Pespur dari amrik masih belum jelas meskipun rencana pengadaan sudah bertahun tahun, malah disalip sama Rafale.Ayo amankan F15, biar lebih mentereng gitu bisa ttd waktu indo defence
F15EX juga belum tentu kepilih.
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Pespur dari amrik masih belum jelas meskipun rencana pengadaan sudah bertahun tahun, malah disalip sama Rafale.Ayo amankan F15, biar lebih mentereng gitu bisa ttd waktu indo defence
Dapet rafale lagi gapapa sih, nambah sampai 100 armada. Atau viper sampai 3-4 skuadron.Pespur dari amrik masih belum jelas meskipun rencana pengadaan sudah bertahun tahun, malah disalip sama Rafale.
F15EX juga belum tentu kepilih.
Mari sabar menanti.
Pasti kebeli (entah apapun itu).Pespur dari amrik masih belum jelas meskipun rencana pengadaan sudah bertahun tahun, malah disalip sama Rafale.
F15EX juga belum tentu kepilih.
Mari sabar menanti.
8 Harimau baru/sisa dari 10 yang diserahkan Maret kemaren atau gimana nih? Kalau baru berarti total sudah 18 completed hulls + turrets yang ada di Pindad dong?![]()
Total Alpalhankam yang diserahkan sebanyak 569 unit, beberapa produk Pindad diantaranya terdiri dari 250 unit rantis Maung MV3, 8 unit medium tank Harimau kanon 105 mm, 23 unit ranpur infanteri Pandur 8x8, 9 unit ranpur Anoa 6x6 APC, serta 6 unit rantis Komodo 4x4 APC.
baru kayanya, kalo yg kmaren udah dikirim ke Yonkav 13 dan udah diserahkan kemhan8 Harimau baru/sisa dari 10 yang diserahkan Maret kemaren atau gimana nih? Kalau baru berarti total sudah 18 completed hulls + turrets yang ada di Pindad dong?
Mini LHD dengan panjang diperbesar sekitar 140/150 mDamen Shipyards Begins Construction of Multi-Purpose Vessel for Portuguese Navy
View attachment 71046
The vessel, designated NRP Dom João II, is scheduled for delivery in 2026, joining two other Damen-built ships, the 122-metre-long NRP Bartolomeu Dias and NRP D. Francisco de Almeida.
Damen Shipyards Begins Construction of Multi-Purpose Vessel for Portuguese Navy
The 'NRP Dom Joao II' is set for delivery in
bagus nih idenya, LPD kedepan kalo nambah bikin gini aj ....
Tunggu dulu. Turki pun buat TCG Anadolu rencana diawalnya untuk bawa F-35B, bukan sekedar punya-punya an yang akhirnya sekarang jadi bawa drone. Meleset dari niatan awal jadi peruntukannya.Mini LHD dengan panjang diperbesar sekitar 140/150 m
View attachment 71047
minimal 3 buat 3 Armada
desain LHD PAL diperkecil hingga 150 meter
diisi sistem dan senjata ala TCG Anadolu
UCAV dan Helikopter selera TNI AL
Menarik bukan, murmer LHD kekinian , bisa dibikin di DRU, karena ada dek basah 200 meter ...![]()
No, no, no, no, no. Never, never, never, never. There were no fixed-wing aircraft planned to be used on TCG Anadolu. It was designed as an LHD. The Turkish Navy didn’t even want the ramp on the Anadolu; Spain convinced Turkey to keep it. Turkey never considered buying F-35Bs. Turkey aimed to replace 96 F-4 Phantoms with 108 F-35As.Tunggu dulu. Turki pun buat TCG Anadolu rencana diawalnya untuk bawa F-35B, bukan sekedar punya-punya an yang akhirnya sekarang jadi bawa drone. Meleset dari niatan awal jadi peruntukannya.
I don’t know how exactly the thoughts before the contract, could be thousands of possibilities in the minds. But here it is now with ramp as the design for the contract. To say it “never” in mind to carry fixed wing aircraft is an open for question to me.No, no, no, no, no. Never, never, never, never. There were no fixed-wing aircraft planned to be used on TCG Anadolu. It was designed as an LHD. The Turkish Navy didn’t even want the ramp on the Anadolu; Spain convinced Turkey to keep it. Turkey never considered buying F-35Bs. Turkey aimed to replace 96 F-4 Phantoms with 108 F-35As.
The initial idea was for around 12,000-ton amphibious assault ship, not even envisioned as a single flat deck. When the Spanish offered the Juan Carlos I-class design, the navy decided to go with that option. The navy didn’t even want the ramp, which is now planned to be used by Kızılelma and the TB-3. The Spanish convinced the Turkish Navy to keep the ramp, suggesting that maybe Turkey could acquire Harriers and use the extra volume under the ramp for storage.I don’t know how exactly the thoughts before the contract, could be thousands of possibilities in the minds. But here it is now with ramp as the design for the contract. To say it “never” in mind to carry fixed wing aircraft is an open for question to me.
So what is the role of TCG Anadolu actually now? Amphibious Assault Ship (commando carrier in British) to carry out marine assault to the shore, or?
Talking about amphibious assault, is Turkiye really just rely to relatively small Amphibious Marine Brigade for it or maybe Land Forces could be used for amphibious assault too, even though without dedicated training for it like Japanese ARDB?TCG Anadolu is officially classified as a multipurpose amphibious assault ship, not an LHD or an aircraft carrier, as some people claim. Its main role is amphibious assault.
That brigade was upgraded to a corps by the creation of two new marine infantry brigades a few months ago.Talking about amphibious assault, is Turkiye really just rely to relatively small Amphibious Marine Brigade for it or maybe Land Forces could be used for amphibious assault too, even though without dedicated training for it like Japanese ARDB?