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Arin Al- Usud, Lion’s Den. Israeli Security Forces now usually does their raids to PA controlled Area A to get these people. M16, M4, and Menusar everywhere.


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Liat kasus FMP aja udah mbelibet gitu. Perlu biaya tambahan untuk konsultasi desain, sertifikasi ini itu dll.

Ujung ujungnya menurutku ga worth it sama sekali.

Time is the luxury we don't have r8 now. Especially with China dumping dual digit warships every year into the sea.


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Lebih baik planningnya dengan matang dan hati2 dengan memperhatikan efeknya dalam jangka panjang, contoh untuk heli AKS kita pake panther karena dulu dirasa cukup, tapi sekarang dengan rencana pengadaan kaprang sekelas frigat apakah kita akan menambah panther atau memilih yang lebih besar dan lebih kapable, yang mana artinya menambah spesies baru.

Kek gak ada master plan semua pembelian ibarat musiman, cuman impulse buying. Lagi ingin ini lagi ingin itu.

Untuk PPA emang bisa cepat soalnya tinggal ambil pesanan milik itali, tapi apakah kapal tersebut memang sesuai dan cocok dengan kebutuhan kita?

Sebenarnya TNI AL ingin mentargetkan dapat berapa kaprang baru dan tipenya apa saja? Kapabilitasnya apa?
Untuk malaysia bisa kita lihat meski disertai drama tapi master plan mereka sangat jelas sekali, 15 to 5.


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Lebih baik planningnya dengan matang dan hati2 dengan memperhatikan efeknya dalam jangka panjang, contoh untuk heli AKS kita pake panther karena dulu dirasa cukup, tapi sekarang dengan rencana pengadaan kaprang sekelas frigat apakah kita akan menambah panther atau memilih yang lebih besar dan lebih kapable, yang mana artinya menambah spesies baru.

Kek gak ada master plan semua pembelian ibarat musiman, cuman impulse buying. Lagi ingin ini lagi ingin itu.

Untuk PPA emang bisa cepat soalnya tinggal ambil pesanan milik itali, tapi apakah kapal tersebut memang sesuai dan cocok dengan kebutuhan kita?

Sebenarnya TNI AL ingin mentargetkan dapat berapa kaprang baru dan tipenya apa saja? Kapabilitasnya apa?
Untuk malaysia bisa kita lihat meski disertai drama tapi master plan mereka sangat jelas sekali, 15 to 5.
Impulse buying karena ini

Keinget dulu Belanda pesen battlecruiser project 1047 dari Jerman keburu diinvasi Jepang.
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Keinget dulu Belanda pesen battlecruiser project 1047 dari Jerman keburu diinvasi Jepang.
Kurang akurat sih, cruiser 1047 batal karena Belanda selaku negara induk Hindia Belanda dikuasai negara partner program cruiser 1047 sendiri yaitu Jerman.

Hindia Belanda baru dikuasai Jepang 2 tahun setelah Belanda kolaps.


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Lebih baik planningnya dengan matang dan hati2 dengan memperhatikan efeknya dalam jangka panjang, contoh untuk heli AKS kita pake panther karena dulu dirasa cukup, tapi sekarang dengan rencana pengadaan kaprang sekelas frigat apakah kita akan menambah panther atau memilih yang lebih besar dan lebih kapable, yang mana artinya menambah spesies baru.

Kek gak ada master plan semua pembelian ibarat musiman, cuman impulse buying. Lagi ingin ini lagi ingin itu.

Untuk PPA emang bisa cepat soalnya tinggal ambil pesanan milik itali, tapi apakah kapal tersebut memang sesuai dan cocok dengan kebutuhan kita?

Sebenarnya TNI AL ingin mentargetkan dapat berapa kaprang baru dan tipenya apa saja? Kapabilitasnya apa?
Untuk malaysia bisa kita lihat meski disertai drama tapi master plan mereka sangat jelas sekali, 15 to 5.

Kalau ngomong planning sih yang paling mudah, dulu ada planning 20 korvet SIGMA, trus ada planning 6 unit PKR 10514, trus planning 24 KCR dsb. Tapi ujung-ujungnya ganti Presiden ganti kebijakan, ganti KSAL ganti prioritas akusisi dsb. Ya gitu gitu aja terus.

Apalagi sekrang TNI-AL cuma ngasih saran dan nerima doang, keputusan barang apa yang dibeli tetap sama Kemenhan.

Ya ini udah bagus kalau bisa dapat surface combatant 5000+ tons yang udah jadi dalam waktu singkat.


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1976 article from NYT about situation in the city of Swakopmund, South West Africa (now Namibia).

Still some people during that time shouted Heil Hitler. But the situation was getting better than in the mainland South Africa, which was still an apartheid country subject to International embargo.

This part of the world was where South Africa was fought against Soviet backed Angola. US backed the SA secretly, Israel quite openly, even allegedly helped SA made nuclear weapon. SA started to became independently made their own weapons because of the embargo, for example, Cheetah jet.

After the end of the Cold War and Nelson Mandela of ANC (and its MK), a Black became a president, that substantially marked the end of oppressive apartheid regime.
SWAKOPMUND, South‐West Africa —'Heil Hitler!” said the black gas station attendant matter‐of‐factly to the department customer, raising his right arm to the traditional height.

He offered the outdated salute after a pleasant conversation in which he explained the fluency of his German by the fact that his father had been a Feldwebel, or sergeant, in the German Imperial Army in this former German colony. it appeared not to be a joke, but rather a greeting that he had exchanged before with German customers.

“When I first came here,” the German girl at the reception desk of the Hansa Hotel said, “I could hardly believe it. This place is more German than Germany.”

Swakopmund was a coastal resort built for the refreshment of colonial society from the heat, of South‐West Africa's interior. South Africa, which conoucred it in 1915, has built its own buildings in this town in which 7,000 whites live. A comparable number of blacks and “coloreds” are housed on the other side of the tracks. But South Africa's influence has not changed the town's Wilhelmine appearance.

Streets Have German Names

Kaiser‐Wilhelmstrasse is the name of the main street. Near the shorefront, it is traversed by a street named after the Kaiser's Chancellor. Bismarck; many of the other cross‐streets bear the names of the Kaiser's generals. But Göringstrasse is not named after the Nazi leader but his father, a colonial administrator.

The shop signs are mainly in German; many of the goods on sale are imported from Germany or made in the German tradition.

The bookstore would do proud by a German city much larger than Swakopmund, the Cafe Anton offers all the traditional kuchen and torte, with or without a gob of schlagsahne.

On the monument to the marines who fell in the Herero uprising of 1904—adjudged by historians to he a classic genocide of an indigenous people by colonial forces—the flag of the Kaiser's army is flown on festive occasions. The territory is called Stidwest by the (warier of the white population whose first tongue is German.

A strong Nazi movement existed in Seuth‐West Africa until the Germans were interned during World War II, and vestiges, strengthened by Nazis who took refuge here after the war, survive.

They dream of restoring the Siidwest that used to be while the rest of the world is considering how long it will he before this South African‐ruled territory will become a free country with 765,000 black citizens taking over the government from 100,000 whites.
But Germans are also in the forefront of the political struggle to create an independent, multiracial country of Namibia, as the territory is known by nationalists. The German — language daily Allgemeine Zeitung strongly expresses that view. And Jewish leaders in Windhoek, the capital 70 miles west of here, credit the Germans with the unusually active cultural life of the city, animated jointly. by Jews and Germans.
Germans have offered no more resistance to the integration of many public facilities than other whites in the territory. Since last year, SouthWest Africa—unlike “the Republic,” as South Africa is called here—has removed separate entrances to public buildings and lifted the color bar at hotels and restaurants.

It is the slightly more relaxed atmosphere between the races as well as the depth of the German tradition, that most strike the visitor from South Africa. Other impressions are the vastness, aridity and beauty of the land—from the mountains around Windhoek, to the cattle land to the west that changes imperceptibly to sheep and goat land as the vegetation becomes sparser still, wail it ends in the dunes of the Namib Desert here on the coast.
But there are hard limits in racial attitudes that differ little from those in the Republic” and which were expressed in many casual conversations. A hitchhiker, a 23‐year‐old Afrikaner leaching woodworking at a uranium mine near here, expounded what probably were representative racial views in 200 miles of driving.

He thought he was typical of his generation, he said, more modern than that of his parents. They would not accept multiracial government; he would. He would accept blacks living in the house next door and their children sharing classrooms with the children he and his wife are hoping for.
Draws Line at Visits to Home
He would not mind if his children played with black classmates in school but would be less happy if they did on his street. He would draw the line against bringing them into the house. He hesitated before he said he would accept orders from a black superior on the job.

But he added that whatever he said did not go for his wife, who conies from “the Republic.''5 She is unhappy in South‐West Africa, he said, because of the racial situation now and its prospects for the future. For that reason, he said, they rented a house instead of buying one when they married. If maiority rule comes, lie said, they will probably cross the border with many others.

The young man did not exchange word with the black hitchhiker whu rode along for half the way, although they work at the same mine. After the black got out, the young man was asked if had had minded the other man's presence. “No,” he said, reluctantly. Would he have minded if ths wife had also been in the car? “Probably.” he replied, nodding acknowledgment.


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Daniel Sahuleka, Dutch Ambonese that known for this song. Sahuleka itself is one of the marga of Ambonese.

Still related with Ambonese communities in Netherlands, those who were wanted Maluku Province to gain independence from Indonesia in Netherlands activities could be seen as the start (actively used) of tradition of Dutch counter–terrorism until now that Marine instead of Army are those who play for CT role within the country.

Their M–Squadron of the Marine (Navy) is one of the components that would be BKO’ed (or diperbantukan in the other word) to the Police’s DSI from the military else than Marechaussee or KMar (Military Police that active also for civilian law enforcement, Gendarmerie).

70s, RMS terrorists hijacked a train known as De Punt event. KMar and Marine active there.

Edit: Less known Scheveningen prison took by Palestinian prisoners 1974 actually the start for their Marine used for counter terrorism. Caught at Schiphol tried to hijacked a plane. Classic PLO (especially PFLP) activities during the Cold War, thanks to their mentor Sakharovsky.
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M–Squadron of the Marine

Dutch Blue Thunder (helo usually used by British SAS) lol, but police helicopter. The registration is PH (Pays Holand), while us PK (Pays Kolonial) – pays a french word meaning land, IDK why french still have their place in Netherlands, maybe because of Bataaf Republic, could be trace back to the time of NEI, like (most of) our vehicle registration. Doesn’t mean all aircraft registrations are abbreviation btw.


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Prabowo is fuckin finished

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Konsultan kan bisa juga gak cuma dia, dan emang prab bisa disetir segampang itu.


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Because of air traffic in Rzeszow, Poland (read: zezow) increasing than let say 2-3 years ago, Police CT unit of Rzeszow trained with AGAT and others to answer 7500 (seven-five-zero-zero) squawking airplane (ATBARA, now term ALBARA more widely used).

This is the scenario where pistol caliber is a must, I don’t know if it can be changed already, even with 300 BLK. Pistol caliber used to lessen the risk of collateral damage. Imagine 7,62x51mm (NATO) or x39mm (Russian) used here, you hit the target with one civilian as awful ‘bonus’ behind, even 5,56 were ordered not to be used by Pak Sintong’s forces when Woyla hijacked with the same reasoning.

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