Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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the history of Afghanistan in a nutshell is more like a central Afghan government being overwhelmed by all out countryside insurgency which topples the central govt and replaces it with the victorious insurgents which in turn got itself involved in (another) countrywide insurgency before themselves being toppled by a new insurgents.

the Brits are quite successful tho.

Actually, Afghans make terrible soldiers and warriors particularly those in the Af Pak belt on either side of the Durand Line. Every South Asian empire worth its salt has captured their land. But the problems begin after they are conquered and it soon dawns on the conqueror that they are ungovernable.

The Soviets easily walked in till the Americans decided to supply those Stingers. The Americans overthrew the Taliban in a matter of weeks. The Taliban claiming victory over the US because the US / NATO chose to withdraw is absurd.

Even now the Taliban seems a rag tag alliance of tribesmen who spend their time beating women. It's a matter of time before they start fighting amongst themselves.
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Actually, Afghans make terrible soldiers and warriors particularly those in the Af Pak belt on either side of the Durand Line.
You sure about that? More British soldiers died, more British regiments were deployed in frontier region of Pakistan then all of India. That should tell you something. Some of the toughest fighting units in Pakistan Army are Pakhtuns. You Indians should know that.


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You sure about that? More British soldiers died, more British regiments were deployed in frontier region of Pakistan then all of India. That should tell you something. Some of the toughest fighting units in Pakistan Army are Pakhtuns. You Indians should know that.
Yes, am sure. Never put up much of a fight against any invader. When I think of Pakhtuns in the Pak Army, names like Yahya Khan, Ayub Khan and Niazi come to mind. Indians who've read history do know their track record and military prowess or lack thereof. You Pakistanis should know that.

This extends to either side of the Durand Line. They didn't put up a fight against the Soviets or the Americans either.

If you wish to know more about the various conquerors of that region, I'd be happy to show you the sources on another thread which deals with history. It's outside the scope of this thread.
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Actually, Afghans make terrible soldiers and warriors particularly those in the Af Pak belt on either side of the Durand Line. Every South Asian empire worth its salt has captured their land. But the problems begin after they are conquered and it soon dawns on the conqueror that they are ungovernable.

The Soviets easily walked in till the Americans decided to supply those Stingers. The Americans overthrew the Taliban in a matter of weeks. The Taliban claiming victory over the US because the US / NATO chose to withdraw is absurd.

Even now the Taliban seems a rag tag alliance of tribesmen who spend their time beating women. It's a matter of time before they start fighting amongst themselves.
I wouldn't say they are bad soldiers. To be fair they've shown some tactical prowess too. What I question is their ability to transform into a modern standing army. Now that they're no longer the insurgent but the government

Because fighting war insurgency style =/= fighting a war conventional style. In an insurgency mode you could blend back into the populace. A conventional army couldn't. Now that Taliban is (pretending) to operate as a conventional army.

Also I would like to see how they could maintain those newly acquired weapons and actually effectively field them in actual combat. Not merely driving/flying it for PR purpose. In particular the much lauded IEAAF/Taliban air force.

Because once they demobilized and many of it's fighters back into civilian life, those aviation assets will be used the way the ANA had been using it against them.

And that's a problem a conventional Taliban army will have to cope. If they succeed then OK, but Afghanistan's history doesn't point any of such successful endeavor

Brace Yourself

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Islam alone won't achieve anything. In general the more "muslim" a country the more backward it is and hence the more vulnerable it is to non-muslim manipulation. In the case of Afghanistan 200 years of being invaded and occupied by the non-believers.

Islamic world has millions of preaching imams, very few scientists.

If there is one thing Muslims should learn from islamic history is how important science and wisdom was to her initial rise. When the Ottomans fell though many reasons exist, the most potent was the inability to keep up with the western worlds scientific developments.
Science helps you win a war But Science Alone can't help winning a war.

It's belief and unity that give the strength.

Britain got a foothold in Bangladesh because of One Man called 'Mir Jafar'.

But one of the main reasons was rain damaged the gun powder of Nawab Siraj-Ud-Doula.

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