Nggak WO, dia ada keperluan sebentar, trus balik lagi dan duduk kembali sampai pidato Prabowo selesai. Ada yang ngegoreng...
Lah... kirain banyak borong dari sana, dan bela belain walau susah cari utangan karena sudah dekat?!
Nggak WO, dia ada keperluan sebentar, trus balik lagi dan duduk kembali sampai pidato Prabowo selesai. Ada yang ngegoreng...
Lah... kirain banyak borong dari sana, dan bela belain walau susah cari utangan karena sudah dekat?!
Yang teges gitu lho,Indonesia cuman pembahasan-pembahasan doang tentang A2/AD, tapi dijalanin juga nggak wkwk. Malah ngasih ijin ke China dapetin apa yang mereka mau (perikanan & migas) di so called “wilayah laut overlap” asal Indonesia dilibatkan. Guoblok minta ampun, berarti Indonesia mengakui klaim China atas 9-Line, dong….
Itu pada ribut berhenti Turkifikasi, apa ini kejadian lebih serius dari kelihatannya? @MadokafcNggak WO, dia ada keperluan sebentar, trus balik lagi dan duduk kembali sampai pidato Prabowo selesai. Ada yang ngegoreng...
Korean Air ‘83, MH-17, sekarang dugaannya Azerbaijan AirlinesAzerbaijani airline plane apparently shot by air defense system, possibly Russian, many holes were found due to sharp fragments typical of air missiles in the wreckage of the plane
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Bagaimana dengan kredibilitasnya?Itu di bbrp channel youtube sama berita online, ada yg menayangkan perihal insinyur indo yg diajukan ke pengadilan korea... Dulu 2 insinyur kok skrg jadi ada 5 yg kena?....
Yes, that's right. You can say it's special because it's the only squadron in the Air Force equipped with F-35s. But can we contain North Korea without nuclear weapons? I think a lot of people in South Korea have questions, and maybe the government is not confident either. Nevertheless, those who express that question also have to admit that there are real restrictions on not having nuclear weapons. That's why we came up with a “Three–Axis System”, and until North Korea fails, we will growl and threaten each other with these two weapons.@urban mine Is it right that ROKAF’s 17th Fighter Wing is different with other units that it is (and had the legacy) intended to do more specialized mission? After reading about ROK STRATCOM and the F-35 is meant to do the “Kill Chain” of the ROK 3K Defense or “Three–Axis System”, I find it interesting about South Korea’s efforts to make deterrent without nuclear weapons (assume without US nuclear umbrella).
To be honest, this is not a topic that I can talk about technically because my knowledge is limited, but I would say that the most important thing in this system is the human will and the eyes that can detect the signs. Can it really detect the signs of preparations to launch a nuclear missile that can hit Seoul, and is the president ready to start a war of reunification of the Korean peninsula (which can cause a lot of casualties) with an Israeli-style preliminary precision strike? If we can answer this question, I think we can say that our system has some deterrence.Yes, that's right. You can say it's special because it's the only squadron in the Air Force equipped with F-35s. But can we contain North Korea without nuclear weapons? I think a lot of people in South Korea have questions, and maybe the government is not confident either. Nevertheless, those who express that question also have to admit that there are real restrictions on not having nuclear weapons. That's why we came up with a “Three–Axis System”, and until North Korea fails, we will growl and threaten each other with these two weapons.
It’s really surprising for country like South Korea to launch its own reconnaissance satellites started late 2023, it’s quite late honestly for country with such caliber. CFR’s article wrote that was because of non-publicly available document in 1979 between US and South Korean that prohibiting SK to developed “rockets capable of conducting geospatial intelligence activities” in fear of SK developing longer range ballistic missile from it, like Israeli developed Shavit SLV into longer range Jericho III ICBM. Lessen the threat of nuclear proliferation, but affected SK capabilities to developed surveillance satellite. 2021, US lifted the guideline and SK launched its first surveillance satellite few years after.Can it really detect the signs of preparations to launch a nuclear missile that can hit Seoul
Mau beli F-35 berapa biji pak cik?Hayo lho mau kesalip lagi...![]()
Senpi israel gak ada yg beneran unggul dibanding produk lain kokNegev pake peluru 7.62x39mm (peluru AK-47) buatan Z111 Vietnam yang kemungkinan bakal jadi pengganti RPD mereka. Desain dari Israel lagi setelah STV series (Galil ACE) yang secara berkala bakal jadi senjata standar mereka.![]()
Vietnam Defence Expo 2024: Negev Machinegun Chambered For 7.62x39
The Vietnam Defense Expo 2024 opened on December 19th, 2024.The highlight of the exhibition is the new small arms developed by the General Department of Defence Industry and produced at the Z111 Factory, the biggest and most famous Vietnamese arms manufacturer.While many think of Vietnam as
Negara lain di Asia Tenggara yang senjata dari Israel nya agak banyak itu Thailand dengan Tavor nya (yang sebelumnya dikabarkan problematik) dan ini bukan lisensi kayak Vietnam. Sementara di Israel sendiri, X95 (Micro Tavor) kemungkinan bakal diganti pake AR-15 pabrikan dalam negeri. Beberapa bulan lalu, kandidatnya itu IWI Arad, AR-15 dari Gilboa sama Emtan MZ-4, tapi gak lama ini yang jadi pemenang kontrak/proyek itu perusahaan yang gak terkenal buat senjata sebelumnya namanya Ari Arms dengan OR-4. Disebut Ari Arms ini pemasok part(s) untuk SIG Sauer.