India helping Nawaz in 'attempts to weaken army', says PM Imran

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India helping Nawaz in 'attempts to weaken army', says PM Imran

Prime Minister Imran Khan has said PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif is playing a "dangerous game" by levelling allegations of political interference against the army and claimed that the former premier has India's support.

In an interview with journalist Nadeem Malik on Samaa TV on Thursday, he also said the relations between his government and the military are the "best in history" because all institutions are working in their spheres.

"This is a dangerous game Nawaz is playing; Altaf Hussain played the same game," he said, adding that he was "100 per cent" sure that India was helping the PML-N leader.

Editorial: Denouncing Nawaz as 'anti-state' after his MPC speech is a repugnant line of attack


"Whose interest is it that our army weakens? Our enemies," he added, saying some "foolish liberals" were agreeing with Nawaz's narrative.

"Look at Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen; the entire Muslim world is ablaze [so] why are we safe? If it weren't for our army, our country would've been in three pieces. India's think-tanks say that they want to break Pakistan."

He said Nawaz was creating a "huge fitna (mischief)" by attacking the army.

"He (Nawaz) is becoming the next Altaf Hussain. He is a coward, I am sure he has support [from India]," he said.

"I am so angry that he went abroad by lying shamelessly. All kinds of lies were told that he is about to die, [his] platelets are low, etc." which led the government to allow him to leave, the premier added.

Answering a question about Nawaz's return to Pakistan, the prime minister said his government was asking the British government to "send him back" and that there was a "plan in place".

"We allowed him to leave on humanitarian grounds ... and now that he is there he has started politics. We know he is meeting different people and is conspiring against the nation," he added.

Prime Minister Imran said he was the "first person in the country's history" who won elections from five constituencies and who was "not grown in any military nursery like Nawaz or Zulfikar Ali Bhutto".

He reiterated that he did not have any issues with the army and came to power after mobilising the public and struggling on his own.

"Justice [Asif Saeed] Khosa during the Panama Papers case had said that all institutions in Pakistan were rotten and paralysed," he said. "Only one institution is intact which is the army and we take their assistance to fight Covid, locusts, etc. If I hadn't sent the NDMA to clean nullahs [in Karachi], more water would have entered [buildings]."

'Army has evolved'
Prime Minister Imran said the army could not be cursed due to the mistakes made by some dictators.

"If a dictator made mistakes will we always call the army bad? If Justice Munir gave a wrong decision will we call the judiciary bad? If politicians looted wealth and stashed it abroad are all politicians bad?" the premier asked.

He said Pakistan's history provided the lesson that the "military's job is not to run the government. If a democratically elected government is performing poorly, it does not mean martial law should be imposed; it means the government should be improved.

"If a judge gives a wrong decision it means the judiciary has to evolve. The army has evolved as well. Contemporary civil-military relations are the best in history because they are all working in their spheres."

He said the army had stood by his decisions including those regarding relations with India, opening of the Kartarpur Corridor and the coronavirus pandemic.

The premier said PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif was "never a democratic man" and entered politics through the army's support.

"Now he has become a super democrat," he added, saying Nawaz had problems with various former army chiefs and Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa, whom he himself appointed.

The prime minister said Nawaz has problems with the army because "they come to steal and our world-class agencies detect their theft".

He said Nawaz during his tenure had controlled the civil institutions and even the judiciary and had his workers attack the Supreme Court "when justice Sajjad Ali Shah could not be controlled".

"Only the army was not under his control. That is why he couldn't get along [with them]."

Referring to the claim reportedly made by Nawaz that ex-ISI chief Zaheerul Islam had called him to ask him to resign, Imran said: "You were the prime minister, [how] does he have the courage to say that to you?

"If someone tells that to me, I will demand his resignation. I am the democratically elected prime minister; who can dare to tell me to step down?"

Prime Minister Imran said in a democratic system, a person's moral authority is what counts.

"[Nawaz] has no moral authority. When he had a two-thirds majority, he tried to become Ameerul Momineen ... Why don't I want to become the same?"

He said in security matters the army has the biggest say in any country in the world.

"India has become a security issue," he added. "We know India sponsors terrorism in Pakistan but since we were aiming to bring peace because we wanted to lift our economy, the army stood by me."

'Gen Bajwa asked me about meeting opposition'
Answering a question regarding a meeting held between prominent opposition leaders and the army chief, Prime Minister Imran said Gen Bajwa had called the meeting regarding Gilgit-Baltistan after asking him.

"There was a purpose behind [the meeting]," he said. "India is active in GB; it is also part of the CPEC route and ... the region is in limbo. The people there want rights and India is exploiting that.

"It was important that the [army] explained to them what security issues are coming up. Whenever there is a security matter, I prefer the army to explain because they have institutional memory."

The premier said India wanted to create disturbance in the country by creating a Shia-Sunni conflict.

"We knew for three months, they were aiming for the assassination of Shia and Sunni scholars. Thank God our agencies caught that [and] a terrorist group was busted in Punjab," he revealed.

'Will put them all in jail'
Responding to a question, the prime minister said he was not threatened by the opposition's recent announcement to launch a street movement against him. He added that no one could know about street movements better than him.

"To make the public come out, you need to pick something that interests the masses. They (opposition) can never lure masses out," he said, adding that Nawaz was targeting institutions by sitting abroad so he could get an NRO-like deal.

"I am under no pressure. If someone today asks me to give them an NRO to save my premiership, I will step down."

He said the opposition has the right to peaceful protest. "They can do that as much as they want but if they step outside the law, I will put them all in jails."

Asked about his comment regarding 'umpire's finger' during the PTI sit-in against the PML-N government, the premier said he "never meant the army" when he used the term.

"In my eyes, the only umpire is Allah. I went to jail in [Pervez] Musharraf's time, why would I want the army to take over [during PML-N's term]?" he said.

Regarding his visit to the General Headquarters in 2014, Imran said the PML-N government had "asked [then-army chief Gen] Raheel Sharif to talk to us. They asked us to end the sit-in; we said no, everyone knows that."

He said it "would be great" if the opposition decides to resign from the assemblies.

"If we give in to them, our coming generations will never forgive us," he maintained.



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Should do the same with BJP😋

Who's the BJP dissident PM stuck in London and what's the equivalent of Mumbai Terror attack (with the dozens of actors spread around openly and brazenly, on ISI payroll and protection)?


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He will disappoint you guys just like he disappointed the country, his own supporters and weirdly enough the army as well.

Fake news! Just look at the sugar mills for example, it was quite the "Sweetener" you can say with our relations with badmaash ganja! :cool:


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Yay.... badmaash, bhutto, diesel mullah....unbeatable team is here! Make Pak Great Again!


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Nawaz baby, help us out with FATF blacklisting Imran...lets do it bro.
Ohh this going to be very interesting. In a couple of decades, there will be sharifization of Imran Khan. Ik forgets the same fate awaits him as was for the other company-men before him, Big Bhutto-Sharif... and now him.
In a decade or two, it will be the same story again.


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Ohh this going to be very interesting. In a couple of decades, there will be sharifization of Imran Khan. Ik forgets the same fate awaits him as was for the other company-men before him, Big Bhutto-Sharif... and now him.
In a decade or two, it will be the same story again.
Expectations lol. Imrans fate is going to hit a dead end in another 6-7 years at max. Army is already actively headhunting replacements.

Army learnt their lesson with big bhutto &sharif. Dont give multiple terms to a single puppet and turn them into messiah. Keep it short, easy and flexible.
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'Army has evolved'


There is absolutely no evidence to support that oft repeated claim which is nothing more than a temporary smokescreen that does not fool anyone but the sycophants.

Rajendra Chola

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PA had learnt it's lesson. Instead of overtly doing an coup, it has mastered the art of control through the smokescreen of elected civilian government. Most of the people in PTI themselves were crossovers from other parties. So how can these people be corrupt free?

Pakistan needs an revolution from civilian side against this covert civilian control. It won't be perfect at first but will be beneficial in the longer run.


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Ohh this going to be very interesting. In a couple of decades, there will be sharifization of Imran Khan. Ik forgets the same fate awaits him as was for the other company-men before him, Big Bhutto-Sharif... and now him.
In a decade or two, it will be the same story again.
If only the army had as much grip over Pakistan as you guys in India think. I believe in India you people have have distilled hate of Pakistan and deposited it on the "evil armee".

Who's the BJP dissident PM stuck in London and what's the equivalent of Mumbai Terror attack (with the dozens of actors spread around openly and brazenly, on ISI payroll and protection)?
India has been directly involved in feeding the killing frenzy in Karachi through it's MQM stooges and Altaf became your point man. The blood of 100s is on RAW in Karachi.


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India has been directly involved in feeding the killing frenzy in Karachi through it's MQM stooges and Altaf became your point man. The blood of 100s is on RAW in Karachi.

Sounds like you should get an ally or two (say China) to back the "Evidence" you have for it.

Then we can work on getting PMIK to actually show up at KL the next meeting to work on that further.

I bring up Mumbai given Pakistan govt own clear established admitting of Pakistani terrorist network behind it.

The action on that has been very sub par, so FATF it will have to be.


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Sounds like you should get an ally or two (say China) to back the "Evidence" you have for it.

Then we can work on getting PMIK to actually show up at KL the next meeting to work on that further.

I bring up Mumbai given Pakistan govt own clear established admitting of Pakistani terrorist network behind it.

The action on that has been very sub par, so FATF it will have to be.
I don't think this money was for building a cancer hospital in Karachi.

Pakistan's MQM 'received Indian funding'

Officials in Pakistan's MQM party have told the UK authorities they received Indian government funds, the BBC learnt from an authoritative Pakistani source.
UK authorities investigating the MQM for alleged money laundering also found a list of weapons in an MQM property.
A Pakistani official has told the BBC that India has trained hundreds of MQM militants over the past 10 years.



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One of reasons I fell out of favour with PDF was my realization that more terror, sabotage and damage has been done to Pakistan via Indian proxies working in Karachi than any other group. PDF loves scapegoating the Afghans. While no doubt some of the issues in Pakistan have come from Afghan groups or Afghan refugees. But all that pales in comparison to the destruction wrought to the state by Karachi based hoodslums operating under MQM banner and acting as Indian proxies. With millions of them from India, with many having family it is as easy as planting people in Karachi as Kolkata.

The Pakistan media dominated by Karachi elites gives this little coverage and instead bangs on about 'Afghans' which often is a catch all for native peoples. Singing about paying taxes which is balloxe because Karachi has HQ's of many national entities like Islamabad. As I pointed out if it was about taxes Islamabad comes out top.

But all this singing is done to hide what has been going on. Anybody mentioning this will recieve a lynch response. But the fact is MQM has been financed by India. Altaf has even gone to India and asked "for help" etc. Non of this is hidden.


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While Pakistani "terrorists" might have to catch boats and try to sneak into Mumbai, Indian "terrorists" could until recently just catch a flight to Dubai from India which en route took a transit break at Karachi airport. From there they could leave the plane, melt into Karachi without any restrictions. All this facilitated by MQM.

Go to 3:35 and listen onwards.



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I don't think this money was for building a cancer hospital in Karachi.

Pakistan's MQM 'received Indian funding'

Officials in Pakistan's MQM party have told the UK authorities they received Indian government funds, the BBC learnt from an authoritative Pakistani source.
UK authorities investigating the MQM for alleged money laundering also found a list of weapons in an MQM property.
A Pakistani official has told the BBC that India has trained hundreds of MQM militants over the past 10 years.

Like I said, get at least one other country to connect the dots to final terrorism like Pakistan only seems to have done.

This is important so you dont come off the equivalent of a muttering crazy person (i.e you need to convince other people of what you know!...not just yourselves)

China and India are at low ebb of relations, should be a cakewalk right to get at least them on board right?

The proof must clearly be damning after all.


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While Pakistani "terrorists" might have to catch boats and try to sneak into Mumbai, Indian "terrorists" could until recently just catch a flight to Dubai from India which en route took a transit break at Karachi airport. From there they could leave the plane, melt into Karachi without any restrictions. All this facilitated by MQM.

Go to 3:35 and listen onwards.

OK make the consensus on the proof with another country so its believable and credible to even some degree. Iron bro is all ears surely?


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OK make the consensus on the proof with another country so its believable and credible to even some degree.
This is largely political. That it is creible is not based on how many countries say "yes". Countries don't act like juries but after their interests, something a well read person like you would know.

By the way MQM's links with India are often cited in Pakistan but I used a BBC link because this angle came out after Metropolitan police investigated Altaf for money laundering.


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Like I said, get at least one other country to connect the dots to final terrorism like Pakistan only seems to have done.
If Pakistan was seven times larger, seven times greater reach, seven times more influence I suspect we could get dozen countries to "connect dots".
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