This is a good review of the problem surrounding Russian army logistics
We have a lot to learn, especially regarding the logistics of our military. For now, let's ditch all of the rumors of exact endurance of our - supply logistics because the numbers are ridiculously sketchy and inconsistent, ranging from 6 hours to 6 days, 6 weeks, whatever, let's put that speculation aside. But what's important is that we really undermine the importance of Perbekalan dan Angkutan/ BekAng. Andika even jokingly suggests a cadet joining BekAng, implying this branch is not prestigious (compared to Infantry Commando). When in a real war, it's the exact opposite, BekAng, and logistics playing
the most important role, while special forces are for "special operation" of course.
We need to change our mindset, some generals said that an Army is defined by its' promotion system. What you put as being the best branch, where your best men are, defined what Army you will get. This is what we get, Infantry is the most prestigious and so all of the best candidates flock to be promoted to Infantry positions. Yet Infantry is the most vulnerable to logistical problems, they are quickly depleted, vulnerable to losses, mostly slow, and is manpower intensive, requiring a lot of supply. But heck our "military thinkers" think it's best to just focus on Infantry, even worse to rely on small Infantry units because apparently, big war will never happen.
At the same time even more crucially, the military leadership underestimated the logistics department. This branch is "buangan" branch, reserved for the least capable and least desirable candidates. This is a dangerous mindset, of course for small units in short operation logistics won't be a problem (hence the special force obsession and logistics neglect). But when situations like the Russian invasion or the Japanese invasion gonna happen, it will be pose a severe disadvantage to neglect logistics.