Yea totally agree, although i really don't understand why, the ship's dimension are already the size of destroyer, but the armament is very limitedKlasse F126 hands down the most beautiful frigates/destroyer out there. Shame its beauty is not followed up with firepower
eh damage control wkwk
Wait, they offered Italian DDX export ver. to MoD?Major Big Ship program recently announced
Looking for Japan and South Korean almost similar new floating firepower platform they are literally floating magazine carrying battery of Air defense system' and Ballistic missiles (for South Korea). This entry intended to match Renhai class of PLA Navy
There is also Italian new destroyer program which intended to replace Durant De La Penne class (which i heard rumor they already offered to Indonesia pending the completion of their DDX program feasibility)
There is also more Renhai class is in build for Chinese navy
US Navy would move on to their DD X program after finished their ordered DDG 51 flight three ships
Turkey already moving to the testing phase of their Istanbul class Frigate and now is in design phase of their TF2000 destroyer
Indonesian Navy already put order for two Fremm class and also two AH140 Frigate already started construction and is in talk for modern destroyer program from various shipbuilder
Indian Navy already started to received P15B class destroyer and also Nilgiri class Frigate
Singapore Navy future MRCV is basically enlarge and much more modern version of Absalon class
Wait, they offered Italian DDX export ver. to MoD?
Yea totally agree, although i really don't understand why, the ship's dimension are already the size of destroyer, but the armament is very limited
hopefully they will keep advertise it to the future MoD, even for now we only buy 2 FREMM.
Kesalahan terbesar dunia pendidikan kita mungkin membuang model pendidikan Belanda yang (jauh) lebih disiplin.
Sekolah di amerika yg udah terlalu woke itu perlu gak ya dijadiin gini juga?Nay, bahkan di Belanda sendiri sekarang model pendidikannya sudah jauh lebih lax dan liberal jangan samakan dengan era sebelum PD II yang banyak diisi dengan sistem pendidikan yang diselingi nilai nilai kewarganegaraan dan kehidupan semi militer buat sebagian besar warga Eropa sana.
Tuntutan warga sipil Eropa di era itu, kalo mereka gak bisa bersaing dalam tuntutan pekerjaan di Eropa sana, mereka bisa ambil opsi untuk ngurus administrasi di negara negara kolonial mereka (berlaku untuk negara seperti Inggris, Prancis, Belanda, Belgia dsb) , makanya sistem disiplin semi militer itu penting untuk zamannya
Sekolah di amerika yg udah terlalu woke itu perlu gak ya dijadiin gini juga?
Kalo perang dunia ke tiga pecah semua bakalan kembali ke settingan awal
Sekolah di amerika yg udah terlalu woke itu perlu gak ya dijadiin gini juga?
Model pendidikan Belanda yang masih terpakai, perpeloncoan senior ke junior dengan alasan senioritas,Kesalahan terbesar dunia pendidikan kita mungkin membuang model pendidikan Belanda yang (jauh) lebih disiplin.
Mungkin mereka menilai segitu itu udah cukup karena paling banter bakalan lawan Russia, kalo teater pasifik sebisa mungkin banyak misilnya.Yea totally agree, although i really don't understand why, the ship's dimension are already the size of destroyer, but the armament is very limited
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From what i've read, the frigate will carry 16 vls, CAMM Missile family quad packed (64 missile in total). NSM AShM, RIM-116 RAM Short Range Missile, and some guns, No Long range cruise missile what soever except those AShM. It doesn't even have hull mounted sonar, although she may carry towed array sonar. Such size with such weaponry is very mubazir. My best guess is this very class is only intended for defensive role, such as convoy protection, aircraft carrier escort, and such.
Compared to these missile truck, the F126 looks like enlarged light frigate
PLA Navy 052D Class
View attachment 58876 View attachment 58877 View attachment 58878
JMSDF Atago Class View attachment 58879 View attachment 58881 View attachment 58880
And Franco Italian Horizon Class View attachment 58882 View attachment 58884 View attachment 58883
Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men and weak men create hard times.Kalo perang dunia ke tiga pecah semua bakalan kembali ke settingan awal
Cuman cocoklogi kok di artikelnya juga bilang wkwkwkbrought to you by our beloved prime minister
f*cking wumaos