Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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The country barely functions and is only surviving because of handouts, these might stop now and their low living standards will continue to decrease so they are looking for a fast exit which is the airport.
Very true. There is going to be a massive exodus and the driver will be economics. US spent 2 trillion dollars in Afghan project. When you spend that sort of dollars even the trickle from that will float a 36 million country. If you look at Afghan cities they look more presentable then most Indian cities and people are well dressed/fed etc.

But the differance is this economic migrant exodus unlike those who drown crossing the Mediteranean from Africa in hope of better life in Europe will milch the politics of this conflict and use -

  • asylum
  • female oppression
  • religious oppression
  • revenge
watch how you will have 100,000s claiming the Taliban are gonna do this or that so they can get a passport out. I have even come across Pakistani's in UK who pulled this excuse to get a stay.

On another note what you guys make of this now deleted tweet by Afghan Embassy in India about their 'gone in 60 seconds President'.



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All going to the airport ?
No, they are going to test the proposition that 'less is more'. See if 20 years and 150,000 US/NATO could not destroy the Taliban will 7,000 in 14 days be able to do it.

I am sure the Talibs will be shaking in their boots - correction: in their chappels.


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Very true. There is going to be a massive exodus and the driver will be economics. US spent 2 trillion dollars in Afghan project. When you spend that sort of dollars even the trickle from that will float a 36 million country. If you look at Afghan cities they look more presentable then most Indian cities and people are well dressed/fed etc.

On another note what you guys make of this now deleted tweet by Afghan Embassy in India about their 'gone in 60 seconds President'.

View attachment 28142

you could not stop from using insinuation wherever possible. I know Pakistan cannot be compared but still what context you have to mention "India" here.

second part of post, I cannot believe you are indulging in this cheap propaganda as a moderator on the forum. The Aghan person handling this twitter handle did issued a clarification same time that this id is hacked and is being mis-used. i am trying to find that screenshot.

Here is the live tweet still available . Not pasting the screen shot....

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Very true. There is going to be a massive exodus and the driver will be economics. US spent 2 trillion dollars in Afghan project. When you spend that sort of dollars even the trickle from that will float a 36 million country. If you look at Afghan cities they look more presentable then most Indian cities and people are well dressed/fed etc.

But the differance is this economic migrant exodus unlike those who drown crossing the Mediteranean from Africa in hope of better life in Europe will milch the politics of this conflict and use -

  • asylum
  • female oppression
  • religious oppression
  • revenge
watch how you will have 100,000s claiming the Taliban are gonna do this or that so they can get a passport out. I have even come across Pakistani's in UK who pulled this excuse to get a stay.

On another note what you guys make of this now deleted tweet by Afghan Embassy in India about their 'gone in 60 seconds President'.

View attachment 28142
They are right to be angry at Ghani running away. Afghans have a history of running away when invaded - this regime was no different.

Brace Yourself

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Now can we please spare some of that for the half of Saudia Arabia that is shackled and enslaved to males even if they wear gold leaf burqas.
It will be off topic but saudi arabia will never allow a female as Queen.
Now bomb feminism there.

Where is Britain?

Maximilian Veers

One group here has discovered a new cause - female rights. Good on yeh!

Not discovered, its just basic common sense and good Ethics. Sometimes, its just the right thing to do. Its not just the group in this forum who is talking about this.

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