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Because that is the essence of all this bullshits !! Power playing at it's finest !
6 day war was iniated by the israelis and their reasoning was the exact copy on what the NK's pretext of SK invasion !! And look what were happening to the NK side ?? Backed by the UN resolution the western power are turning their tables for the SK's side . Did the US treat the arab the same ??
You can pretend otherwise but at the end of the day without US backing and vetoing power all of this bullshit wasn't supposed to be extended until forever !!
67 border were allready the midle ground consession to all the party involved . Everybody get something in return while prolonging conflict could only lead to genocide and massacre . And when the US are stretched too thin who will they sacrificed ??

6 day war was initiated by Arab nations, in order to get rid/eliminate Israel from map.
1967 border was based on UN Partition Plan, the plan which was denied by Arab nations. While arabic Palestine has already been given a land in Gaza strip, and already become independent.

So the question is: "what is the ground for Palestine state or Hamas to claim the area that Israel grab in 1967 (especially: all west bank, including east Jerusalem)?

The before 1967 line/demarcation was based on "UN Partition Plan" 1947, at that time (both 1947 and 1967) Palestine State did not existed yet. The conflict was between Israel vs Arab nations; and the Arab nations had rejected "UN Partition Plan" and made it invalid. Since invalid, the partition plan can't work as legal ground, only can serve as aspiration for the peace agreement, because many countries who insist on the 1967 lines realize that Hamas will never accept Israel control on the west bank & east Jerusalem if the aspiration to remove Israel from middle east cannot be achieved; therefore realistically peace agreement still viable if use 1967 line as the reference.


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This is my least reply on this thread . Just looj for a 1967 map borders on and compared that to the present map disposition of Israel you'll get on what kind of clusterfuck situation was happening on the ground which lead to this hatred perpetuity .

This is the map of Palestine Region (Region used to be under British Mandate), before 1967:


The "green area" was the area of Palestine region (ex British Mandate) that Jordania annexed illegally.
The "black area" was the area of Palestine region (ex British Mandate) that Egypt annexed illegally.

I said "illegally", because the region did not belong to them by law, and were not allocated for Jordania and Egypt according to UN Partition Plan. Some of them were allocated for "Arab State" and some were allocated to be under International control.

You can't say it belonged to Palestine State, because Palestine State did not exist yet at that time (1967 and earlier).
You can't say it belonged to Arab nations, because Arab nations has denied UN Partition Plan and were defeated in their attempt to annex all Palestine region.

It should belong to the winner of the war (the war initiated by their enemy), that is Israel. In other word, Israel claimed almost whole Palestine region due to her victory from the illegal occupier (Jordan & Egypt).

The question is: if you don't agree it should belong to the winner of the war, then it should belong to whom? based on what? remember UN Partition Plan was dead already, killed by Arab nations themself.
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Well, there is nothing we need to discuss then. I am either not crazy enough to join Palestine conflict thread after reading several comments that showing me how unbalanced the conversation is. I dont want my self get gangbanged by several commentator that used tanda seru more than 1😑 toward me.
Ok, let just close this conversation than. Peace🙏
That is what ignore list for. Just put the said account in your ignore list and be done with it.

Van Kravchenko

Indonesia Correspondent
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Do you know that all of the land that Israel grabbed
Well, in my religion history its says that Moses bring childrens Of Israel to Israel State teritory nowadays.

God's promising land for Childrens of Israel. But Israel State today isnt all along Composed by Israel's Descendant. So this is pure territorial dispute, before back to conclusion who take whom land its better to study the history back before long ago.

Van Kravchenko

Indonesia Correspondent
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quite a party in this section .
that explaining a lot,

For my prespection, Yes Israel State is cruel, cunning, and broke every UN Human Right Charter.

What i can do, Pay a donations, help as you can for Palestinian people.


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This is a serious matter, and because the number is just so colossal (millions) I think we must consider this as a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT.


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Now, I understand why evertime when I blocked the advertising number in my phone its still come again and again.. d@#$%£@


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This is a serious matter, and because the number is just so colossal (millions) I think we must consider this as a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT.

It is simply a disaster, we have been compromised. So there is leak about our intelligent units member, armed Forces member and Police forces which is member of BPJS KESEHATAN. Not to mention our top government official, sigh....

Sigh actually this case is warrant of death penalty for the perperator and intellectual actor behind


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It is simply a disaster, we have been compromised.
We need to do through investigation to find out if this is a cyber attack or leak from insider, just recently US oil distribution disturbed by a cyber attack and after through investigation they found out that many institution have been compromised.

So there is leak about our intelligent units member, armed Forces member and Police forces which is member of BPJS KESEHATAN. Not to mention our top government official, sigh....
Yeah that, plus millions of ordinary civilian will also have serious risk.

We need data protection and privacy law! And have better cyber security.

Van Kravchenko

Indonesia Correspondent
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We are so F***** up.
Bentar bentar, gw ga punya BPJS lo.
Dan 276 juta itu darimana ? Apakah ada yg dobel, atau bayi baru lahir sudah masuk ?

Saya ga yakin BPJS mengkover semua data penduduk.
Bahkan kemenkes dan kemensos menggunakan data KPU untuk pembagian bantuan. Maaf gabisa bahasa inggris rapih buat yg ini


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Bentar bentar, gw ga punya BPJS lo.
Dan 276 juta itu darimana ? Apakah ada yg dobel, atau bayi baru lahir sudah masuk ?

Saya ga yakin BPJS mengkover semua data penduduk.
Bahkan kemenkes dan kemensos menggunakan data KPU untuk pembagian bantuan. Maaf gabisa bahasa inggris rapih buat yg ini
I am wondering the same thing.

I believe kids is also included, the whole family in KK.

Ini tercantum dalam peraturan BPJS No 4 Tahun 2014 bahwa pihak yang mendaftarkan dan anggota keluarganya wajib menjadi peserta BPJS Kesehatan. Dengan ketentuan ini, Anda tidak bisa lagi hanya mendaftarkan seorang diri karena semua anggota keluarga yang terdapat di KK otomatis harus didaftarkan pula.


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Gk ada yg mau bahas tentang 279 juta data BPJS yg bocor nih ?
Apanya yang mau dibahas emang

We are so F***** up.
Baru SQL bocor aja udah heboh kayak apa aja, masih belum kalau infrastruktur yg kena sikat (contoh ; listrik)

This is a serious matter, and because the number is just so colossal (millions) I think we must consider this as a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT.
As I recall I've already mentioned the threat in cyber domain toward critical infrastructure and their implication toward financial sector numerous time since the time in pdf

Now, I understand why evertime when I blocked the advertising number in my phone its still come again and again.. d@#$%£@
All you need to do is to edit your phone host file and they will be gone instantly

It is simply a disaster, we have been compromised. So there is leak about our intelligent units member, armed Forces member and Police forces which is member of BPJS KESEHATAN. Not to mention our top government official, sigh....

Sigh actually this case is warrant of death penalty for the perperator and intellectual actor behind
yach kalau bocor yach ditambal SQLnya. Lagian dari beberapa tahun lalu juga banyak data yg bocor ga heboh2x amat. Gitu aja kok repot

We need to do through investigation to find out if this is a cyber attack or leak from insider, just recently US oil distribution disturbed by a cyber attack and after through investigation they found out that many institution have been compromised.

Yeah that, plus millions of ordinary civilian will also have serious risk.

We need data protection and privacy law! And have better cyber security.
Uhuuuy PROYEK... PROYEK... basah banget pula (karna kaga ada yg paham seluk beluk teknis nya kecuali kita para vendor)
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ppp iyach hampir lupa. Karna di data BPJS khan ada NIK dan no KK, jadi perhatikan baik2x tagihan2x contohnya kartu kredit ata juga tagihan HP apakah ada transaksi yg aneh.

Tapi tenang aja pemerintah 🇮🇩 khan banyak orang pintar nya dan mereka2x para staff ahli di pemerintahan ijazah nya buanyak lho, jadi tenang aja pasti data2x Anda sangat terlindungi 🤪🙃.

Apalgi kalian yg biasanya posting2x tentang "kemajuan" per ekonomian & infrastruktur (ploduk2x karya anak bangsa0, masa kalian ga punya keyajkinan ama pemerintah


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LMAOOOOO... jadi solusi kominfo dalam masalah ini cuman ngeblok situsnya doang wkwkwk, seriously this is such fucking joke all those boomer in kominfo. Boomer-boomer ngomong indonesia 4.0 dan bukit algoritma padahal masalah cyber security compang-camping kayak gini.

Gw gk akan kaget, kalau negara lain bisa switch on/off internet dan listrik di negara ini.
Seriously there is need a major evaluation in our cybersecurity.



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LMAOOOOO... jadi solusi kominfo dalam masalah ini cuman ngeblok situsnya doang wkwkwk, seriously this is such fucking joke all those boomer in kominfo. Boomer-boomer ngomong indonesia 4.0 dan bukit algoritma padahal masalah cyber security compang-camping kayak gini.

Gw gk akan kaget, kalau negara lain bisa switch on/off internet dan listrik di negara ini.
Seriously there is need a major evaluation in our cybersecurity.

Whoever use their birthday for password in website, software login, ATM should change it just to be safe.

The procedure of registering mobile SIM card requires those NIK number (and KK number, the only thing that is still safe (?)) Then can be used for the bad guy to register using other people data (can be used for many kind of bad things). Also iirc each citizen can only register 3 mobile SIM card max, if it is used by other people then that's a problem.

More effective way of scams, like sending 'mama minta pulsa' but not send it blindly to random number but to active number, more convincing scam call supported by legit informations (like pretending to be from a bank etc).

Etc etc

Its getting uncovered because the perpetrator wanting some money and bring this up on the internet forum imagine if it is not. The genie is already out of the bottle, even if its not being traded on the internet it may still being sold on the darkweb.

I can't imagine if a state actor decide to yeet our cyber space, they'll copy paste all data from our server, spying and knock out the whole network.

Berikut ini data yang dimaksud:
  1. Nama
  2. Nomor Induk Kependudukan
  3. Nomor HP
  4. Alamat tinggal
  5. Email
  6. Nomor NPWP
  7. Tempat dan tanggal lahir
  8. Jenis kelamin
  9. Foto diri
  10. Jumlah anggota keluarga
  11. Jumlah gaji
  12. Data Noka (Nomor Kartu)
  13. Kode Kantor
  14. Data Keluarga/Data Tanggungan
  15. Status pembayaran.

Now this left question does their whole network have been compromissed? To what extent that the data have been stolen? Whole database? Or only a few tables? Usually there will be several tables in a database that have table relationship that is used to provide information for system/software.
Haven't checked myself the 'free sample', so i am not sure about those 15 data if its coming from a single table (but if its not then the perpetrator still can compile the data themself), there maybe more information being stolen but is not that appealing to sell so the perpetrator not offer it on the net and only sell data about BPJS participant.

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