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Kongo nih
sudah bisa dipastikan afrika kyk indo jaman Orla, kejadian gini kyk indo jaman orde lama..terbukti Soekarno lebih pintar menghandle foreigner yg coba bantu oposisi, jadi benefit buat indo pula, barter ma senjata


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IS-Somalia is quite interesting after Islamic State territorial loss in Syria and Iraq, also called by some as Islamic State Central. Even though IS local administrations are administered by wilayat, but substantially it is administered by the maktab or offices.

They loss much of their financial sources also by the loss of their territorial control in Syria and Iraq. But you know who’s one of the important life saver? IS-Somalia. IS-Somalia also administered Al-Karrar office or Maktabul Karrar that its responsibility also IS Central Africa Province (DR Congo) and IS-Mozambique. The Amir has dual citizenship of British and Somalia, Abdul Qadir Mu’min. Operates in Northern Somalia and US Treasury Department said in 2022,
“In the first half of 2022, ISIS-Somalia generated nearly $2 million by collecting extortion payments from local businesses, related imports, livestock, and agriculture. In 2021, ISIS-Somalia generated an estimated $2.5 million in revenue. ISIS-Somalia is one of the most significant ISIS affiliates in Africa, generating revenue for ISIS to disburse to branches and networks across the continent.”
Extortion or illegal tax. Pemuda Pancasila-style activities right there lol. Major seaport of Bosaso is North Somalia, so not surprising. If you ever played COD MW3, you’ll know lol,

Not just give the money to ISCAP and Mozambique, but also
“According to the United Nations and the United States, Maktab al-Karrar has been not only sending money to the smaller provinces directly under its authority, but also the Islamic State province in Khorasan (ISK).47 This complexity is confirmed in the cache of internal documents assessed in this article. In a letter from the emir of Maktab al-Karrar, Abd al-Qadir Mu’min, dated November 22, 2018, and addressed to the ADP, Mu’min confirmed that Maktab al-Karrar would send funding to Islamic State provinces in Turkey and Yemen and noted the complicated nature of sending money to Turkey. Mu’min’s letter helps make clear why his regional office had such a central role in the Islamic State’s global economic structure despite its minor presence in Somalia. Maktab al-Karrar generated more than enough money to cover its own needs, he explained, and thus was capable of providing funds to other provinces. Since the letter was authored prior to the official announcement of Islamic State provinces in DRC and Mozambique, which fall under Maktab al-Karrar, it is not clear if his largesse at the time provided funding for these geographic areas.”
As we know, ISKP said responsible for Crocus Attack, Moscow.

And Turkey, Europe, etc is under Maktab Al Farouq
“With its presence in the borderland between northwestern Syria and southeastern Turkey and its responsibility for Europe, Maktab al-Farouq is the natural candidate to take over the role of orchestrating, coordinating, and inspiring terrorist attacks in the West. Its management of the Caucasus file makes this role more likely, since a large number of Caucasian Islamic State members are present in Turkey with direct access to Europe. So far, no attacks or plots in the West can be directly connected to Maktab al-Farouq, but this may be due to an absence of access to attack plot information.

Documents sources for this writing were allegedly blown up by IS that loyal to Binali, as they seen IS was/is structurally so influenced by Hazimi.


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Dang, I never know there is such a thing called the Hague invasion act


Consider that the country that drag Israel into the ICC is South Africa, will we see U.S invade South Africa?

Either way invading South Africa will make IS-Moz giggle, that's one, less capable African power out of the turf in Cabo Delgado. They're actually quite successful lately.

Either way the U.S is the looser and South Africa will be remembered and congratulated for their actions.
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Men/Pangak Vietnam dipilih Parlemen Vietnam untuk jadi Presiden baru. Dia terkenal orang penting di kampanye anti-korupsi Sekjen Partai, kampanye yang buat beberapa pejabat berjatuhan, termasuk Presiden sebelumnya yang mengundurkan diri.

Senin, Ketua Parlemen juga baru, Tran Thanh Man. Ketua Parlemen sama Presiden banyak yang duga bakal saingan untuk jabatan Sekjen Partai yang bakal ada pergantian tahun 2026.

Jangan dianggep jadi Presiden terus dunia berputar di sekelilingnya, gak, de facto jabatan paling tinggi di Vietnam Sekertaris Jenderal Partai Komunis Vietnam, orang nomor satu di partai. Partai satu doang, dia kuasai Parlemen yang juga ngangkat atau berhentikan Presiden sama Perdana Menteri, tentara formalitas dibawah negara lewat Kementerian Pertahanan, de facto dibawah partai lewat CMC, persis kayak negara besar satu partai deketnya, PRC.


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Dang, I never know there is such a thing called the Hague invasion act

Consider that the country that drag Israel into the ICC is South Africa, will we see U.S invade South Africa?

Either way invading South Africa will make IS-Moz giggle, that's one, less capable African power out of the turf . They're actually quite successful lately.

Either way the U.S is the looser and South Africa will be remembered and congratulated for their actions.

Wrong link, here's what the Hague invasion act is



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Not surprising at all.

Oslo Accord I couldn’t happened without Fafo of Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) that directly or indirectly connected to Norwegian Labour Party involvement with talks between Israel and PLO. It is called Oslo Accords and nothing else for a reason.

Based Jens Stoltenberg’s party commitment with two state solution.
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Said to be CN newest MBT



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Now that it's crystal clear that Zionist Jews are actually pulling the strings on international politics. It is apparent why Jew-controlled America is so hell-bent on spreading so-called 'liberal democracy' worldwide.

Simply put if the Zionists are a bunch of dung flies, then Western-style democracy is the shit they clung into. They thrive in this kind of political landscape. And they wish they entire world adopted this kind of political model.

There's a reason why the Americans are so against the likes of Putin or Xi Jinping. It's not because of their respect for human rights nor because it has anything to do with 'freedom' or 'democracy'. It's simply because AIPAC-style political hijacking can't thrive in the likes of CCP or one man one-man-dominated country like Putin in Russia.

If you look at the proponents of so-called liberal democracy A.K.A 'neocons', most of them are Jews. The likes of Kagan, and Nuland (they're both husband and wife surprise surprise).

View attachment 67744

The political Jews (zionists) realize all too well that if the world is not pacified A.K.A liberal democratized. They will again return to what is their original lowly status in world politics. They can't call it 'Jewish pacification' so they style it as 'Liberal Interventionism". And this is what the Lobby-controlled America is doing all over the world. One of the reasons they invaded Iraq, is this. Because they know at one point the Arabs are going to be:

  1. A lot more advanced
  2. Will eventually Islamize (as Iraq in the 90s saw until to this day)
Point No.2 is a lot more concerning than point No. 1. They have no problem with Arab advancement as long as they adopt the political model of their liking (UAE for example). Islamize and they will eventually come for them. And who do you think is one the staunchest proponents of the invasion of Iraq?

in 2013, the Maidan protests erupted. Who do you think go all the way to Maidan Square and agitate the protestors against Putin's ally?

Victoria Nuland of course, the wife of the previously mentioned Robert Kagan. Here seen sharing sandwiches in Maidan square.


in 2019, when the HK protests started, who do you think came into direct contacts with HK protestors to direct these younglings ? That's Julie Eadeh with Jsohua Wong.


It's crystal clear that the Zionists-controlled America is hell-bent on destroying anything that doesn't opt their preferred political model

People saw Israel power as something that came out from nowhere or coming from their imagined competency, When in fact the very basic problem why they continue to exist is because even the most rabid anti-Israelis doesn't realize they're making sure this model of Western democracy thrives.Whicj in turn allow for Zionists lobby to hijack everything.

The easiest long-term way to destroy Zionism basically starts by defeating liberal democracy and their world order (so-called Rules based order). And it can start by you telling how bad liberal democracy is to your relatives, families, sons and daughters.

Putin did a great job btw in undermining this order, kudos to him.
Found this while scrolling X.

if you could knit Moscow and Beijing into the open and free global order that we had benefited from for so many years,

the word 'we benefit' actually refer to the Jews, because they are the biggest beneficiaries of the current order. Without the current order they'll turn back into their rightful place in the world.


make sense


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Gak tau pastinya kenapa, tapi yakin per-centeng an. Jampidsus nya itu lagi nanganin kasus tambang ilegal kan? Semua yang ilegal itu bakal (tetap) berjalan kalo penegak hukumnya tutup mata, membiarkan, dilindungi, di-backing dan pasti dapet kickback. Yang paling lumrah orang biasanya aja, ditilang polisi terus dilepas karena bayar, cuman bedanya kalo kayak tambang ilegal gitu pasti bayarannya sustain sama gedhe.

Densus 88 dibawah Mabes Polri langsung, jadi ‘kemungkinan’ kasus itu bisa nyereret orang di Mabes Polri selaku yang bisa gerakin Densus. Untuk POM disitu cuman diperbantukan/di BKO kan ke Kejaksaan atas permintaan Jampidmil.

Btw, kalo misal Polri emang mau dijadiin dibawah Kementerian atau institusi lain, bisa juga dijadiin dibawah Kemkumhan atau Kejaksaan Agung, FBI sama Polisi Federal Australia kayak gitu, fungsi penegakan hukumnya lebih ditekankan daripada fungsi keamanan nasionalnya, untuk Australia, keamanan nasionalnya lebih dilimpahkan ke ASIO. Untuk FBI itu dibawah DoJ atau setara Kemkumham disini, orang nomor satunya Department itu bukan Secretary of Justice, gak ada itu, tapi Jaksa Agung.


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Kejahatan itu lahan basah atau banyak duit kalo penegak hukum nya mau menyalahgunakan kewenangan. Instead of caught the criminals, why not used them as cash cows. Ditangkep kalo uangnya seret.

Edit: Kalo lancar, kenapa ditangkep? Biarkan para kriminal itu berbisnis ria. Latin American law enforcements corruptions of accepting bribes from drug cartels vibes here.

Infinity Ward put it perfectly, but Mexican Army lol
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Lembaga anti-korupsi Hong Kong, ICAC, dulu didirikannya primary targetnya Polisi Hong Kong yang terkenal korup banget, sampe-sampe kantor ICAC digruduk polisi lol.

Sebenernya bukan Polisi nya doang sih yang korup di Hong Kong dulu, hampir semua, sampe pemadam kebakaran itu mau madamin api kalo dapet duit dulu, atau perawat di rumah sakit baru mau ngasih selimut atau lainnya kalo dibayar dulu. Demi duit pokoknya lol
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Abis Kejaksaan Agung nangkep anggota Densus 88, Kantor Kejagung didatengin Polisi show of force dong wkwk


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Meminta perlindungannya ke Polisi Militer dan bukan ke Polisi hm...

Waduh... gak ikutan ah...

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