Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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They already mastered their ground warfare.
just a reminder that the US never lost a single battle during the entirety of the Afghan war.

winning wars=/=winning battles

we'll see how the Taliban maintain control on the countryside and in urban centers, while combating Panjshir militia, ISKP and maybe possible disgruntled islamist group like ETIM (after the IEA ensure China the cooperation they need). As history always suggest, it's not an Afghan thing to be ruled centrally. Not the Communists, not Karzai/Ghani and certainly no the Taliban.

plus, those 75K strong Taliban soldier will likely be demobilized soon, meaning less troops could be deployed. Less troops=more rapid deployment needed.

more rapid deployment = more choppers.


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ummm, I don't know. Maybe they should??? Because the war is not over yet, just transitioning from one phase to the other

they'll need those choppers to continue the anti ISKP fight. Not mentioning the Panjshir resistance or even disgruntled islamist that could popped up if the Taliban betrayed them.
I want you to keep something in mind. The last few weeks turned everything the western talking heads, star studed generals, experts, governments, media and members here said on their heads. So please spare us the prognosis now being churned out by WSJ and other rags. The Taliban will have these planes and equipment flying before month is out.

Right now the ball is in Turkey, Pakistan, Qatar, Uzbekistan, Russia and China's court. Let's see how they play it.


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I want you to keep something in mind. The last few weeks turned everything the western talking heads, star studed generals, experts, governments, media and members here said on their heads. So please spare us the prognosis now being churned out by WSJ and other rags.
which is ??

The Taliban will have these planes and equipment flying before month is out.
they've flown it already, just in case you missed anything.

but the real question is, for how long ??? USA ain't supplying spares, and the mechanics are all gone.


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but the real question is, for how long ??? USA ain't supplying spares, and the mechanics are all gone.
How long? They will begin to get spare parts once past the immediate situation as Americans now will depend on Afghan government to keep DAESH etc tamed. And there is always alternative of China and Russia. If Sub-Saharans can service planes so will Taliban - a people who built mighty empires across South Asia. You might not know this but before the advent of British what you call Indians today were subjects of huge empires mostly established/ran by Afghans or Turks. The Afghan's were the elite ruling class.


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Ahmad Shah Durrani
Sher Shah Suri

Khalji dynasty (1290-1320), a Turko-Afghan dynasty who ruled the Delhi Sultanate. Lodi dynasty (1451–1526), founded by Bahlul Khan Lodi, who belonged from the Lodi tribe . The dynasty encompassed much of Pakistan and northern India, with its capital at Delhi. It was the last dynasty to rule the Delhi Sultanate.


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the US should fix their broken image in front of the world by recognize the IEA and try to keep them on their side event if they have opposite ideology, just remember the US and her local allies fail to keep Afganistan stable or even better, now they should gives the Taliban chance for a better Afganistan, keep them close so they can avoid seeing Chinese influence in Afgan after Taliban come into power, I hope Indonesian people and Indonesian government have better understanding about what happen in Afganistan from a genuine and honest sources, not some agenda from butthurt westerners or false accusition


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How long? They will begin to get spare parts once past the immediate situation as Americans now will depend on Afghan government to keep DAESH etc tamed.
ISIS-K is only one of the many player that will emerge in Afghanistan, especially now the IEA will have to walk a tight rope between appeasing the radicals inside and play safe with the int'l world.

And there is always alternative of China and Russia.
oh yes, I would like t know which of these countries produced the General Electric T-700 engine used in the B'Hawks

and oh btw, the Talibs are using the remaining flight hours of the Blackhawks already for non-combat purpose.

If Sub-Saharans can service planes so will Taliban - a people who built mighty empires across South Asia. You might not know this but before the advent of British what you call Indians today were subjects of huge empires mostly established/ran by Afghans or Turks. The Afghan's were the elite ruling class.
Every human beings could be trained. Afghans too can maintain the planes, but a what rate?? How they going to maintain while there's no spares or even enough technicians??? This has nothing to do with race or geography. Sorry.

Even the former AAF are having a hard time maintaining the planes, Taliban IEAAF will have lesser chance.


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Afghans have a deep warrior tradition which does not brook domination or invaders too well as we have seen the history of last 40 years. Before the British arrived the people you call Indians had almost zero historical presence. In this region the only people who counted were either Turks or Afghans. You can check and find that between 11th century to arrival of the British in 18th century the only empires or rulers in this region were either Muslim Afghans or Muslim Turks. Moghul, Delhi Sultanate, Durrani Empire etc. Non of these were native Indian or Hindus. They just served as the subjects and to be taxed.

When British arrived the stiff wars they fought were against Afghans. All rest just lay down and became chaiwallahs for the English. In fact the British sufferd one of the worst defeats in the Anglo-Afghan war when entire British Army was wiped out bar one survivor who was spared so he could relate the disaster to London.

The problem was this cut off the Afghans from the advances made in Europe. Thus their military tenacity worked against them. The conmquered ancestors of some Pakistani's and all Indians became British slaves. The next 200 years British rule led to their societies being transformed and English language seeped in. Modern Pakistan and India are largely products of this era as are their institutions.

THe Afghans remained cut off and in glorious isolation while centuries rolled forward. Then the modern world crashed into their space with invasion of Soviet Russia. Keep this in mind when forming opinions. As a people Afghans are Pashtuns, Farsiwan Persians and Turks with shot of Mongol Hazara.


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the US should fix their broken image in front of the world by recognize the IEA and try to keep them on their side event if they have opposite ideology, just remember the US and her local allies fail to keep Afganistan stable or even better, now they should gives the Taliban chance for a better Afganistan, keep them close so they can avoid seeing Chinese influence in Afgan after Taliban come into power, I hope Indonesian people and Indonesian government have better understanding about what happen in Afganistan from a genuine and honest sources, not some agenda from butthurt westerners or false accusition
To expect Chinese influence to not rise in Afghanistan or Central Asia is like expecting no American influence in Mexico - but being optimistic that China will develop a stronger footprint in Mexico. No way. Goes against the very grain of local geography. China shares a border with Afghanistan.


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