Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

Van Kravchenko

Indonesia Correspondent
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View attachment 21439

So, which basis will we use for local MRAP?
Perhaps the one from SOE inventory, hard to push non SOE product.

Baru SQL bocor aja udah heboh kayak apa aja, masih belum kalau infrastruktur yg kena sikat (contoh ; listrik)
enkripsi databasenya masi kurang seterong tuh.

As for now, if its true 276 id, they shouldnt write its BPJS user, but use all Indonesian people ID.

Lol, even the alocation for proper network scurity and structure is very pityfull. They even employ 3rd party for data encriptions :v.


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Do you know that all of the land that Israel grabbed - except Sinai & southern Lebanon - are the land under the "British Mandate on Palestine" where the UN's Partition Plan as a solution for the distribution of the ex British Mandate land which gave some area for "Arab State" were rejected by Arab nations, then Arab waged war attacking Israel in 1948 and 1976?

Since Arabs rejected the UN Partition Plan, then there was no more ground for Arab to claim the territory except "WAR" which means: the winner take it all. And unfortunately for them the war which waged by Arabs in 1948 and 1967 - with intention to grab all Palestine region (ex British Mandate) - were won by Israel. So Arabs intention to get all Palestine region failed, and Israel grabbed all the region including gaza strip (which was ex British Mandate, that was later on illegally captured by Egypt) and West Bank (ex British Mandate, that was later on illegaly captured by Jordan).

Israel has returned Sinai to Egypt and Southern Lebanon to Lebanon, with compensation of "Peace Agreement" where both countries acknowledge the existence and independence of Israel. It is fair enough, isn't it?

Israel has given the Gaza strip to Egypt/Arab for Palestinian State; isn't it a good intention?

Why should Israel returned West Bank to Jordan? since it should not belong to Jordan legally ? When Israel grab west bank, it was occupied by Jordan illegally.
And why Israel should give all of West Bank to Palestine State? the enemy that never want to acknowledge and has peace with Israel?

Why Israel has to return it to UN, since UN Partition Plan that should be the legal ground (if accepted by both party) had been invalid because rejected by Arab nations?

Israel was the winner over the aggression of Arab nations in 1948 and 1967 war, then logically according to the "Arab's rule (when they tried to attack Israel in order to grab all Palestine region), Israel deserve and should take them all as the winner.


You are right, there is nothing normal in Israel-Palestine relationship, because there is no peace agreement yet; that is because Palestine determination to wage war against Israel. Hamas always portray that it is Israel who hate peace, but in fact Israel desire to construct peace with all Arab nations including Palestine, but they always reject because their desire is to get rid Israel from map.

UN resolution regarding Palestine doesn't mean that UN justify Palestine/Arab claims, UN resolution is regarding the agreement of the UN members regarding the peace/solution way out, it could be viewed as harmful for Israel intention or US politic thats why US vetoed.

This is the map of Palestine Region (Region used to be under British Mandate), before 1967:

View attachment 21344

The "green area" was the area of Palestine region (ex British Mandate) that Jordania annexed illegally.
The "black area" was the area of Palestine region (ex British Mandate) that Egypt annexed illegally.

I said "illegally", because the region did not belong to them by law, and were not allocated for Jordania and Egypt according to UN Partition Plan. Some of them were allocated for "Arab State" and some were allocated to be under International control.

You can't say it belonged to Palestine State, because Palestine State did not exist yet at that time (1967 and earlier).
You can't say it belonged to Arab nations, because Arab nations has denied UN Partition Plan and were defeated in their attempt to annex all Palestine region.

It should belong to the winner of the war (the war initiated by their enemy), that is Israel. In other word, Israel claimed almost whole Palestine region due to her victory from the illegal occupier (Jordan & Egypt).

The question is: if you don't agree it should belong to the winner of the war, then it should belong to whom? based on what? remember UN Partition Plan was dead already, killed by Arab nations themself.

Let me indulge you for the last time concerning off this topic . By your statement i could only summarise your stand as victor's might victor's absolved team . While nothing is wrong with the standing ( well , atleast honesty were bleeding trough it ) . It also promoting the same standing with all the crimean/ukrainian situation and georgian case for an example and all the baggages carried along with it . While the RI political standand most majority of IOC were taking a different route . Give everybody something . Even Israelis are needing some land to flourish and prosper . And pushing it further are nothing but crussade in all but name . We can all be subtle about it or be fortright about it all together and laid it bare in the open ( after all you've said it for yourself it's nothing but a possesion scufles ) . And nothing but pure destruction and hatred when it come into crussade 7.0 ...
The world always going in full circles . Sooner or later the US/western power are going to find them stretched too thin to fend for theirself to aid/covering or guarding their interest so called Israel ( if they haven't crossed the fence by then tho' ) what would you think will happen to the fate of israel surrounded by all of angry and pissed off neighbours all heavily armed to teeth and experienced too thanks to all live exercises provided courtesy of the US medling in ME and Afghan .
And the scariest part all of this was there is 14 Resolution behind them and counting behind them as a political capital for a moral support .
Makes no mistake .... Fatah and hamas were assholes . Politicking the palestinian as mean of their powerplay jockeying yet compared to land grabs , house/land expulsion and pseudo apartheid treatment for the arab( even the christian one ! ) Israel are definitely taking the cake here .

I had enough wasting time as it is by now ....


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enkripsi databasenya masi kurang seterong tuh.
Ga juga sich. Encryption kuat tapi implementasi nya cupu yach jadinya cupu juga. Analogi nya Encryption itu kunci gembok, dan implementasi itu engsel / pintunya. Walaupun gemboknya kuat luar biasa tapi kalau yg disikat engsel atau bahkan dijebol daun pintunya yach sama aja bo'ong.

Kalau saya pribadi lebih fokus pada implementasinya daripada pada encryption nya, karna jaman sekarang mayoritas encryption algorithm sudah cukup mumpuni, tinggal implementasi nya kita aja gimana.

Lol, even the alocation for proper network scurity and structure is very pityfull. They even employ 3rd party for data encriptions :v.
Yach bagi2x proyek (rejeki) lach. Kalau semuanya dikasihkan ke single vendor ntar bisa urusan ama KPK donk

Van Kravchenko

Indonesia Correspondent
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Kalau saya pribadi lebih fokus pada implementasinya daripada pada encryption nya, karna jaman sekarang mayoritas encryption algorithm sudah cukup mumpuni, tinggal implementasi nya kita aja gimana.
Dully noted,
I'll take that for further scurity improvement.

Anyway, did you ever feel worrysome about your NIK , adress, and NKK are flying around ?

Except being visited by random babang Ojol, and babang Kurir Paket?


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Well, in my religion history its says that Moses bring childrens Of Israel to Israel State teritory nowadays.

God's promising land for Childrens of Israel. But Israel State today isnt all along Composed by Israel's Descendant. So this is pure territorial dispute, before back to conclusion who take whom land its better to study the history back before long ago.

This is territorial dispute indeed; but the justification could be approached by 2 ways: heritage, and current law.

Claim that current Israel people is not descended from true/ancient Israel was derived from the debunked "khazaria speculation" which has been proven wrong by genetical evidence. Current Jews of Israel is indeed descended from ancient Israel. So if we use "heritage" as the ground, Israel will win, because the land used to be region of Israel and Judea Kingdom until first century AD.

The complicated one is approach from the "international law"; because there is no international law govern who deserve or how to distribute the land. The candidate of the law is so called "UN Partition Plan" as once agreed by both parties (Israel & Arab nations) it became LAW. But alas the UN Partition Plan was killed couldn't be realized into International Law - because only Israel agrees but Arab nation rejected and initiated war attacking Israel in 1948.
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Love this moving song, dedicated for all of the serviceman/woman from all of the world


Van Kravchenko

Indonesia Correspondent
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This is territorial dispute indeed; but the justification could be approached by 2 ways: heritage, and current law.

Claim that current Israel people is not descended from true/ancient Israel was derived from the debunked "khazaria speculation" which has been proven wrong by genetical evidence. Current Jews of Israel is indeed descended from ancient Israel. So if we use "heritage" as the ground, Israel will win, because the land used to be region of Israel and Judea Kingdom until first century AD.

The complicated one is approach from the "international law"; because there is no international law govern who deserve or how to distribute the land. The candidate of the law is so called "UN Partition Plan" as once agreed by both parties (Israel & Arab nations) it became LAW. But alas the UN Partition Plan was killed couldn't be realized into International Law - because only Israel agrees but Arab nation rejected and initiated war attacking Israel in 1948.
If you talk about Israel and Palestine, surely there's no Peace agreement at all only cease fire.
After 75 years Israel never suceeded to crush till end Palestinian, this persumably make clear that Israel still consider Palestine has capability to counter attack.

Every UN approach will just go in vanish today. Not just by the arab but also by Israel State and its supporters.

As i said, that land nowadays is part of Israel Descendants kingdom before outrun and banished by Romans, Christ, and Moslem war.

Reviving such as UN partition or whatsoever, will not solve the problems. Its also contains political issue right there


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Anyway, did you ever feel worrysome about your NIK , adress, and NKK are flying around ?
Mau khawatir bagaimana lach data begitu juga udah bertebaran lebih dari 5 tahun an lalu. Cuma khan ga terbuka jualan nya. Saya juga heran kok tumben berita beginian bisa masuk mainstream media

Untuk risk mitigation nya itu masalah mindset, karena hal ini khan diluar kendali saya (dalam kendali pemerintah).
Kalau pemerintah ingin lebih aman dgn data pribadi yach vendor yg mengerjakan juga harus dibayar tepat waktu dan sesuai besaran nilai kontrak yg telah disepakati juga.

Saya sejak awal sudah menyadari kalau semua data yg kita berikan ke pihak pemerintah ataupun swasta (contoh ; perbankan) sudah pasti akan jatuh ke tangan pihak2x yg tidak bertanggung jawab, termasuk data biometric seperti fingerprint, retina, dan face recognition sudah pasti akan berpindah tangan, tinggal masalah WHEN aja sudah bukan IF lagi.Saya jauh lebih khawatir saat (WHEN) critical infrastructure (distribusi listrik) kita diserang oleh 🇨🇳, karna sampai sekarang saya belum punya persiapan untuk pribadi saya (belum ada dana nya)

BTW disini yg biasanya posting2x kemajuan ekonomi (ploduk2x dalam negeri), infrastruktur 🇮🇩kok ga ada suaranya yach kalau udah begini❓Mana nich karya / hasil kerja anak bangsa nya❓


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Mau khawatir bagaimana lach data begitu juga udah bertebaran lebih dari 5 tahun an lalu. Cuma khan ga terbuka jualan nya. Saya juga heran kok tumben berita beginian bisa masuk mainstream media

Untuk risk mitigation nya itu masalah mindset, karena hal ini khan diluar kendali saya (dalam kendali pemerintah).
Kalau pemerintah ingin lebih aman dgn data pribadi yach vendor yg mengerjakan juga harus dibayar tepat waktu dan sesuai besaran nilai kontrak yg telah disepakati juga.

Saya sejak awal sudah menyadari kalau semua data yg kita berikan ke pihak pemerintah ataupun swasta (contoh ; perbankan) sudah pasti akan jatuh ke tangan pihak2x yg tidak bertanggung jawab, termasuk data biometric seperti fingerprint, retina, dan face recognition sudah pasti akan berpindah tangan, tinggal masalah WHEN aja sudah bukan IF lagi.Saya jauh lebih khawatir saat (WHEN) critical infrastructure (distribusi listrik) kita diserang oleh 🇨🇳, karna sampai sekarang saya belum punya persiapan untuk pribadi saya (belum ada dana nya)

BTW disini yg biasanya posting2x kemajuan ekonomi (ploduk2x dalam negeri), infrastruktur 🇮🇩kok ga ada suaranya yach kalau udah begini❓Mana nich karya / hasil kerja anak bangsa nya❓

Cintailah ploduk ploduk Indonesia

Gimana mau ngebanned produk produk Israel yang biasa dipakai buat alkom dan security devices juga software nya.... Emang belum bisa ada gantinya tokh. Ada juga buatan Engkoh Menlend yang....


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Cintailah ploduk ploduk Indonesia
Itu pabrik nya kalau waktunya jam pulang bikin macet jalan. Hilang waktu 15 menit cuma buat nembus kemacetan disitu.

Gimana mau ngebanned produk produk Israel yang biasa dipakai buat alkom dan security devices juga software nya.... Emang belum bisa ada gantinya tokh. Ada juga buatan Engkoh Menlend yang....
Kalau mau sistem informasi aman & handal (reliable) yach perlu pakai produk & jasa 🇮🇱. Atau minimal pakai dari 🇪🇺 (contoh ; Airbus Cyber Security) Saya sendiri kebetulan sudah lebih dari 10 tahunan pakai beberapa produk teleco & software 🇮🇱 👍. Tapi situ kalau pakai barang kosher mau apa besok2x nemenin saya dibakar di panasnya api neraka jahanam gara2x beli & pakai barang & jasa kosher❓Karena itu khan pemerintah sekarang untuk infrastruktur teleco suka nya pakai ploduk nya 🇨🇳 (Huawei)


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Itu pabrik nya kalau waktunya jam pulang bikin macet jalan. Hilang waktu 15 menit cuma buat nembus kemacetan disitu.

Kalau mau sistem informasi aman & handal (reliable) yach perlu pakai produk & jasa 🇮🇱. Atau minimal pakai dari 🇪🇺 Saya sendiri kebetulan sudah lebih dari 10 tahunan pakai beberapa produk teleco & software 🇮🇱 👍. Tapi situ kalau pakai barang kosher mau apa besok2x nemenin saya dibakar di panasnya api neraka jahanam gara2x beli & pakai barang & jasa kosher❓Karena itu khan pemerintah sekarang untuk infrastruktur teleco suka nya pakai ploduk nya 🇨🇳 (Huawei)

Kantor Lockheed di cabang mana mana mah udah biasa pake buatan Israel untuk encrypt data dan security devices nya juga


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Kalau mau sistem informasi aman & handal (reliable) yach perlu pakai produk & jasa 🇮🇱. Atau minimal pakai dari 🇪🇺 (contoh ; Airbus Cyber Security) Saya sendiri kebetulan sudah lebih dari 10 tahunan pakai beberapa produk teleco & software 🇮🇱 👍. Tapi situ kalau pakai barang kosher mau apa besok2x nemenin saya dibakar di panasnya api neraka jahanam gara2x beli & pakai barang & jasa kosher❓Karena itu khan pemerintah sekarang untuk infrastruktur teleco suka nya pakai ploduk nya 🇨🇳 (Huawei)


this is their past lelang for keamanan informasi , they actually did include a notorious cyber security company like Palo alto (US) , Check point software (Israeli) in the tender , unless they ended up with another "Sistem gugur harga terendah" .

i think most data breach event like this happened due to the "brainware" like the case with tokopedia one if i remember , is another example of breach due to "karyawan sakit hati" .


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Dully noted,
I'll take that for further scurity improvement.

Anyway, did you ever feel worrysome about your NIK , adress, and NKK are flying around ?

Except being visited by random babang Ojol, and babang Kurir Paket?

Mas boleh ngobrol bentar



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My east Asian phone is tougher than those over priced half eaten fruit
Apple RnD and its proprietary OS are worth appreciated. They need to reach bigger BEP to cover their loss at their RnD. Think you buy an F-35 with its cutting edge RnD as an analogy.

Van Kravchenko

Indonesia Correspondent
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Makes no mistake .... Fatah and hamas were assholes . Politicking the palestinian as mean of their powerplay jockeying yet compared to land grabs , house/land expulsion and pseudo apartheid treatment for the arab( even the christian one ! ) Israel are definitely taking the cake here .

I just think the meme of "hamas hiding behind civillian" is start to be right.

I dont know man, when i try to support one side in warfare am just barely remember; the result of war is an bargaining chip for negotiations.

Saya jauh lebih khawatir saat (WHEN) critical infrastructure (distribusi listrik) kita diserang oleh 🇨🇳, karna sampai sekarang saya belum punya persiapan untuk pribadi saya (belum ada dana nya)

is our electrical network are that smart today ? 🤣
Employing an overpowered Computer to control the current ?

I just barely remebered one of "karya anak bangsa" CIC modul for radar and gun still using windows 7, some use windows 10 (dont ask me wether they bought it or pirate it)
Mas boleh ngobrol bentar

View attachment 21470
This guy even brought his full leght Assault Rifle in his daypack.
I never questioned the capability of Indonesian intel act in Indonesian territory, but ever you heard intelegence operation conduct by Indonesian in other country post coldwar?

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