Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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yall remember the speech of Putin?

anyone who provides or intervenes in ANY WAY - will face harsh consequences.... does that count for providing whole AD systems too? if yes... here we go, 3rd WW incoming LMFAO!

Its a bluff call....and I am glad NATO finally made it....I didn't expect one this soon tbh.

There has likely been something planned behind the scenes with Ukraine in this scenario thats unfolded from the possibility tree mapped out)....

Remember there is lot of people involved behind the scenes of big faces.....that know where certain red lines and escaltions more likely are past the brandished words.

But very good move by NATO to do this call now.....Putin will have a big egg on his face if he doesnt back up his statement.


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What a drama, you would say Russia would use ther best weapons against Ukrain. No Awacs in the sky, no air raid so far. The story SU-35 shot down, and a lot of tanks destroyed by ukrain. They deployed ther SU57 in Syria but nothing in Ukrain or ar they scared that the west will look to ther latest technology?

For now Ukrain is doing well against Russia, Russians are afraid of ther old SAM systems. Other whise they would bomb the hell like Syria.

Russian SEAD is pretty horrid from what I've seen so far.

There will be much more to analyse on this after the war is over and dust settles.


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Anyone else find it amusing how the international media always make sure to say that "this is all Putin's fault but Russians are totally innocent and they hate all of this violence and bloodshed"? I keep seeing it everywhere on the news, how "great Russia" is being led astray by the "evil Putin" and this is happening because of him and totally not because most of Russia's population are neo-imperialistic assholes who believe that ex-Soviet nations need to be back under Mother Russia's loving care while the churkas from the non-European ex-Soviet states couldn't wipe their own ass without Russian guidance.

Aside from the fact that this is nonsense and going on any Russian website/social media or even seeing our very own blackjack on this forum you will notice that Russians support this crap basically 100% save for like 1 protest in St. Petersburg by the same minority crowd that went out for every other "democratic protest" in Russia in the past decade, isn't it interesting how neither Turkey nor Azerbaijan were afforded the same courtesy? We're not "good people with a proud history" led astray by the evil Erdogan and Aliyev, we're just straight-up nations of bloodthirsty savages from birth.

I support Ukraine but this hypocrisy just...I don't know. I'm not sure I even have enough rage for it, just sadness.

Its a typical liberal-western approach (not classical liberal, but the evolved neo-liberalism and current crop of progressivism)

They have become so far removed from what conservatism is....that they do not understand what other conservatism (in other countries) is.

That (understanding) is the first bridge to understanding the psyche of another place at large....and then how it concentrates in the powerful.

Largely conservative societies will thus "know" this about other conservative societies ....even if their conservatisms are built on different cultural, ethnic and historical rock.

Rather they (western hyper libs in ivory towers).... think in full reductive terms of what they can understand (its just a baddy at the top....if the baddy is removed....the problem goes away see?)

Its a babylon complex that is further downstream in West (hedonism and everything with it) than most of the rest of the world....and they have inherited a vast amount of power and inertia from an earlier time too, that makes quite a dissonance on this.

It also explains how stupid they have been overall in dealing with Russia and China for the last 30 years or so especially.


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Shameful act from India tbh
I would understand from China but from India which presumably calls itself as secular and cares about human rights? I swear I thought that India would havevoted yes to the resolution
Shameful acts that show their true colours; nothing more to expect considering what they are doing to ppl in kashmir....... Typical leaders in different countries, I guess

What has foreign policy in the end got to do with being secular and caring about human rights?

Those are both internal issues to build upon.

I can start a large conversation about what/how countries voted on (at the same UN) regarding their fellow muslim bengalis (and what they were facing) during 1971.

But I wont.... because I recognise what foreign policy actually is in the end.

Maybe you don't and think everything is some monolith extension for a nationstate's reality.


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1- india is a good ally to russia .

2- in the future they don't want russia to stand against them incase of chinese-indian war .

Ally is not really the right word....but close enough.

There are lot more things governing this stuff ....but those are two big ones.

Then we see some stuff like how much Europe has imported from russia (and paid cold hard cash for) in the last 30 years...... compared to India.

A lot of people should maybe start there.....and work inside out in their criticism priority before traversing much larger distance on it.


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Ukraine only have to hold long enough, help will come

I think the Coalition SEAD/DEAD op in Desert Storm 30 years ago is more devastating and accurate compared to yesterday Russian air blitz.
The British hatred for everything Russian is quite astonishing. I understand the underlying historic reasons and the rivalry for power but it still seems a bit extreme...they are as active as the US when it comes to containing Russia's influence.


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Ally is not really the right word....but close enough.

There are lot more things governing this stuff ....but those are two big ones.

Then we see some stuff like how much Europe has imported from russia (and paid cold hard cash for) in the last 30 years...... compared to India.

A lot of people should maybe start there.....and work inside out in their criticism priority before traversing much larger distance on it.
Well, if Kashmir is an integral part of India and partly occupied by your Pakistani neighbor, according to New Delhi that is, why on earth is India not condemning a behavior that is similar to what Pakistan has done to you? I do believe that any other Indian leader would have acted differently on this issue.


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Ally is not really the right word....but close enough.

There are lot more things governing this stuff ....but those are two big ones.

Then we see some stuff like how much Europe has imported from russia (and paid cold hard cash for) in the last 30 years...... compared to India.

A lot of people should maybe start there.....and work inside out in their criticism priority before traversing much larger distance on it.

India is just pragmatic right now same with Pakistan.

Conflict is just too far to bother with.

India is also close with Russia.


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Well, if Kashmir is an integral part of India and partly occupied by your Pakistani neighbor, according to New Delhi that is, why on earth is India not condemning a behavior that is similar to what Pakistan has done to you? I do believe that any other Indian leader would have acted differently on this issue.

There are things India prioritises with Russia past Putin's Tsarism.

Do I (as an individual) like that or prefer it that way? Nope....I despise Putin's guts and Tsarism's guts (as they portend to the power realm especially). I personally wish India was in a different situation to make a better call on this. But we dont operate on wishes, we operate on reality.

I see the larger reality in how countries form relationships and the reasons why.... it is grey area devoid of exacting principle.

There is some exercise of (asserted) morality....but its coloured heavily by hypocrisy whenever it does arise.

Past that its largely weighted by a transactional far.

You can give me ANY country (the larger the better)....and I will show you the big list proving this to be so.

This is not a Modi/BJP thing here.....Manmohan Singh or any Indian PM's administration would have done the exact same thing and abstained.

Feel free to check with Joe (or other Indians you want to) on the coffee thread if you would like to on it (and I will like to join that maybe if you do)....since that will get to off-topic stuff.

It was the prior administrations that built up the relationship with Russia, overlooking all manner of faults in them (as they overlooked all manner of faults within us).

Just like fault overlooking is done in relationship building (for the purposes you build that relationship in first place).

Just the same like we did with the US.....the only country to send a CBG to threaten us while we hosted millions of refugees (including many Muslims) from a neighbour's atrocities.....and the larger Muslim world staying extremely silent (or even materially supportive of the perpetrator).

Have we not looked past their faults (in the Muslim world...and the US) too in that episode?....and built relationships past it since?

He who is without sin, please by all means.....cast the first stone (in foreign policy).

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