To make such an occurrence as even newsworthy is seriously lame for a fake news outlet media of ABC News calibre. Numerous people have been eaten (literally speaking here) by critters such as around here. And is not even newsworthy to get into national news level. At best such occurrence only get into municipal level news site, even that was rare. While myself personally had up close encountered with man eater size in the wild, and it's just something that one would expect when you live or entering in their natural habitat
Man seriously them being soldiers they should have known better. These places up northern Australia are crocodile infested waters from the beaches to rivers.
To make such an occurrence as even newsworthy is seriously lame for a fake news outlet media of ABC News calibre. Numerous people have been eaten (literally speaking here) by critters such as around here. And is not even newsworthy to get into national news level. At best such occurrence only get into municipal level news site, even that was rare. While myself personally had up close encountered with man eater size in the wild, and it's just something that one would expect when you live or entering in their natural habitat