CIA need military help for its covert activities, OPE (Operational Preparation of the Environment) military activities is the answer. OPE right now more known to be just a rubber stamp term for any operation military doing for intelligence activities. For sure not military own activities, just unleash and be wild hound like that, CIA responsible for it.
Militer di BKO-kan CIA (Title 50) like Neptune Spear or Drone Strikes in Pakistan. Just 2 examples there.
In Indonesia we called it Pra-Kondisi, Penggalangan, Cipta Kondisi whatever. Penggalangan is more specific, Pra-Kondisi but more persuasive, put people to the baskets to make/prepare the environment to be like what the actor of Pra-Kondisi want. Ali Moertopo was Deputi III/Penggalangan of BAKIN back then, with well-known, notorious Opsus with him.