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“Saya menegaskan kembali komitmen Kemhan RI untuk bersama-sama menciptakan hubungan bilateral pertahanan yang harmonis dan saling menguntungkan; serta optimis bahwa kedua pihak akan mampu mempertahankan dan meningkatkan hubungan kerja sama pertahanan antara kedua negara,” tegas Wamenhan.

wkwkwkk sampai tegas begitu cin , pelit ya bisnisnya :ROFLMAO:


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“The idea is simple,” Gallant told me. “We will not allow Hamas to control Gaza. We don’t want Israel to control it, either. What is the solution? Local Palestinian actors backed by international actors.”

Gallant’s frank comments mark a turn in the Israeli government’s debate about governance and security issues in Gaza, known by the shorthand phrase “the day after.” His views are widely shared by the defense and security establishment but opposed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing coalition.

The defense minister presented these arguments to the Israeli public in a speech Wednesday, following our embargoed briefing Tuesday. This open, public campaign for a new approach to postwar Gaza that includes Palestinian security forces could split the Likud party, of which Gallant and Netanyahu are both members, and increase what has been growing talk in Israel and the United States that Gallant could be a future prime minister. Gallant said in his speech: “I call on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to make a decision” and support “a governing alternative to Hamas in the Gaza Strip.” He said that “indecision is, in essence, a decision — this leads to a dangerous course.”


Gallant didn’t say so, but defense officials recognize that any new Gaza security force will have some links with the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah. As one senior Israeli defense official put it: “In Gaza, the color of the flag is either Hamas or the PA. There is no other option. We will have to build local forces, but they will look to Ramallah.” Israelis who take this pragmatic view share the American demand for a “revitalized” Palestinian Authority that is less corrupt and more efficient.

The Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security agency, is already assessing possible recruits for a Gaza security force from the more than 8,000 people there who are linked to the Palestinian Authority, Israeli and American officials told me. In going through the names, Israelis are asking “how many are too Hamas, too old or too dead,” one official explained.”

A significant new debate is beginning in Israel | WaPo


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Malaysian police station outskirt of Johor Baru attacked by alleged JI member.

About JI in Johor from the article,

“Jemaah Islamiyah is linked to Al Qaeda, the terror group that carried out the 9/11 attacks in the US in 2001. JI is responsible for some of Indonesia’s deadliest terror attacks, including the 2002 Bali bombings which killed more than 200 people.

JI's spiritual leader Abu Bakar Bashir set up a religious school or madrasah in Ulu Tiram called Luqmanul Hakiem in the early 1990s, according to various reports.

The school was attended by Noordin Muhammad Top, the suspected mastermind of the Jakarta hotel bombings in 2009, as well as another JI militant Mukhlas who was part of the 2002 Bali bombings.”

In Indonesia, you got Solo Raya. From Abdullah Sungkar’s Gerakan Usroh which quite successful as Tarbiyah movement in universities mosques that today become political Islamist, to Surakarta linked Abu Bakar Ba’asyir. Bahrun Naim of IS also grew up in Surakarta.

You can have it all in Solo. From the first publicly open sexual and gender minorities gathering in Asia and toilet with “for Waria” written on it to Islamists Terrorists. Don’t forget where Noordin was killed lol.


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You can have it all in Solo. From the first publicly open sexual and gender minorities gathering in Asia and toilet with “for Waria” written on it to Islamists Terrorists.
Plus, Abdullah Sungkar folks. Imagine how diverse.

Valid lol



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October last year I wrote this

Remember the American shortsightedness that resulted in their failure in Iraq and Afghanistan? Well, The Israeli plan to relocate Gazans to Sinai would have made one group particularly happy. ISIS wilayah-SInai LMAO

Sinai has seen a downward trend of ISIS-S related attack due to their shrinking manpower and pressure from the Egyptian army. But imagine for a moment if the Israeli plan moves forward:

  • an influx of refugees
  • many of them young men
  • many of them poor with no economic opportunity after they lost their homeland and now practically a refugee in another arab land.
  • many of them are in vengeance mode

If I'm ISIS, I'd just sent some of my operatives there and offer the youth in those area 2 choice I'm sure the Gazans won't reject:

1. Fulus/Money
2. The means of vengeance.

That's easy pool of recruits right there.

Yeah another shortsighted plan in the making lmao.

Anyone who is well versed in Middle Eastern power politics would've known from the start that next to Gaza is Egypt Islamic State Sinai, arguably the more dangerous of the two militant Islamists (compared to Hams) and the most unrelenting one.

Yoav Gallant, who has a military background was a lot more aware than populist politicians like Ben Gvir and Smotrich on the long term implication on occupying Gaza. That's why you see him proposing a Palestinian puppet state after "Hamas is defeated". This is why you also see the Egyptians and on top of it, Americans (who supplied Israel with all the weapons) are trying their best (in particular from the Middle Eastern experts cohorts) to stop Israel from moving Palestinians to Sinai. Not because of humanitarian reasoning, but simply put, Palestinians are going to be a great boost to IS-Sinai.

After all, Hamas is the more accommodating group of the two. Even at one point Hamas join forces with Israel and Egypt to combat ISIS

Screenshot 2024-05-17 192925.png

A situation where Palestinians are driven into Sinai camp is a situation where IS will capitalize to recruit, train and fight. I had previously stated that ISIS troops in Syria scored their largest toll in a single month last March (a month and a half ago) after supposedly being militarily defeated. That manpower are mainly recruited from the Al Hawl camp in Syria, where the corrupt SDF releases fighting-age children (14-16) if the price is right.

Then there's the unique ability of ISIS to turn their foes as their dog.

Remember Shaytat? The tribe that ISIS massacred in 2014 and made headlines all over the world

It has now come to light that the same tribe is now supplying IS with the necessary manpower to continue fighting

For Egypt, this meant that IS would capitalize on the fact that Al Sisi (an unpopular leader to begin with) is enabling the massacre of Arabs by Jews. And that grievance by Arabs could turn the Sinai tribal groups now combatting IS-Sinai into an unlikely friend the same way Shaytat now becomes IS-Syria's main manpower supplier.

Israel meant to punish Gaza by massacre to make sure that no October 7th will ever repeat again. What they're heading to, is a situation where attacks against the settler will be normalized. ISIS DO NOT NEGOTIATE, they simply kill. If ISIS only has 100 people they will fight, if they only have 50 people they will fight, if they have only 1 person they will still fight. And now they're on their way to accommodate approx 1.8 million Gazans, many of whom are military-age men, that could be armed, recruited, and ready to fight.

Gallant being a military man, knows this fact, but unfortunately (for Israel) the ones pulling the string is Netanyahu and his coalition of Ben Gvir and Smotrich, both of which doesn't possess any kind of political wisdom to run a kindergarten let alone a country. The same concerns are raised by individuals and think tank without specifically mentioning IS-Sinai.

Three years ago, I predicted that the Taliban would fail in its contra-ISIS counter-insurgency, and as I put it with my own word

At this rate isis-k are poised to be the deadliest isis affiliate on earth surpassing isis-wa mainly because Taliban can't do counter insurgency.

about a month ago my prediction became right when ISIS bombed the Crocus city hall in Russia, directed by IS-Khorasan. Now I'm going to put it here first. IS-Sinai once reequipped will start another attack that makes October 7th pale in comparison.


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Anyone who is well versed in Middle Eastern power politics would've known from the start that next to Gaza is Egypt Islamic State Sinai, arguably the more dangerous of the two militant Islamists (compared to Hams) and the most unrelenting one.
IS would even consider Hamas as Murtad Kafir for its participation with election (democracy).
Yoav Gallant, who has a military background was a lot more aware than populist politicians like Ben Gvir and Smotrich on the long term implication on occupying Gaza. That's why you see him proposing a Palestinian puppet state after "Hamas is defeated". This is why you also see the Egyptians and on top of it, Americans (who supplied Israel with all the weapons) are trying their best (in particular from the Middle Eastern experts cohorts) to stop Israel from moving Palestinians to Sinai. Not because of humanitarian reasoning, but simply put, Palestinians are going to be a great boost to IS-Sinai.
Sadly, troublesome Netanyahu depends on Ben Gvir and Smotrich to stay in power for his own security of alleged corruption case. Once Likud start to backing Gallant for PM, coalition composition would change which means Netanyahu premiership would fallen. The question, will that happen? The key is Likud members of Knesset itself. It’s not presidential country where head of government (PM) chosen by the people, but by the parliament.

About IS in Sinai, Wilayat Sayna put their heads down now. Doesn’t mean they would not gonna doing anything, they would if can for sure, just I’m sure it would be harder for them to recruit people and get the logistics needed.

Btw not related with Sinai. Holcim ever made a deal with IS in Syria for their facility to still could run and not taken by IS lol. I don’t know much money IS asked for that from Holcim.

ISIS DO NOT NEGOTIATE, they simply kill. If ISIS only has 100 people they will fight, if they only have 50 people they will fight, if they have only 1 person they will still fight.
Their known to negotiated once tho. Raqqa evacuations of IS fighters under coalition forces nose to Wilayat Al-Khayr (Deir Az-Zour) and Wilayat Furat (cross border wilayat of Deir Az-Zour and Al-Anbar) was it. But yes, usually they don’t make any deal.
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IS would even consider Hamas as Murtad Kafir for its participation with election (democracy).
Doesn't matter to me, the problem is with Israel which is now heading from bad to worse.

Sadly, troublesome Netanyahu depends on Ben Gvir and Smotrich to stay in power for his own security of alleged corruption case. Once Likud start to backing Gallant for PM, coalition composition would change which means Netanyahu premiership would fallen. The question, will that happen? The key is Likud members of Knesset itself. It’s not presidential country where head of government (PM) chosen by the people, but by the parliament.

The only thing I like about democracy is the fact that this is the only political system in existence that rewards imbeciles. Basically, democracy paves the way for morons to not only come out of obscurity, it allows them to pull the string.

Ben Gvir being an absolute imbecile that prompted the West to try reining him down before he absolutely destroys Israel is nothing new, Athens, the original homeland of democracy was destroyed after waves of populist leaders climbed up the power ladder, and once in power, these leaders competed in the contest of who could be the more populist which in turn compel them to declare war against the Macedonian empire, arguably the greatest state to ever exist in the ancient time. Only Phocion has the sanity to try to explain the impending disaster to the Athenian senate, to no avail. Phocion kinda reminds me of those Western experts that plead Israel not to escalate.

So you can say goodbye to Israel returns to being run by actual statesmen and not a bunch of clowns.

Many years after this, once the state of Israel is wiped out the map, there will be a special medal dedicated to Ben Gvir for making Israel's life shorter than it should have been.

About IS in Sinai, Wilayat Sayna put their heads down now. Doesn’t mean they would not gonna doing anything, they would if can for sure, just I’m sure it would be harder for them to recruit people and get the logistics needed.

There's always a lull in activity before they strike. I noted this in Afghanistan after the defeat against the Taliban in Tora Bora, or in 2007 when the Anbar awakening pushed AQI out of the major cities in Anbar, Mozambique also shows this lull before activities skyrocketed again.

manpower is probably the single biggest commodity that IS-Sinai is looking for now and Ben Gvir will make sure IS-Sinai gets what they wants.

Btw not related with Sinai. Holcim ever made a deal with IS in Syria for their facility to still could run and not taken by IS lol. I don’t know much money IS asked for that from Holcim.

Their known to negotiated once tho. Raqqa evacuations of IS fighters under coalition forces nose to Wilayat Al-Khayr (Deir Az-Zour) and Wilayat Furat (cross border wilayat of Deir Az-Zour and Al-Anbar) was it. But yes, usually they don’t make any deal.

The mistake is on me, it's not ISIS do not negotiate, the correct one is ISIS REFUSE TO SETTLE.


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waves of populist leaders climbed up the power ladder
Politicians with populist ‘narratives’ is a threat for sure. Instead of giving or offering solutions, they just babbling what majority of people want to hear. Easy and cheap way to win by gathering the vote of political illiterates.

Naturally, democracy itself a populist, but when there are no substantial things you say but to pleased the people with catchphrases, you just hijack democracy and it is dangerous.
Ben Gvir for making Israel's life shorter than it should have been.
I’m not gonna say shorter, but their demand is something that nobody other than themselves would agree on, harder to earn the peace, no country in this world wanted Israel to rule West Bank and Gaza, and wiped off the Arabs just for the sake of Jewish heritage on Eretz Israel or something.

The idea of Palestine will always be there, borrowing words from controversial Henry Kissinger about North Vietnamese, “We fought a military war; our opponents fought a political one. We sought physical attrition; our opponents aimed for our psychological exhaustion. In the process we lost sight of one of the cardinal maxims of guerrilla war: the guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win.”

Two state solution is non-negotiable for Israel to have security. The demand is simple if talk with other sane people, except if talk with proponents of one state solution of each side from Israel or Palestine.


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Politicians with populist ‘narratives’ is a threat for sure. Instead of giving or offering solutions, they just babbling what majority of people want to hear. Easy and cheap way to win by gathering the vote of political illiterates.

Naturally, democracy itself a populist, but when there are no substantial things you say but to pleased the people with catchphrases, you just hijack democracy and it is dangerous.

Populists always existed through time, but nowhere like in a democracy, they are rewarded as heavily.

Countries that are built upon democracy (like Athens) will be destroyed by democracy.

Israel is a country that is enabled by democracy, and it will, by the will of god destroyed by their democratic process and the overall collapse of democracies worldwide that the Americans are now trying (and failing) to uphold

I’m not gonna say shorter, but their demand is something that nobody other than themselves would agree on, harder to earn the peace, no country in this world wanted Israel to rule West Bank and Gaza, and wiped off the Arabs just for the sake of Jewish heritage on Eretz Israel or something.

The idea of Palestine will always be there, borrowing words from controversial Henry Kissinger about North Vietnamese, “We fought a military war; our opponents fought a political one. We sought physical attrition; our opponents aimed for our psychological exhaustion. In the process we lost sight of one of the cardinal maxims of guerrilla war: the guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win.”

Two state solution is non-negotiable for Israel to have security. The demand is simple if talk with other sane people, except if talk with proponents of one state solution of each side from Israel or Palestine.

At this point (well actually for most of the time) nobody cares about a two state countries, Israel wants all of it for Israel, we on the other hand wants Palestine from the river to the sea.

fortunately for people with the ambitions of the later, they could count on the continued dithering of American power into the foreseeable future and the general chaos that would sprung out of the Thucydides trap between the Americans and China.

I have already cemented my belief that democracies are a bunch of weaklings that lacked the grit shown by the challengers of that system. From Hong Kong students giving up their 'struggle' by a simple sentence, to Ukrainian men fleeing conscription, I'm sure that Israel, once the time comes will not offer any more resistance than either of those.


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Countries that are built upon democracy (like Athens) will be destroyed by democracy.
We’re not talking about so called Heaven here. Of course all can slip.
At this point (well actually for most of the time) nobody cares about a two state countries, Israel wants all of it for Israel, we on the other hand wants Palestine from the river to the sea.
I suspect the motivation is belief or religion. Anything brought up irrelevant if talking with the kind of person.


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US made floating pier of Gaza would start to operate expected next month. That floating pier made to move humanitarian supplies to jetty on Gaza side because water near the shore of Gaza is too shallow for large vessels. So supplies from floating pier to jetty would be moved using US Army’s LCU and LSV.

The supplies would be gathered at Larnaca, Cyprus first, with Israeli representatives also there to inspect the supplies. Approximately 15 hours needed from Larnaca to the shore of Gaza.

From the jetty, World Food Program and other aid groups will help to distribute the aid to 20 UN warehouses inside Gaza.1

The jetty is connected to controversial Netzarim corridor.

Netzarim corridor said by some is Israeli means to divide Gaza into 2 segments, South and North. This corridor run from Israeli border to the Mediterranean Sea. This would also give flexibility for Israeli forces to be deployed around the enclave.

It enable Israeli to control over aid distribution, movement of Palestinian and prevent Hamas from regrouping.2

Source :
What Israel’s strategic corridor in Gaza reveals about its postwar plans|WaPo


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Sigh .... I just wants to make a reminder here ....
During the early days of the caliphs . All the 4 caliphs were nominated and elected by the companion/pseudo senates . Were that was a democracy ?? I do not know .... All i know was every leader was emerge from a masses consent and approval hence the ease of implementation proces of all caliph's policy . you all could argue 'till the kingdom come abot which was and not ... But , the examples is there

*I will be back in my corner again along with my kapal api + samsu refill ...☕
And hopely @NEKO will share some of his popcorn ....


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All the 4 caliphs were nominated and elected by the companion/pseudo senates
Even Islamic State caliphs were nominated by Ahlul Halli Wal Aqdi, including well known Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and all caliphs must be from the Tribe of Quraish.


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Sigh .... I just wants to make a reminder here ....
During the early days of the caliphs . All the 4 caliphs were nominated and elected by the companion/pseudo senates . Were that was a democracy ?? I do not know .... All i know was every leader was emerge from a masses consent and approval hence the ease of implementation proces of all caliph's policy . you all could argue 'till the kingdom come abot which was and not ... But , the examples is there

*I will be back in my corner again along with my kapal api + samsu refill ...☕
And hopely @NEKO will share some of his popcorn ....

No that's not a democracy. The first four Caliph get their post either through shura or testament/will from previously deceased caliph.

One of the misunderstandings that most contemporary Muslims fell into, me including for a very LONG time is that democracy = shura.

Democracy is a system where it's the people who have the final say (theoretically), a shura doesn't work that way. The shura is basically the elders and the most capable men available to the state to discuss things that otherwise can't be solved by looking at the Qur'an and Sunna. Such as...what to do after the prophet is dead. Because the Qur'an and Sunna never actually said what to do and who to fill the position of Muhammad as a head of state after he died. The Shura council that emerge in Saqifa didn't ask for the opinion of commoners in markets to determine that Abu Bakr would fill the position let alone ask people to vote for it.

In a democracy, even people with no advance knowledge of the affairs of the state (tukang bakso, preman, tukang las etc...) could determine who will take charge of the state.

Saying that Shura= democracy because there's some semblance of vote in the shura is like saying marriage (nikah) is the same as free sex because in both cases there's an act of sexual intercourse. Of course, it's not the same.

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