Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia


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Singapore is certainly much more stronger than us, and to make more thing worse is their size relative to us which makes it more humiliating. Imagine being the largest maritime country only to have navy second behind the smallest country in the region ?
kondisinya kan dulu serta sekarang, tapi pola pengadaan sekarang sudah beda, ada org yg tepat diposisi Menhan, pengadaan jaman dulu yag terbesar dari segi value ya CBG itu 2,1 milyar dollar, sekarang ? beli rafale sampe 8 milyar dollar itu sudah lompatan jauh..semua juga perlu beradaptasi dari mulai bapenas, kemenkeu...tinggal kita lihat pola pengadaan seperti ini berlanjut atau tidak..


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$45 billion for 9 ship, how and why?
Lebih mahalan daripada 2 scorpene seharga 2 milyar.
OZ itu skema pengadaannnya beda, meski beli tapi bakalan full dibangun di lokalan, ini terkait kondisi mereka yag jauh dari sumber suplai senjata buat mereka yaitu US dan EU, klo ada apa apa mesti mandiri, ga bisa ngandelin supali weaponary dari alliesnya..makanya harganya super wah, dengan spek ga tanggung tanggung, tapi ya resiko tidak punya basic industri militer, ya beli sekalian dengan teknologinya dan basic industri pendukungnya sekalian.


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Biasa nya kalo pengadaan OZ itu budget segitu gede karena include tetek bengek nya (biaya operasional dan perawatan kapal selama 10 tahun contoh).


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Biasa nya kalo pengadaan OZ itu budget segitu gede karena include tetek bengek nya (biaya operasional dan perawatan kapal selama 10 tahun contoh).
Bisa jadi, kemarin beli deron berapa biji aja bermilyar2 tapi pake paket++ (perawatan dll) selama nanti dipake.

Pola pikir orang beruang dan orang yang dompetnya cekak beda sih.


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Indonesia to Provide S. Korea with New Payment Schedule for Joint Fighter Project in June: DAPA Chief​

12 Mei 2023

A prototype of tandem seat KF-21 fighter jet (all photos : Yonhap)

SACHEON, South Korea (Yonhap) -- Indonesia will provide South Korea with a new timetable for its payments for the joint KF-21 fighter project by late next month, the head of Seoul's state arms procurement agency has said, in a development expected to ease concerns over its unpaid share of the program's costs.

Eom Dong-hwan, minister of the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), told reporters of the plan Tuesday, as Indonesia resumed payments for the project last November for the first time in nearly four years.

As a partner country, Indonesia has agreed to shoulder about 20 percent of the project's total cost of 8.8 trillion won (US$6.5 billion). But it had halted payments from January 2019 until its resumption last November, raising questions over its commitment to the advanced warplane development project launched in 2015.

The country is estimated to have over 800 billion won in unpaid amount for the project scheduled for initial completion by 2026.

"(Indonesia) has promised to notify South Korea of its payment plan for the remaining amount by late June," Eom said during a media event at the headquarters of Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. (KAI), the country's sole aircraft maker, in Sacheon, 437 kilometers south of Seoul.

"In order to ensure the payment plan proceeds normally next month, our project chief is scheduled to visit Indonesia soon for talks with high-level defense officials on its details," he added.

Eom acknowledged the financial burden Indonesia is likely to face considering the project's deadline, but noted that the country made a payment of around 40 billion won in late February.

"We plan to manage such issues so that it does not disrupt the KF-21's development," he said.

During Tuesday's event, reporters were given close looks at KAI's fighter jets, including a demonstration of a KF-21 prototype being equipped with mock air-to-air missiles.

A group of engineers swiftly fastened two dummy air-to-air missiles -- a beyond-visual-range Meteor and a short-range AIM-2000 -- on prototype No. 1 parked at a hangar just minutes away from the company's assembly lines.

Since the KF-21's maiden flight in July last year, South Korea has staged over 200 test flights with four prototypes and the aircraft has achieved supersonic speeds and has staged armament tests.

"Guided launches (for the missiles) are scheduled to take place in the second half of 2025," Cha Myung-su, a senior test pilot at KAI, told reporters.

The fifth KF-21 prototype will make its first flight next week and the sixth one by the end of next month, according to KAI officials.

DAPA plans to stage some 2,000 test flights in total with the six prototypes by 2026.

On the back of the steady progress, DAPA seeks to sign a mass production contract for the aircraft next year, with Eom vowing to swiftly complete a "provisional" combat suitability test for the aircraft as part of efforts to finalize the mass production plan.

See full article Yonhap
Semoga komitmennya untuk membeli KF-21 blok 1 sekian unit nantinya juga dipenuhi.


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kondisinya kan dulu serta sekarang, tapi pola pengadaan sekarang sudah beda, ada org yg tepat diposisi Menhan, pengadaan jaman dulu yag terbesar dari segi value ya CBG itu 2,1 milyar dollar, sekarang ? beli rafale sampe 8 milyar dollar itu sudah lompatan jauh..semua juga perlu beradaptasi dari mulai bapenas, kemenkeu...tinggal kita lihat pola pengadaan seperti ini berlanjut atau tidak..
CBG ssk +- $1,1bil tahun 2011


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kondisinya kan dulu serta sekarang, tapi pola pengadaan sekarang sudah beda, ada org yg tepat diposisi Menhan, pengadaan jaman dulu yag terbesar dari segi value ya CBG itu 2,1 milyar dollar, sekarang ? beli rafale sampe 8 milyar dollar itu sudah lompatan jauh..semua juga perlu beradaptasi dari mulai bapenas, kemenkeu...tinggal kita lihat pola pengadaan seperti ini berlanjut atau tidak..

  1. Itu berarti ekspansi dan modernisasi TNI itu bergantung sama individu bukan skema berkelanjutan jangka panjang.
  2. Kalaupun kita punya alatnya, secara SDM pun kita masih kalah. SAF itu superior bukan cuman karena alat mereka, tapi investment ke personil mereka. Di RIMPAC mereka pernah mimpin gugus tugas multinasional, kalau soal AU, jangan ditanya lagi, alumni red flag di RSAF itu bertebaran.

Wajar-wajar aja kalau ada yang berasumsi Singapura bakal menang mudah kalau konflik pecah di antara kedua negara.


3 488
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  1. Itu berarti ekspansi dan modernisasi TNI itu bergantung sama individu bukan skema berkelanjutan jangka panjang.
  2. Kalaupun kita punya alatnya, secara SDM pun kita masih kalah. SAF itu superior bukan cuman karena alat mereka, tapi investment ke personil mereka. Di RIMPAC mereka pernah mimpin gugus tugas multinasional, kalau soal AU, jangan ditanya lagi, alumni red flag di RSAF itu bertebaran.

Wajar-wajar aja kalau ada yang berasumsi Singapura bakal menang mudah kalau konflik pecah di antara kedua negara.
anda mengharapkan hil yg mustahal, dari asalnya berantakan ujug ujug bisa rapih gimana caranya...

soal Indo vs Singapura, mungkin anda perlu scroll back kajiannya mado soal kenapa singapura mau ngajak perang indo adalah sesuatu hal yg kemungkinannya termasuk jauh kecil dibandingkan kemungkinan Prabowo mau jadi anak buah jokowi di 2014


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soal Indo vs Singapura, mungkin anda perlu scroll back kajiannya mado soal kenapa singapura mau ngajak perang indo adalah sesuatu hal yg kemungkinannya termasuk jauh kecil dibandingkan kemungkinan Prabowo mau jadi anak buah jokowi di 2014
Kemungkinan kecil =/= tidak ada sama sekali. Singapur itu negara bisnis, mereka thrive nya memang di kondisi dimana semuanya damai-damai aja, its good for busineess...tapi katakan dalam perjalanan ada gesekan berujung konflik, ada kans yang lebih besar dimana mereka keluar dari konflik on top as a winner.

Menang perang bukan berarti negara lawan harus kapitulasi, bisa jadi konflik memaksa negara untuk duduk di meja runding dan menerima perjanjian/traktat yang tidak imbang. Liat perang Sino-Jap 1898 contohnya, negara Qing masih tegak, tapi ada biaya finansial dan politik yang harus mereka keluarkan setelah kalah.


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Gak usah malu sih kalau emang negara lain memiliki aspek2 tertentu yang lebih baik dibanding Indonesia, dari pada mentah mentah mempercayai Indonesia stroongggg, Indonesia memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan.

Berkaitan dengan Singapura tentu saja gak mungkin kalau mereka mau perang lawan Indonesia bunuh diri itu namanya, menurut hemat ane mereka selalu mencoba "aligning national interest" dengan kita atau paling gak biar tidak clash, untuk sekelas Singapura militer mereka terlalu OP (karena mereka tujuannya untuk deterrence) dan untuk sekelas Indonesia militer kita terlalu lemah.

Jika kenyataannya Singapura memiliki kualitas SDM, Alutsista dll yang lebih baik dari Indonesia ya gak perlu menutup mata dan telinga dan meyakini kalau Indonesia tetap supa powa numba 1, take the red pill. Kita harus bagaimana juga agar bisa memiliki kualitas SDM/ dan alutsista yang menyaingi Singapura sehingga deterrence yang mereka miliki tak berguna.

Tentu saja kita tidak perlu berkecil hati karena kalau memang konflik pecah maka kemungkinan besar Singapura akan mati/ sekarat, sementara Indonesia hanya akan terluka (tingkatan luka Indonesia justru ditentukan oleh negara lain / bukan Singapura itu sendiri)


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Baru ngeh ada model jet VIP kek gini ya 🤣🤣


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What a shady flight to Benghazi consider that city was (is) Haftar’s held city eventhough his LNA (Tobruk based Govt) and GNA (Tripoli based Govt) already merged and became unity government of Libya now. De facto, with the tensions still exist, that city is Haftar’s city.

This Bamsoet’s (BS) Black Stone (BS) Airlines must be silently watch by ……. Classic passenger B737 looks like converted to freighter see from the window still can be seen. Not a Bedek 737 NG don’t worry.


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wagner yang bertugas ngelatih disana pada ditarik ke bakhmut kali ya buat jadi fodder.....
Wagner presence are well known in CAR (Central African Republic), but not DRC btw.

Talking about DRC, they still using Boeing 727. Not your common Boeing, this one was used by Air America also to dropping supplies or at least tested by them to did it. This plane has stairs near the aft of the fuselage that can be converted to become kind of like ramp door. But I don’t know the F version have that or not tho.

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this is crunch

4 639
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Wagner presence are well known in CAR (Central African Republic), but not DRC btw.

Talking about DRC, they still using Boeing 727. Not your common Boeing, this one was used by Air America also to dropping supplies or at least tested by them to did it. This plane has stairs near the aft of the fuselage that can be converted to become kind of like ramp door. But I don’t know the F version have that or not tho.
that b727 looks really cool


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that b727 looks really cool
Looks cool, but how about the spare parts tho wkkw. Maybe only can be acquired from rekanan that has access to the cannibalized aircrafts. I’m not sure if the OEM still gonna provides them with that.

Just replace them with the classic B737 or more widespread NG. Max versions had problem with the things that make them to mimic NG flying attitudes, the MCAS. Eventhough, Boeing already put their action to make that better, our flagship, The Garuda, still don’t wanna take the risk to get the Max versions. Only Lion Group here in Indonesia still wanna take that, but not wrote the word ‘Max’ on the fuselage, just the number 8 or 9 without ‘Max’.

I heard Airfast wants to get Max to replace their MD still tho, don’t need specific B737 Max rating, you can fly that legally by only have NG rating. You flying NG? You flying Max. Airfast fioooww flying to Papua for Freeport contract.
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Just found out my friend’s mom is works in Komisi 1 DPR RI that responsible for defense, foreign policy and intelligence wkwk. His and his brother Honda Civics not gonna lie lol.

Looks like this ‘bocah kidul’ (Solo Raya and DIY) gonna love Jakarta

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