Yeah sure, what do you want for that? land? (we already gave, do you want more) We were not existed before u saved our asses, yes u are. Ottoman Empire sold the island to UK, TC did not include it in Misak'ı Milli, UK try to destroy Turkish identity for 100 year, Greeks attack terrorize.. Turks fought back to give motherland right in this island.. Why would do you think Turkey (after selling, and giving up in Lozan) become guarantor of Cyprus.. Because we fought for that.. Turkey helped us in 1974 yes, we are grateful for that for every day, but Turkish Cypriots fought 15 years before Turkish
Army came to aid... We fought for our sovereignty and expected some respect. We are grateful and thanking Turkey everyway but since 1974 Every Turk from mainland (even Government officials) says we saved you.. we saved you.. we saved you.. you owe us.. you could not existed if we saved you.. you would not survive with out you..

) for 46 years... yes you saved your brothers.. Thank you bro
We gave you land, rights in east med, military bases, we are good customer of your exports... what do you want more to respect our existence

We don't want dependence we want independence!