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Plot twist:
Ini adalah rencana Amerika agar Rusia berpikir ini kesempatan untuk pasok senjata ke pemberontak di Amerika sehingga stok senjata Rusia buat perang di Ukraina semakin menipis dan melemahkan Rusia.

What kind of 69D chess is this?
Bring war to the homeland is indeed a good plan lol. Without US, NATO nuclear deterrence would be almost no more, no reason for Russia to stop their expansion, China freely occupied any countries they want without anyone stronger than them and become the reason to stop the expansion, transnational terrorists are also freely roaming the land etc etc. Want UN to stop this kind of problems? Maybe there would be no more UN and influential countries started to out from UN do whatever they want.

Peak chaos. Fight me if you disagree lol


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China policy to introduce digital Yuan and promote it blatantly hit the nerve and bottomline of US thus come the tit for tat


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Why? Elaborate please?

Since march or april this year China promoted the use of digital Yuan, it would be a great tools to avoid the use of US Dollar and challenge the US dollar hegemony and else this Yuan digital is backing up by second largest economy in the world , for further read....

The US then formulated a series of policy to Hedge the China challenge including raising Taiwan issue


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it would be a great tools to avoid the use of US Dollar and challenge the US dollar hegemony and else this Yuan digital is backing up by second largest economy in the world
So no banks involved here? Just as paying for goods using gopay or something but using Chinese central bank infrastructure rather than SWIFT?

Not all goods supplied by China, so still no access for semiconductors or others that China still can’t supply by doing transactions with this digital yuan. SWIFT still needed to get those. SWIFT still has the leverage for that compare to this centralized Chinese Central Bank transaction.


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So no banks involved here? Just as paying for goods using gopay or something but using Chinese central bank infrastructure rather than SWIFT?

Not all goods supplied by China, so still no access for semiconductors or others that China still can’t supply by doing transactions with this digital yuan. SWIFT still needed to get those. SWIFT still has the leverage for that compare to this centralized Chinese Central Bank transaction.
well, we are talk about export value arround 3,36 trillion dollars annual, of course it can challenge US dollar supremacies in global trading
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3,36 Billion
I’m sure the number must be way more than this CMIIW. But still, many goods still have to used SWIFT to get, including what China can’t offer nowadays and people talks about, the semiconductor, China companies still needs TSMC even, too much R&Ds to evade competitors patents to make the very same nm chips.

For me, it’s not about US or China here, maybe you hear me absurd or what, but it’s about democracy vs authoritarianism. You want to live in the world where an Imperial Palace with one get all the powers for themself and people can’t do anything but to bow them?. Yes, it’s not like Indonesia would become like them, but we just give that very system a permission to Xi or anyone after him to make people nothing but herds of livestocks and worse, maybe make other leaders to do the same path because see it as better way to make countries to flourish rather than let the people to choose the government. It’s not about countries like football matches, it’s about value for me.


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“In view of the current priorities of Latvian foreign and trade policy, Latvia has decided to cease its participation in the cooperation framework of Central and Eastern European Countries and China," Latvia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement Thursday.

The country “will continue to strive for constructive and pragmatic relations with China both bilaterally, as well as through EU-China cooperation based on mutual benefit, respect for international law, human rights and the international rules-based order," the statement said.

Estonia issued a similar statement, saying it would “continue to work towards constructive and pragmatic relations with China, which includes advancing EU-China relations in line with the rules-based international order and values such as human rights."

Both countries recognizes they still needs China. Ally shoring when? For less relevant China.


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So no banks involved here? Just as paying for goods using gopay or something but using Chinese central bank infrastructure rather than SWIFT?

Not all goods supplied by China, so still no access for semiconductors or others that China still can’t supply by doing transactions with this digital yuan. SWIFT still needed to get those. SWIFT still has the leverage for that compare to this centralized Chinese Central Bank transaction.
Dollar itu dah ga ada underlying-nya semenjak mereka ga gunain emas lagi di tahun 70/80-an kalau ga salah. Money print mereka semenjak itu berdasarkan surat hutang. Ini bikin dollar jadi sensitive in a away toward supply and demand. Disitu kekuatan sekaligus kelemahan mereka (cari tau moto cia di dalam gedung mrka then you will get the idea).

Kalau banyak negara mulai gunain local currency utk billateral trade = menurunnya demand dollar = bad for dollar. Dilain sisi mulai banyak negara (terutama negara berkembang) yang perekonomiannya sangat bergantung pada nilai dollar, ini buat digital yuan menjadi pilihan menarik.

Kalau misalkan dengan ASEAN saja mereka gunain non-dollar maka jumlahnya saja dah bikin impact gede. Apalagi kalau ditambahkan import energy China dari timur tengah dll. Ga cuman itu, kalau Rusia juga minta dibayar pake Rubel untuk setiap energy export mereka ini akan menambah buruk dampaknya ke US Dollar. Hints: Saudi & China deal, Iran & China & Rusia energy deal. Dua itu aja jumlahnya dah gede. Sekarang kita tau kenapa amerika mulai kebakaran jenggot :unsure:

I’m sure the number must be way more than this CMIIW. But still, many goods still have to used SWIFT to get, including what China can’t offer nowadays and people talks about, the semiconductor, China companies still needs TSMC even, too much R&Ds to evade competitors patents to make the very same nm chips.

For me, it’s not about US or China here, maybe you hear me absurd or what, but it’s about democracy vs authoritarianism. You want to live in the world where an Imperial Palace with one get all the powers for themself and people can’t do anything but to bow them?. Yes, it’s not like Indonesia would become like them, but we just give that very system a permission to Xi or anyone after him to make people nothing but herds of livestocks and worse, maybe make other leaders to do the same path because see it as better way to make countries to flourish rather than let the people to choose the government. It’s not about countries like football matches, it’s about value for me.
Apapun ideologi atau cara bernegara suatu negara ujung2nya adalah kesejahteraan rakyat. Kalau China, Vietnam, Saudi, dll berhasil mensejahterakan rakyatnya then who are we to judge which system should they use so to speak? HAM memang penting tapi selalu akan ada trade off untuk semua hal, we just cant have it all unfortunetly.


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Dollar itu dah ga ada underlying-nya semenjak mereka ga gunain emas lagi di tahun 70/80-an kalau ga salah.
Maksudnya Gold Standard? Kalo iya, dari jaman FDR USD itu emang dibuat gak pake Gold Standard lagi.

Waktu itu abis Gilded Age pengusaha-pengusaha gede bebas banget ngapa-ngapain, termasuk nge-stockpile emas. Jadi nilai dollar itu bisa dimainin sama mereka, mau turunin nilai, jual banyak emasnya, mau naikin nilai, beli emas biar dipasar supplynya lebih sedikit.

FDR yang terkenal kebijakan ekonominya intervensi pasar gasuka sama gituan, apalagi lagi Great Depression. Dia buat the Fed atau bank sentral yang akhirnya semua negara pake cara itu. Mau naikin nilai, naikin suku bunga, mau turun, turunin suku bunga. Terus dia ngambil stockpile emas orang-orang kaya-kaya tadi (dibeli pemerintah), ngerasa dirampok terserah wkwk. Intervensi lainnya dia pake anggaran federal untuk bangun macem-macem, apa fungsinya? Pembangunan sekaligus mengkaryakan pengangguran yang kena imbas Great Depresion itu.
Kalau misalkan dengan ASEAN saja mereka gunain non-dollar maka jumlahnya saja dah bikin impact gede. Apalagi kalau ditambahkan import energy China dari timur tengah dll. Ga cuman itu, kalau Rusia juga minta dibayar pake Rubel untuk setiap energy export mereka ini akan menambah buruk dampaknya ke US Dollar.
Aku gak masalahin pake mata uang bukan USD nya, tapi pake renminbinya itu yang mana bakal buat China bisa kuat banget kedepan, tapi mau gak mau juga, mereka nyuplai banyak hal ke dunia. Makanya aku dukung siapapun yang bakal ngelakuin friend shoring, kalo bisa malah ngasih insentif untuk perusahaan-perusahaan masuk ke negara demokrasi, disentif inves ke China.
cari tau moto cia di dalam gedung mrka then you will get the idea
Mardigu shit here huh wkwk. Langley bener-bener sering banget jadi target orang-orang macem Alex Jones gitu.

Btw, kamu mau pake dinar dirham koin lagi? Yufid tv or whatever talked about it right? Also Al Hayat

Edit: FDR nguatin The Fed bukan jaman dia yang buatnya. Negara lain ngikutin gak pake gold standard nya tapi nilai mata uang punya nilai sendiri yang dikontrol bank sentral. And British did it first (off from gold standard), Islamists videos put too much points to US lol. Sorry for lot of corrections here
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Akankah dijadikan sarana penyebaran LGBT seperti Disney.
I’m actually not for De Santis religious state. But how, Florida is part of well known bible belt southern state with its very fit named Redneck Riviera


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Since march or april this year China promoted the use of digital Yuan, it would be a great tools to avoid the use of US Dollar and challenge the US dollar hegemony and else this Yuan digital is backing up by second largest economy in the world , for further read....

The US then formulated a series of policy to Hedge the China challenge including raising Taiwan issue

If CCP were actually serious/competent about it....they would have accepted the gift US gave them with Carrie Lam Sanctions with open arms to demonstrate it clearly.

Instead they meekly caved and paid her with briefcases of cash. Not one CCP state bank dared open an account with her, on penalty of SWIFT sanctions.

Past that meek flop, it will be very long time for PRC to build up in its core what is needed to be a world reserve credibility:



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Tulisan Random

This Lord Rangga style schizophrenic people has same traits, conspiracy theories. This Canadian version has QAnon-ish views, Indonesian version has Soekarno's wealth in Swiss conspiracy theory.

Not just Sunda Empire that claimed to be the owner of non existence so called Soekarno's wealth in deal with JFK, but also other fantasy Kingdoms like that, Kesultanan Selaco and Swissindo (kingdom something) are also well known. But due to idk how Indonesian could be that degenerate, guy called as Lord Rangga is dikasih panggung now lol


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Temen2: rangga... rangga... main yuk.
Rangga: enggak ah mau dirumah aja nonton TV.
Temen2: kita mau main empire-empirean loh.

Adakah vaksin untuk chunibyo?

humu humu...

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