Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus News & Update


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Yeah sure, what do you want for that? land? (we already gave, do you want more) We were not existed before u saved our asses, yes u are. Ottoman Empire sold the island to UK, TC did not include it in Misak'ı Milli, UK try to destroy Turkish identity for 100 year, Greeks attack terrorize.. Turks fought back to give motherland right in this island.. Why would do you think Turkey (after selling, and giving up in Lozan) become guarantor of Cyprus.. Because we fought for that.. Turkey helped us in 1974 yes, we are grateful for that for every day, but Turkish Cypriots fought 15 years before Turkish
Army came to aid... We fought for our sovereignty and expected some respect. We are grateful and thanking Turkey everyway but since 1974 Every Turk from mainland (even Government officials) says we saved you.. we saved you.. we saved you.. you owe us.. you could not existed if we saved you.. you would not survive with out you.. :)) for 46 years... yes you saved your brothers.. Thank you bro :)

We gave you land, rights in east med, military bases, we are good customer of your exports... what do you want more to respect our existence :))

We don't want dependence we want independence!
You fought 15 years before the Turkish army came you say... You don't know your history and the history of the organization that turned to the official armed forces of the TRNC. Some of the best officers of the Turkish Armed Forces and intelligence organizations organized the rebellion before conventional forces embarked in Cyprus. Officers that were receiving training in unconventional warfare all over the world in US, Latin America have experience in Korea and also one of them officer who served with Mustafa Kemal ATATURK himself and was one of the top figures in the creation of the Turkish Special Warfare Department. Do you know how such structure is made and how much sweat and blood is given before TMT started to be called Security Forces Command? All the propaganda, weapons training, sabotages? Have a little shame. You are spitting on the actions not only of "the mainland Turks" who you so much insist to be distinguished from but also over the graves of your ancestors who fought shoulder to shoulder with Turkish unconventional warfare specialists even before the war was even a thing. You were never alone.


TRNC is de facto a Turkish city. 99% of its budget and supplies go from Turkey. The reason Turkey hasn't officially annexed it yet is purely political and a result of Turkey's roller-coaster relationship with the EU and relatively weaker economy/military from the 70's through early 2000's. But a lot has changed in the last 20 years and we're already seeing results of that. I for one am optimistic about the future.


3 1,807
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Northern Cyprus
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Northern Cyprus
What is your opinion to "we have to give the Rums parts of the Land back"?

Nobody will recognize your Independence besides the Turkish Republic don't forget that, some Turkish Cypriots i met in Girne for example are living in LaLaland talking about reunification, equal rights, equal share etc. I really wanted to ask them if they suffer from Stockholm Syndrom but didn't want to destroy my holiday mood.
Sooo don't tell us something about your Independence go tell that to the EU and rest of the World, as if we are the ones putting stones to your path for Independence.

The moment TSK leaves Cyprus you are food for them, every Greek Cypriot household is armed, they have a bigger population, better equipped Armed Forces but i guess pacifist cuck minded people can withstand that, right? Back in the days you had Lions now... is a different story.

FIRST of all there is no official map till now, Greeks create imaginary maps that would never accepted by the Turks.

"we have to give the Rums parts of the Land back" is part of propaganda game to remove current president and replace it with AKP puppet. We (Turkey & Turkish Cypriots) get more land than we agreed with NATO and UK, in order to have bargaining power. (35% of the island) Maraş (Varosha) was not in the plans and Greeks abandon city in panic then our troops find free land /city to move more than agreed plans that is why it was not opened till now and kept as a bargaining option.

We have to give is Land is not a new thing although Turkish Media and trolls are boosting it recently, we have 35% and Denktaş offered to give 6% of it back in 1978 in the first peace talks! :) so who is traitor? Come on! That is great false perception, propaganda.. They just cut one part of his speech telling we have to give land back! but why? In order to gain our rights and get rid of isolation of course.... 1980s Denktaş offered Maraş (varosha) in return of Direct flights and our ports to become recognized(not the country) So since 1974 we are always offering land to Greeks.. Starting with Denktaş, this was a part of negotiation.. always.. we are isolated because of this.. the major problem is the Greek land and real estate in the North


3 1,807
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Northern Cyprus
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Northern Cyprus
TRNC is de facto a Turkish city. 99% of its budget and supplies go from Turkey. The reason Turkey hasn't officially annexed it yet is purely political and a result of Turkey's roller-coaster relationship with the EU and relatively weaker economy/military from the 70's through early 2000's. But a lot has changed in the last 20 years and we're already seeing results of that. I for one am optimistic about the future.
Yeah dude we will die if you don't give money, pls don't give 99% then we don't have to spend it to new mosques.. OH I forgot.. between 2016 and 2019 you forgot to give because we had a leftist government, so I guess 1% is enough. Keep believing exaggerated lies of your media and leaders.. Then you would ask yourself why would these people increasingly distance themselves from us even if we don't insult them everyday.

Of course Greeks don't want to share anything with us despite it is on their constitution.. That is why we are fighting and trying to solve the issue. But yeah.. I guess you guys know better than us..


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Completely fake unrealistic outcome.. Yet another propaganda attempt.. Firstly only citizen's can vote in a such referandum where 2/3 of people in the street is not citizen. If you ask a guy from Turkey of course he says he wants TRNC to become a part of Turkey. 99% of Turkish Cypriots want to live in free, recognized and sovereign TRNC without being minority of anyone. (We value freedom of speech, democracy and secularism much more than nationalism) So may be 1% agree to become part of Turkey (excluding citizens who migrate here and become part of our people, although most of them also will not want that). I don't think anyone claim that Turkey is a cradle of democracy and freedom right now. Nobody also wants to unite with Greeks, but if it is the best option to get out of this isolation and become part of Europe then majority will favor that. It is all about manipulation, how you ask the question.. Of course nobody wants to unite with any other country but if it is better option than current situation, then yes.

Do you know that Turkish is an official Language in Europe and Turkish Cypriots have 2 seats in European parliament just because we act smartly back in 2004 and advertise ourselves as the ones who want peace. Yes we suffered a lot from wars so, my people are mostly pacifists.
We will see the outcome soon. Dont worry.


Yeah dude we will die if you don't give money, pls don't give 99% then we don't have to spend it to new mosques.. OH I forgot.. between 2016 and 2019 you forgot to give because we had a leftist government, so I guess 1% is enough. Keep believing exaggerated lies of your media and leaders.. Then you would ask yourself why would these people increasingly distance themselves from us even if we don't insult them everyday.

Of course Greeks don't want to share anything with us despite it is on their constitution.. That is why we are fighting and trying to solve the issue. But yeah.. I guess you guys know better than us..
Yawn. Stop pretending to be a Cypriot Turk.


3 1,807
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Northern Cyprus
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Northern Cyprus
that member remind me the last interview of that traitor.

Whooooaaa reallyy traitor.. in 10 seconds he showed his true face :) People like me are so dumb, we watch entire interview... When you crop a sentence you could understand it better..

THE LAND taken from greeks hahahah... Guys Greeks left properties in North, Turks left in South. Since 2008 we are giving greeks their properties or compensation when they applied to our courts.. Otherwise AIHM would sentence Turkey to pay billions of dollar of compensation for not allowing Greeks to control their land.. But thanks to guys like Akıncı we allowed greeks to use our courts instead of AIHM.. you are welcome.

So much misinformation, so much bad propaganda that I could not answer I guess, keep blinded by Turkish media :)) Cyprus is the land of all kinds of evil things, casinos, sex, heretics and traitors that you keep sending money :D Bloody Greek lovers...

(note that, all casinos here also owned by Turkish businessmen and who don't pay tax properly / also work with mafia, more trouble than benefit fo us)
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Whooooaaa reallyy traitor.. in 10 seconds he showed his true face :) People like me are so dumb, we watch entire interview... When you crop a sentence you could understand it better..

THE LAND taken from greeks hahahah... Guys Greeks left properties in North, Turks left in South. Since 2008 we are giving greeks their properties or compensation when they applied to our courts.. Otherwise AIHM would sentence Turkey to pay billions of dollar of compensation for not allowing Greeks to control their land.. But thanks to guys like Akıncı we allowed greeks to use our courts instead of AIHM.. you are welcome.

So much misinformation, so much bad propaganda that I could not answer I guess, keep blinded by Turkish media :)) Cyprus is the land of all kinds of evil things, casinos, sex, heretics and traitors that you keep sending money :D Bloody Greek lovers...

(note that, all casinos here also owned buy Turkish businessman and don't pay proper tax, more trouble than benefit)
Stop pretending to be a Turkish Cypriot. I can smell the ouzo from half way around the world.


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Completely fake unrealistic outcome.. Yet another propaganda attempt.. Firstly only citizen's can vote in a such referandum where 2/3 of people in the street is not citizen. If you ask a guy from Turkey of course he says he wants TRNC to become a part of Turkey. 99% of Turkish Cypriots want to live in free, recognized and sovereign TRNC without being minority of anyone. (We value freedom of speech, democracy and secularism much more than nationalism) So may be 1% agree to become part of Turkey (excluding citizens who migrate here and become part of our people, although most of them also will not want that). I don't think anyone claim that Turkey is a cradle of democracy and freedom right now. Nobody also wants to unite with Greeks, but if it is the best option to get out of this isolation and become part of Europe then majority will favor that. It is all about manipulation, how you ask the question.. Of course nobody wants to unite with any other country but if it is better option than current situation, then yes.

Do you know that Turkish is an official Language in Europe and Turkish Cypriots have 2 seats in European parliament just because we act smartly back in 2004 and advertise ourselves as the ones who want peace. Yes we suffered a lot from wars so, my people are mostly pacifists.

spare us the whole interview, you wrote it youtself. That clown want England and Greece to be guarantor, like if we watch the whole interview will change what stupidity you people are doing :D .

just change your name to yorgo and go to other side....


AKP's retarded policies are hurting the relations between two inseparable states.
EU's and Greece's policies are doing that. You don't want Turkey to interfere while Greece is fully invested in its decades-long "Megali Idea". The guy you seem to be supporting (Akinci) wants the Turkish lands surrendered to the Greek side.


3 1,807
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Northern Cyprus
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Northern Cyprus
Stop pretending to be a Turkish Cypriot. I can smell the ouzo from half way around the world.
Ok if you say so.. But I am more like a Gin and Vodka guy, I don't like ouzo or rakı. And may be sometimes whisky.

Benim kimseye bir şey ispatlamaya ihtiyacım yok, size farklı bir pencereden bakma fırsatı sunuyorum bir gün farklı görüşlere saygı duymayı ve ötekileştirmemeyi öğreneceksiniz, işte o zaman Türk milleti güçlü ve birlik olacak. İşinize gelmeyeni hain ilan etmeye devam edin :)

Here is the answer of real T.Cypriots:
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It’s no secret that RTE is the type of leader that will use any means to punish misbehaviors it’s his personality. CHP being a horrible opposition is just a bonus for RTE. The real danger to AKP comes from GP, Deva Party and such.

We may have a bad leader, but more mistakes won’t make KKTC situation better.

Also it’s not ok to alienate KKTC with reminders to history. But incompetent leaders run out of option sooner or later.

How can it be that there are so many immigrants in KKTC ?


Benim kimseye bir şey ispatlamaya ihtiyacım yok, size farklı bir pencereden bakma fırsatı sunuyorum bir gün farklı görüşlere saygı duymayı ve ötekileştirmemeyi öğreneceksiniz, işte o zaman Türk milleti güçlü ve birlik olacak. İşinize gelmeyeni hain ilan etmeye devam edin :)
A lot of non-Turks speak Turkish and I never called you a "hain". For someone to be a "hain", they would first have to be a Turk. So, you don't qualify.


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Personal insult is not an act we accept on the forum. We hope that the respectful discussion will continue.


3 1,807
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Northern Cyprus
You fought 15 years before the Turkish army came you say... You don't know your history and the history of the organization that turned to the official armed forces of the TRNC. Some of the best officers of the Turkish Armed Forces and intelligence organizations organized the rebellion before conventional forces embarked in Cyprus. Officers that were receiving training in unconventional warfare all over the world in US, Latin America have experience in Korea and also one of them officer who served with Mustafa Kemal ATATURK himself and was one of the top figures in the creation of the Turkish Special Warfare Department. Do you know how such structure is made and how much sweat and blood is given before TMT started to be called Security Forces Command? All the propaganda, weapons training, sabotages? Have a little shame. You are spitting on the actions not only of "the mainland Turks" who you so much insist to be distinguished from but also over the graves of your ancestors who fought shoulder to shoulder with Turkish unconventional warfare specialists even before the war was even a thing. You were never alone.
I cannot deny this, of course I know. You can be sure I know a lot about my people's history even some unspoken parts of that history. And in contrast to anyone here, I listened that from those who suffered directly. So story is not one sided or that simple, nobody can despise the sufferings of Turkish Cypriots and request unlimited "biat" for their favor, this is my opinion. Every Turk in Cyprus was thankful to Turkey and welcomed troops with tears of relief back in 1974.. and I never said we did not get any help, I said we fought for a long time in very hard conditions.. before TSK saved our people and ended conflict.

One should think how could someone consume so much love through the years.. You are saving someone from death, and they love you so much, then How could you pissed of some of these people like Akıncı? (who is an ODTÜ graduate, left his school and fought against Greeks)... Important question.

I wonder what would you think if someone made you a favor and requested return of that favor constantly for 46 years and try to control you all the time.. I have many soldiers in my family, martyrs who were in TMT.. I didn't say we were alone in that fight, but the word you would not existed if we did not saved you.. you have to biat us forever.. is the thing distancing Turkish Cypriots :) After sometime it becomes annoying, especially when your government intervenes internal affairs and media insults your president. Mutual Respect is the key for healthy relationship.

Same thing used against CHP, Kılıctaroglu is hain, Sisi's friend, Esad's friend, Fetö's friend.. Imamoğlu is a Rum! he is aGreek puppet... all who has opposed ideas are enemy or traitor according to your President :D But it is just distancing Turkish Cypriots when you have same rhetoric against our Leaders..

I am just trying to give you an idea about how it looks from here when you insult Akıncı or Other people living here.. I cannot change your perspective but better listen the other side.
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The guy you seem to be supporting (Akinci)

I literally said I want him to lose....

EU's and Greece's policies are doing that. You don't want Turkey to interfere while Greece is fully invested in its decades-long "Megali Idea".

I want Turkey to help KKTC, not make it a dumping ground for refugees, PKK terrorists and radical Islamists.

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