan, bahrain...
12 viper?
CongratzMore than that, the minimum number is between 24 to 36, depend on final budget provided
Laris juga ya, semoga tidak terlalu lama antriannyaBulgaria, Romania.
Banyak yang salah kaprah "Bebas Aktif = Netral". Padahal Bebas Aktif itu sama aja dengan doktrin Strategic Independence-nya France.Hmm Indonesia mau coba jadi netral? Ya gak masalah asal mampu dan kuat saja, karena ketika perang besar dan total berkecamuk, looking from Indonesian strategic points and all of her resources (including human resource and natural resources) either Western Allies or the opposite sides surely would come for all of their National interest agenda and grand strategy behind. Case points yang mungkin terjadi adalah serangan kilat untuk menghancurkan obvit militer dan sipil yang ada dan memaksa mereka (pemerintah) untuk maju ke meja perundingan dan untuk ikut serta dalam barisan mereka at gun points as canon fodder or put all of Indonesia resources for their war effort. Thailand dulu juga dipaksa Jepang untuk ikut dibelakang mereka dalam sebuah "diplomasi"...
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wow, we really want to get rid of the sukhoisMore than that, the minimum number is between 24 to 36, depend on final budget provided
It is safe to say those old Vipers will be replaced with IFX in the future.33 F16 setara viper,
42 Rafale,
24-36 F16 Viper,
36 F15 EX,
135-147pesawat tempur 4/4.5
33 F16 setara viper,
42 Rafale,
24-36 F16 Viper,
36 F15 EX,
135-147pesawat tempur 4/4.5
Satu satunya mesin yg certified buat Eagle 2 itu F110.
Jadi kalau Viper kita pakai F110, ada kemungkinan besar kita ambil Eagle juga.
Bermimpi dulu boleh lah wkwkGue msh ga yakin kita pny duit cukup buat brand new F-16V + F-15EX. Apalagi kl jmlh minimal Viper-nya smp 24-36.
Kecuali kl anggaran interim kita (yg buat Mirage) ternyata cukup buat 24-36 brand new F-16V.
"Bahrain initially requested 19 of the planes, known as Fighting Falcons, worth $2.78 billion"Gue msh ga yakin kita pny duit cukup buat brand new F-16V + F-15EX. Apalagi kl jmlh minimal Viper-nya smp 24-36.
Kecuali kl anggaran interim kita (yg buat Mirage) ternyata cukup buat 24-36 brand new F-16V.
If they passed the bill and buy the type 52, then integrated it to IDN umbrella, do you think uncle sam will permit IDN to buy F35 for the next decade?
"Bahrain initially requested 19 of the planes, known as Fighting Falcons, worth $2.78 billion"
Lockheed Martin announces $3.8 billion sale of F-16 Vipers to Bahrain
The government of Bahrain announced has finalized a $3.8 billion purchase of F-16 fighter jets from U.S. defense contractor Lockheed Martin.www.thedefensepost.com
Kalo liat dari kasus bahrain, kayaknya nilai proc 24-36 Viper digit billionnya ga sebegitu gede kaya berita Eagle 2 kemaren, ditambah juga kayaknya berita berita buat nge dp-in alutsista beneran ditarik cepet cepet ke masa sebelum 2024 sebelum MEF 3 berakhir, mungkin selepas 2024 fase menjajaki barang barang major kaya gini udah ga semasif seperti sekarang lagi, tinggal nunggu barang dateng bertahun tahun kedepan sambil bayarin utang utangnya.
in short, program ini jangka panjang, belinya sekaligus banyak diawal awal, terus selama ngabisin masa program ini cuma buat bayar bayar beban utang dan bunga yang konstan dan kontinyu, juga mungkin sambil nambah minor proc lagi
Confused with everything, say buy this, then cancel, after that say gonna buy that, weird choice, and so on. I better just stop speculating about military procurements which I have no power over
wasn't that's really affordable?? since we already have the supporting facilities, it'll bring the cost down even more isn't itNo comment
Slovakia deal amounted 1,8 billion US Dollar for 14 sample, full training for 20 pilots and 160 ground crew and set up maintenance base (because they don't have initial facilities for F16 aircraft or other modern American fighter aircraft) , ILS for full two years and also armament and simulator training facilities.