Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus News & Update


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I wonder why the UN pretend the Annan plan, and voting didn't happen ?

I wonder why they did not have a laid out plan of what would happen after the voting. If necessary keep it a secret to to UNSC until after votings.

As I see it, and the west knows, yet ignores.

1. GC said "NO"
2. GC joined EU
3. TRNC is kept in a limbo

I think it is imperative to weed out the anti TRNC disidents and continue with developing TRNC.

Problem is no one is going to recognize that tiny nation when Turkey doesn't have good relations most of the world.

Plus of course NK issue must be solved first, until then I believe Turkey and Azerbaycan could work together towards developing TRNC.

If we could reconnect with Egypt then Libya's peaceful future would be secured. As I see it Egypts stance is what gives room for Haftar to breathe and exist.


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The excerpt seems to be ok, but I don't know if the entire piece is like that.

"Thus in recent years, after a long period in which the international community viewed the Turkish side as responsible for preventing a solution to the Cypriot problem, the tables have turned somewhat, so that now it is precisely the Greek side that is deemed the obstacle to progress towards a solution. Nowadays much depends on developments following the 2008 presidential elections in the Republic of Cyprus. "

Another one:

Dergi Park:


3 1,799
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You, great masterminds, think that you know a lot about Cyprus and Turkish Cypriots. You will be surprised soon and learn not to insult the president, presidency and people of a brother nation. I invite you to respect sovereignty, democracy and president of a brother nation. How would you feel if someone insults your president?
There is an organized, well funded attack and intervention to Turkish Cypriot democracy. Which only creates hatred between us. Some intelligence service guys come and threathen the president of A COUNTRY (yes practically it is a sovereign state), a shadowy team of people hacks emails and accounts of Turkish Cypriot president and his crew, blackmails them. Organizes whole Turkish media to insult him, distort his words and thoughts to promote hatred against him. Who do you think gonna vote? Fools that believe AKP's lies about him in Turkey, or Turkish Cypriots who feel insulted by these actions. I suggest you to find more objective sources of news before unleashing your hatred. None of the Turkish Cypriots are traitors, we defended ourselves against greeks more than 15 years before Turkey came to aid. And we don't want to be Islamized, lose our freedom of speech like you in Turkey and keep our democracy.. This is just what Akıncı is saying, he just don't want to be puppet of Turkey like many other Turkish Cypriots here.

Anyone could win this election, most likely Akıncı, less likely the puppet Tatar.

What a hypocrisy that while complaining about lack of democracy and interventions in Egypt, Libya etc. Turkish Government intervenes to the elections of a brother nation. Only lies and hatred in this thread.. But these tactics don't work on well educated people of North Cyprus


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You, great masterminds, think that you know a lot about Cyprus and Turkish Cypriots. You will be surprised soon and learn not to insult the president, presidency and people of a brother nation. I invite you to respect sovereignty, democracy and president of a brother nation. How would you feel if someone insults your president?
There is an organized, well funded attack and intervention to Turkish Cypriot democracy. Which only creates hatred between us. Some intelligence service guys come and threathen the president of A COUNTRY (yes practically it is a sovereign state), a shadowy team of people hacks emails and accounts of Turkish Cypriot president and his crew, blackmails them. Organizes whole Turkish media to insult him, distort his words and thoughts to promote hatred against him. Who do you think gonna vote? Fools that believe AKP's lies about him in Turkey, or Turkish Cypriots who feel insulted by these actions. I suggest you to find more objective sources of news before unleashing your hatred. None of the Turkish Cypriots are traitors, we defended ourselves against greeks more than 15 years before Turkey came to aid. And we don't want to be Islamized, lose our freedom of speech like you in Turkey and keep our democracy.. This is just what Akıncı is saying, he just don't want to be puppet of Turkey like many other Turkish Cypriots here.

Anyone could win this election, most likely Akıncı, less likely the puppet Tatar.

What a hypocrisy that while complaining about lack of democracy and interventions in Egypt, Libya etc. Turkish Government intervenes to the elections of a brother nation. Only lies and hatred in this thread.. But these tactics don't work on well educated people of North Cyprus

Your akinci insulted our national hero Tayfur Sokmen he also sells his daughter to a Greek man.

Real question is, about you Turkish cypriots are you with us or against us. Stop playing games.

Your akinci guy critisied our operations in Syria then cried like a cuck about how much he loves the greeks.

Islamisation pfft we never imposed islamisation by the way the Ottomans are ones who Islamised Cyprus.

Funny how these Turkish cypriots talk about us Mainland Turks in such a racist and demeaning way.

Yes I support interventions in Syria and Libya while you Turkish cypriots party with your greek "brothers".

Turkiye is fighting to protect its interests.
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I don't like Akinci at all. I hope he loses.

But Cypro is right about interference. Turkey shouldn't be interfering in northern Cyprus for any reason other than security.

Sending refugees from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, etc. I went to TRNC a few years ago and there was way too many refugees. How do you expect the population of TRNC to respect Turkey when they are being treated like a dumping ground for refugees?

AKP's retarded policies are hurting the relations between two inseparable states.


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I don't like Akinci at all. I hope he loses.

But Cypro is right about interference. Turkey shouldn't be interfering in northern Cyprus for any reason other than security.

Sending refugees from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, etc. I went to TRNC a few years ago and there was way too many refugees. How do you expect the population of TRNC to respect Turkey when they are being treated like a dumping ground for refugees?

AKP's retarded policies are hurting the relations between two inseparable states.

We are sending non Turks to cyprus???

No wonder cypriot turks are pissed off.

What a dumb policy.


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It is so surprising how easily people in Turkey manipulated by the media. Yes everyone is against you and trying to destroy Turkey, enemies inside and enemies outside, whole world against you. Time to time self-criticism is a bless.

First of all I am not even Akıncı supporter and a real patriot. Whenever some one criticizes or opposes the government in Turkey, they suddenly become, "puppet of west", "brothers of Greeks", "tools of jews" etc.. There are 5-10 extremely anti-turkey Turkish Cypriots who go to South and complain about Turkey who tries to insult Turkey, yet main stream media in Turkey and Government uses them to demonize opposition in North Cyprus or Turkish Cypriots while dividing our People. Greeks are our eternal enemies, how come we are their brothers? Akıncı is not their brother too.. He is protecting our interests against them but also tries to stay sovereign. Yes one of his daughter is married to a Greek, so what. And he didn't insulted Tayfur Sokmen, "he just said I am not the guy who will decide to merge with Turkey like Tayfur Sokmen did in Hatay, things are different here" where is the insult.. He was the first one to condemn Coup in 2016, he is a true democrat and pacifist.

Turkish Cypriots also mostly supports East Med strategy, intervention to Libya, Syria or Iraq. Fight against PKK and other Proxies. What we are not supporting is worsening relations with West or Egypt and Israel which pushed them to our Enemies side! That is completely based on ideological politics. Dictators are everywhere yet you demonize Sisi ( 7 years have passed since mursi), Arabs backstab you every time yet you still keep demonizing only* Israel.. even they are supporting pkk (which is not the only country doing it) there is no gain in having bad relations with them. If someone like Akıncı tells this you stamp him as puppet of greeks or jews.

Turkish Cypriots are also fighting for their future, interests and democracy. Do you know that Turkish Cypriots become minority in their own country. People from Turkey(Not from west mostly east), Syrians, Nigerians, Pakistanis and many more are changing our demographics and lifestyle. Turkey says giving aid, instead of schools they are building empty mosques with that aid. Constantly blackmailing local government to build more mosques open quran courses and giving citizenship to people coming from Turkey. If you try to take someones land and remove them, of course they get pissed off. We feel our culture, our sovereignty and identity are threatened.

When Akıncı elected first thing he said was "We are not baby nation (Yavru vatan) we are a brother nation (kardeş ülke) like Azerbaijan, this baby needs to stand up and grow, stronger TRNC only benefits Turkey" he said. This is what most of the Turkish Cypriots are thinking. After he said this Turkish Government and media started to demonize him, push him, tried to control and contain him.. Then he become more against Turkey.. Even they formed a mob (from mainlanders) and attacked him in front of OUR PARLIMENT, Those mobs also attacked and insulted our parliment.

I suggest everyone to listen before judging. We (Turks) don't need more division within, we need union with respecting our differences.
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3 1,799
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Completely fake unrealistic outcome.. Yet another propaganda attempt.. Firstly only citizen's can vote in a such referandum where 2/3 of people in the street is not citizen. If you ask a guy from Turkey of course he says he wants TRNC to become a part of Turkey. 99% of Turkish Cypriots want to live in free, recognized and sovereign TRNC without being minority of anyone. (We value freedom of speech, democracy and secularism much more than nationalism) So may be 1% agree to become part of Turkey (excluding citizens who migrate here and become part of our people, although most of them also will not want that). I don't think anyone claim that Turkey is a cradle of democracy and freedom right now. Nobody also wants to unite with Greeks, but if it is the best option to get out of this isolation and become part of Europe then majority will favor that. It is all about manipulation, how you ask the question.. Of course nobody wants to unite with any other country but if it is better option than current situation, then yes.

Do you know that Turkish is an official Language in Europe and Turkish Cypriots have 2 seats in European parliament just because we act smartly back in 2004 and advertise ourselves as the ones who want peace. Yes we suffered a lot from wars so, my people are mostly pacifists.


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I’ve never liked AKP or RTE. Few elements in AKP did a good job. But that pretty much stopped after 2013.

But that’s Turkey and the greatest f&ck up was alloweing GC to join EU. It puts KKTC in a pinch. You got nothing in return for voting yes to Annan plan. That bloody hurts.

I wish KKTC goes for international recognition. Develop all land under your control and grow, bigger.

I’ve said many times the refugee deal was a mistake. But I had hoped ppl without pasport couldn’t enter KKTC.

How the hell can you let arab immigrants enter KKTC!

Oh I don’t eant KKTC to merge with Turkey. We do get enough retard leaders.

But to pave a future for KKTC. Recognition is necessary!


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Mate there wouldn't be any Turkish Cypriots if it wasn't for Turkish intervention.
Yeah sure, what do you want for that? land? (we already gave, do you want more) We were not existed before u saved our asses, yes u are right. Ottoman Empire sold the island to UK, TC did not include it in Misak'ı Milli, UK tried to destroy Turkish identity for 100 year, Greeks attack and terrorize.. Turks fought back to give motherland right in this island.. Why would do you think Turkey (after selling, and giving up in Lozan) become guarantor of Cyprus.. Because we fought for that.. Turkey helped us in 1974 yes, we are grateful for that for every day, but Turkish Cypriots fought 15 years before Turkish
Army came to aid... We fought for our sovereignty and expected some respect. We are grateful and thanking Turkey everyway but since 1974 Every Turk from mainland (even Government officials) says we saved you.. we saved you.. we saved you.. you owe us.. you could not existed if we saved you.. you would not survive with out you.. :)) for 46 years... yes you saved your brothers.. Thank you bro :)

We gave you land, rights in east med, military bases, we are good customer of your exports... what do you want more to respect our existence :))

We don't want dependence we want independence!
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What is your opinion to "we have to give the Rums parts of the Land back"?

Nobody will recognize your Independence besides the Turkish Republic don't forget that, some Turkish Cypriots i met in Girne for example are living in LaLaland talking about reunification, equal rights, equal share etc. I really wanted to ask them if they suffer from Stockholm Syndrom but didn't want to destroy my holiday mood.
Sooo don't tell us something about your Independence go tell that to the EU and rest of the World, as if we are the ones putting stones to your path for Independence.

The moment TSK leaves Cyprus you are food for them, every Greek Cypriot household is armed, they have a bigger population, better equipped Armed Forces but i guess pacifist cuck minded people can withstand that, right? Back in the days you had Lions now... is a different story.

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They didn't want to share money from the gasfields and the dude is talking about merging with Cyprus Greecs :D . Didn't learn from the past and al ready want to be killed againg.

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