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Radar Kronos TDR di FMP
btw radar Kronos di TDR sudah punya kemampuan BMD, up to 1300 km MRBM, kyknya memang dirancang untuk platform Aster 30 block 1 NT.
Itu kalau emang pakai AsterBingo
Konteks radarnyaItu kalau emang pakai Aster
Anyone interested? Forget about warship, we are talking about spaceship here.These two 052D ships are like ocean explorers, cruising the vast ocean to explore. Depending on their course of action, the two ships could orbit the Earth almost several times.
YesAnyone interested? Forget about warship, we are talking about spaceship here.
Who will win?
Btw. Did China offered us Type 052D?
Sekarang pun entah dari kapan-kapan emang udah bisa anggota aktif di Basarnas contohnya sama lainnya.
Bangsa laknatAccording to some buffoon, this has nothing to do with religion
Siyu, Penghu (Pescadores).Taiwanese Army ARB 101 base in Liaoluo Bay, Kinmen Island. US Green Beret from 1st SFG of INDOPACOM also known to be there.
See how close it is with Xiamen, PRC
(24.4229943, 118.4311919)
Birds of a feather flock together.LMAO, this is not a joke, this is legit news
I REPEAT this is no parody
Bahasa "pengadaan" aja sih, bisa F-15 bisa bukan, kan yang gembar-gembor itu F-15, mau SU-35? ngeliat sekarang mustahil kecuali mau beli cash dan bersedia terhadap efeknya, Typhoon? kita lihat our government's political will mau nggak ngurus lagi dari dari negara yang berbeda.