Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Skidipapap Wowow YeahHoly shit lol. Powered by steamy skin to skin contacts

Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Skidipapap Wowow YeahHoly shit lol. Powered by steamy skin to skin contacts
Taun segitu sudah ada pd 3 belom wkwkEdit: 2060 not 2050. I’m old or even already died that year lol
Only france 70% of its electricity supplied with Nuclearnot, yea i think nuclear is the cleanest alternative out there now
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Skidipapap Wowow Yeah![]()
Don’t forget this. CVN if you love the earthOnly france 70% of its electricity supplied with Nuclear
Carbon footprint rate would increase if the birth rate increasePembangkit Listrik Tenaga Skidipapap Wowow Yeah![]()
overkill. Remember Mi6 did the shenanigan to find France tech in CVNDon’t forget this. CVN if you love the earth
Nope. Condom sales will skyrocket through the stratosphereCarbon footprint rate would increase if the birth rate increase
Ini ya?Sumber lain bilang UEA cuma pesan 1. Ga tau mana yg benar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Not sure - since the US company Westinghouse is mostly involved in the setting up of the nuclear plants in China.....Wondering Chinese would make the copy from the imported design France Nuclear Reactor
Hmmoh dear
6 UEA 163m + 2 Phil 123m LPD,
AH140 sama FREMM ntar bikinnya dimana?
It's either the writer misunderstood something, or the contract was really for six LPDs.1. Nota Kesepahaman Manajemen Proyek Bersama tentang Mangrove antara Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi RI dengan Kementerian Perubahan Iklim dan Lingkungan PEA.
2. Protokol Perubahan Nota Kesepahaman antara RI dan PEA tentang Kerja Sama Kelautan dan Perikanan.
3. Nota Kesepahaman antara Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia dengan Kementerian Kesehatan PEA tentang kontrol vaksin dan obat-obatan.
4. Protokol tentang Kerja Sama di bidang Industri Pertahanan dan Pengadaan Alat militer.
5. Nota Kesepahaman dan Kerja Sama antara Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama dengan Universitas Kemanusiaan Mohammed Bin Zayed.
6. Kontrak Pembelian Landing Platform Dock (LPD) antara PT PAL Indonesia dengan Angkatan Laut Persatuan Emirat Arab.
LoL, contract number 6th or contract for 6 vessel. Yes let we wait and see.either the writer misunderstood something, or the contract was really for six LPDs.
UAE bought 3 LST from Malaysian shipbuilder6 unit? That's quite surprising for a country like UAE, I never think they need a large amphibious force, that's a lot of amphibious vehicles and troops for the 6 ship, But any way its good news for us.
If I am not wrong there is news about UAE expressed interest with our LST few years ago.UAE bought 3 LST from Malaysian shipbuilder
Malay bukan operator Falcon sihsama sales LM, semua user Falcon itu diplot buat jd pengguna F-35 jg
penghambatnya cm agreement security information (kyk CISMOA dll), sama skema maintenis
jd ga usah baper ama berita gituan
Malaysian F16?semua user Falcon itu diplot buat jd pengguna F-35 jg