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Harusnya Pindad coba kerjasama bikin turret CPWS gen II versi murah biar bisa dipasang di Badak, Anoa, Maung

Pindad and JCD Explore Long Term Cooperation on Tiger Tank Turret Weapons

"JCD has become PT Pindad's technology cooperation partner in the product development of the 90 mm turret weapon on the Badak 6×6 and the 105 mm turret on the Harimau," PT Pindad wrote in a statement quoted on Wednesday (26/6).

"Pindad also received exposure regarding simulators to improve the TNI's capabilities in shooting performance through simulations of various battlefields. On that occasion, JCD also announced the acquisition of Arquus, which is a combat vehicle manufacturer. Both are companies that have had long-term collaboration with Pindad. "With the joining of JCD and Arquus, it is hoped that the cooperative relationship with Pindad will be further strengthened," wrote Pindad's statement.

lumayan ada kpikiran bikin turret murah ...
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Pindad and JCD Explore Long Term Cooperation on Tiger Tank Turret Weapons

"JCD has become PT Pindad's technology cooperation partner in the product development of the 90 mm turret weapon on the Badak 6×6 and the 105 mm turret on the Harimau," PT Pindad wrote in a statement quoted on Wednesday (26/6).

"Pindad also received exposure regarding simulators to improve the TNI's capabilities in shooting performance through simulations of various battlefields. On that occasion, JCD also announced the acquisition of Arquus, which is a combat vehicle manufacturer. Both are companies that have had long-term collaboration with Pindad. "With the joining of JCD and Arquus, it is hoped that the cooperative relationship with Pindad will be further strengthened," wrote Pindad's statement.

lumayan ada kpikiran bikin turret murah ...
Rencana bikin turret alternatif yg murah udah ada, ada yang tahu kelanjutannya?


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Gilirannya AU berkunjung, apa mau bungkus kizilelma ya?


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Dioprek sama Skuadron 5601
Indonesia salah satu negara yang pernah dapet hasil kreasi dari Manat (Skadron 5601) sama 22nd Aerial Maintenance Unit di Tel Nof.

Hasil oprekan yang keliatan dari luar. Dua yang dilingkari itu gak akan bisa diliat di A-4 militer manapun di muka bumi ini kecuali Indonesia sama Israel.

A. Dibanding A-4 negara lain, cannon A-4 Indonesia kepasang lebih di bawah dibanding aslinya atau seharusnya. Itu karena cannon nya diganti jadi DEFA 30mm dari aslinya yang Mk 12 20mm. Israel dulu punya banyak pesawat Perancis yang mana mereka pake DEFA, A-4 ini fighter jet buatan AS pertama Israel.

A-4SU Singapore pun sebenernya pake cannon 30mm (ADEN), tapi tetep kepasang di tempat aslinya Mk 12 .

B. Nozzle atau tailpipe nya lebih panjang, di Israel disebut chavit. Mereka belajar dari Perang Yom Kippur 1973 kalo survivability dari Super Mystére yang udah mereka oprek mesinnya, yang salah satu hasilnya tailpipe nya jadi lebih panjang itu lebih tinggi. Super Mystére mereka dioprek diganti mesinnya jadi sama kayak A-4 (J52) dari sebelumnya Atar 101 untuk commonality sama pembiasaan, soalnya yang bakal ganti Super Mystére bakal A-4 yang pake J52.


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Ada yang tau identitas beliau siapa?

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View attachment 69042
Entah. Tapi peran Indonesia di Perang Vietnam pernah dibahas beberapa tahun lalu
Both covert and overt. The overt was Garuda Contingent that deployed in at least 1973, Dading Kalbuadi was one of the guys that deployed to Vietnam.

That Garuda Contingent was not for war right there, but only to make sure everything was went on as planned as in Paris Peace Accords, this mission was named ICCS (prisoners exchange etc, part of Vietnamization). Canada was there same as us before, but get sick of 2 (or more) participating communist countries and replaced by Iran.

Kalo lebih luas Perang Indochina yang mana Kamboja sama Laos termasuk, cari tau siapa yang nge-evakuasi Lon Nol lol

*hint: LB Moerdani


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Kalo lebih luas Perang Indochina yang mana Kamboja sama Laos termasuk, cari tau siapa yang nge-evakuasi Lon Nol lol

*hint: LB Moerdani
Di tahun yang sama (1975), Kapusintelstrat (sekarang KaBAIS) Moerdani nunjuk Dading Kalbuadi untuk mimpin Operasi Flamboyan, unconventional warfare operation di Timor Portugis sebelum Operasi Seroja.

Mungkin karena Dading Kalbuadi pernah jadi Komandan Kontingen Indonesia di Vietnam tahun 1973 jadi dia yang ditunjuk mimpin Operasi Flamboyan.

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