"The new capital will be equipped with directed energy weapon"
Can't be so coincidence.

"The new capital will be equipped with directed energy weapon"
64 or 32 vls in the front?akizuki & asahi when they decide to ingest massive amount of Creatine powder.
View attachment 38457
View attachment 38458
Navy Unveils Next-Generation DDG(X) Warship Concept with Hypersonic Missiles, Lasers - USNI News
ARLINGTON, Va. – The Navy wants its next warship to fire hypersonic missiles and lasers that would be ten times more powerful than the service’s existing laser weapons, according to the most detailed outlook to date of the DDG(X) next generation warship issued by the service. The warship, the...news.usni.org
I got this Gundam Seed's earth alliance ship vibe from it.akizuki & asahi when they decide to ingest massive amount of Creatine powder.
View attachment 38457
View attachment 38458
Navy Unveils Next-Generation DDG(X) Warship Concept with Hypersonic Missiles, Lasers - USNI News
ARLINGTON, Va. – The Navy wants its next warship to fire hypersonic missiles and lasers that would be ten times more powerful than the service’s existing laser weapons, according to the most detailed outlook to date of the DDG(X) next generation warship issued by the service. The warship, the...news.usni.org
akizuki & asahi when they decide to ingest massive amount of Creatine powder.
View attachment 38457
Navy Unveils Next-Generation DDG(X) Warship Concept with Hypersonic Missiles, Lasers - USNI News
ARLINGTON, Va. – The Navy wants its next warship to fire hypersonic missiles and lasers that would be ten times more powerful than the service’s existing laser weapons, according to the most detailed outlook to date of the DDG(X) next generation warship issued by the service. The warship, the...news.usni.org
mpempek kapal selam > u212Wooo... naik ranking broo...
Jerman mah lewat!!!
Truk pantura balapan drag race lawan kapal TNI.
"Om telolet om"Truk pantura balapan drag race lawan kapal TNI.
US expeditionary troops after liberating siberian tundra.
US expeditionary troops after liberating siberian tundra.
View attachment 39024