Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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Dugin is a genius.

The man supports Russian imperialism and wants Russia to be a strong country while at the same time. Dugin wants Russia to annilate its enemies including Turkiye and have an empire spanning into the Baltics all the way to Alaska.

While our Turks are like peace at home and peace in the world. This is not an attack on Ataturk. My post is for those pussies who constantly misuse Ataturk's peace at home and peace in the world for their bullshit pacifism. Turkiye needs to be proactive in its region full stop. Turkish homeland is already under both internal and external threats. There is no peace at home or in this world. This world is going to hell. This hellish world is even being felt in Australia as war is coming to the Asia pacific region. Honestly peace is just an instrument to prepare for the upcoming war. Lets not deny this.

Dugin is a piece of shit at least he his whole works is all about supporting his nations imperialism and longing for a superpower like the good old Tsarist and Soviet times.

While our Turks are ashamed of the Ottoman Empire.

Turks have forgotten that Russia is one of our biggest enemies. Dugin reminds us of that while us Turks have forgotten all of our enemies including Russia.

Dugin wants Russia to forge its own New World. Even if they lose this war or win at high costs. Dugin sees its worth it.

Dugin lives with fatalism anf the belief of high costs will come for Russia as he believes in the long term its all worth it.

A true piece of shit who is a dangerous man but a man who hasnt forgotten history and his countries role in geopolitics.


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⚡️Almost 9,000 Ukrainian heroes died in the war with Russia, - Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny.

⚡️Zelensky: About a million people protect Ukraine

The President noted that unconditional respect for veterans should be felt at all levels of public life in Ukraine and be embodied not in words, but in practical things.
Now about a million people are defending Ukraine in the Armed Forces and our other formations that oppose the invaders. This was announced by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.
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Spain Moderator
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You have to consider the full cost of the system and other contextual factors.

A) The time and cost of training of pilots (since I doubt a USAF mercenary system will/can be used given escalation dynamic) on completely new different system.

B) The significant infrastructure needed for maintenance, repair, overhaul and so on along with (new) armoury arsenal acquisition for again a novel air platform.

C) The cost imposed by patchwork of contested airspaces (rather than assured or air dominance that A-10 optimally operates underneath). Or reversely the cost needed to first acquire this air dominance with systems closer to the base of the pyramid (A-10 is really a privileged system closer to apex)

Then you need the target rich environment that makes A-10s worth it per flying hour and availability...and with relatively good airforce to protect them from opponents A2A.

This is why it makes more sense to extend and maximise the capacities of what Ukraine already has (like Mig 29 with HARM capability) or the frogfoots it has and so on.....(air wise)....given costs of developing a large UAF (Asset wise) this late in picture (all out war has already started and continues for half a year already).

.....or give them systems that do not need drawn out development of A,B and C and that are immediately and fairly cost-effectively optimised to taking out Russia's relevant systems in play (especially artillery) like HIMARs, TB2 and so that at some point Ukraine can achieve enough force concentration with its ground forces (and concert of continued NATO intel) to not only hold territory well but regain lost territory and at very least punitively punish Russian forces with highest precision and efficiency possible and lowest cost possible.

A-10 to me is just a completely different beast for different kind of war or context than what Russia has now transitioned to in Ukraine from its side.

It would have definitely made more sense to develop in the time the more pre-war situation had (from 2014 onwards), so that say ukrainian A-10s could have added to the carnage of russian armoured columns trying to make their way to Kiev and getting bogged down etc.

But that kind of window and theatre has passed and A-10s are low in priority to acquire now I would say (given their time and cost to develop and operate and secure well)....

....Russia has moved to a new format of war now with different targets addressed best by other immediate and now quite well proven solutions that Ukraine simply needs to acquire more of and keep integrating with their war plans and capacities.
Really interesting points about its hipotetical use in this war!

My impression is, after the news of approvision 100M$ to train Ukranian pilots on F-16, we have seen them doing virtual training on warthogs withtout any budget anouncement or news ( How many months were they training? ), so considering Ukraine having a general movilization, should be plenty of "volunteers" who can match the proper requirements in war times to become a pilot without previous air experience, it could be one of the highest paying jobs after the war for any UKR citizen.

Main maintenance facility could be placed in Poland for example, with already trained US workers, and small one/s in UKR with local trained operators who can be adviced remotely from the main one.

Without going so far away from the topic, I will want to add another interesting points we might miss, and it could be one of the main reasons US is interested on transfer A-10's, and it's the ability to take off and landing in non conventional airfields, it can operate from many of the old soviet raw terrain airfields scattered across the country and increase its survivability and operations over the war.


So that's true, the oportunity to see the warthog over very long soviet columns is gone, but it's still the favorite plane for close aircraft support in US Army (over F-35), an intense debate avoided the final retirement of their entire fleet, as its still good capabilities costing a new plane less than 20M$, and its operational costs being much lower than other modern planes, stalled the plans of decommision.
Seeing A-10 in Ukraine will also clarify the arguments about if this plane should be maintained in the US arsenal or being finally decommed.


So even when you can't take all the profit in the battlefield on Ukraine, I think makes sense, its operational costs could benefit this choice over other planes that can't match its maneuverability, versatility, take off weight, armor and the psychological effect on enemy troops at heavy contested fronts in the proper conditions.
I think A-10 alone will not be a good idea, but we are reaching a point were RU AA Defenses are being lowered every day thanks mainly to HIMARS, and accompanied with F-16 I think they can do a great job together!

Let's see what finally happens.


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In Dugins own books he basically promotes terrorism against Turkey, meanwhile when the clown went on TRT world he got promoted as somebody important and somebody the audience should respect.

There is no way on earth the editor at TRTworld didnt know what this guy is about, so the question is why are enemies of Turkey being given a platform. Why are the enemies of Turkey being promoted as our allies and friends?

We all laughed at dogu perincek and his retarded pro russian views but it seems dogu perincek and his men now have a say in Turkish politics.

Dogu perincek is a dangerous man.


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Zelensky's Office: The number of attacks in the Crimea will only grow

Podolyak commented on the explosions in the Crimea

A war of great intensity does not happen only in one side.

In Russian-occupied Crimea, the number of attacks of unknown origin will only increase.

Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said this on the air of Radio NV.

He noted that "this is a war of great intensity, a war of great intensity does not happen only in one direction." According to him, the Russian occupiers thought that "they could come in, behave here with impunity, cripple our people." Podolyak noted that with such an intensity of the war, "everything will only increase."

"I mean, the backlash will increase not only in the territory of Crimea, but in all the occupied places where the Russian army is today," Podolyak said.

He believes that the Russian occupiers were psychologically unprepared for what is happening today in the Crimea or in the Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk, Lugansk regions.

"They thought that they would kill us with impunity, while they themselves would sit and wait for it all to end and only so that they would not suffer," Podolyak added.

According to him, the number of attacks on those places where there is an enemy will grow.

"In Crimea, the number of attacks of unknown origin will only increase, let's say so delicately, which will spoil not just a specific beach season, but spoil the opportunity to live on stolen territory," Podolyak stressed.

Earlier, Aleksey Arestovich, Advisor to the Office of the President of Ukraine, said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have no prospects of a strike on the Crimean Bridge.


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Zelensky called the number of cruise missiles sent to Ukraine

At the same time, Russia "has the audacity to convene the UN Security Council to discuss its own provocations at the Zaporozhye nuclear power Plant."

The total number of different cruise missiles that Russia has used against Ukraine is approaching 3,500.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced this in his evening video message published on his Telegram channel.

"Russian artillery strikes are simply impossible to count - they are so intense," he added.


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US intends to strengthen the regime of application of sanctions against Russia - WSJ

US want to block the Russian Federation all the remaining ways of income and imports

This means targeting foreign banks and cryptocurrency platforms that are helping the Russian Federation.

The US has imposed a series of heavy sanctions against the Russian economy to punish it for invading Ukraine. Now US officials are pushing for them to be effective, closing loopholes, lobbying for support from other countries, and cracking down on people who condone Russia's evasion of restrictions.

Administration officials say the goal of the second phase is to cut off all remaining revenue and import routes that President Vladimir Putin needs to fight the war, even as Europe continues to buy significant amounts of oil and gas from Russia, according to The Wall Street. Journal.

That means targeting foreign banks and cryptocurrency platforms that help Russia maintain access to international currencies, seizing the bank accounts and corporate assets of blacklisted oligarchs, and punishing foreign companies caught exporting controlled goods into the country.

It also means trying to persuade countries such as China and India that have not joined the Western economic pressure campaign to cut back on the flow of money and exports still flowing into Russia.

Washington's goal is to "empower Ukrainians to defend themselves, weaken Russia's ability to fight this war [and] project power in the future," U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said last month at the Aspen Security Forum, a national security conference. and foreign policy issues.

Recall that Zelensky announced the first document on security guarantees for Ukraine. The Ukrainian side has already familiarized itself with the text and believes that it will be "a very powerful document."


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In the south Armed Forces of Ukraine repulsed eight enemy attacks

Ukrainian military hold the line

During the day on August 22, Russian troops attacked on the positions of the defenders of Ukraine eight times along the front line in the south of the country. This is stated in the summary of the operational command of the South.

As indicated, there are no losses among Ukrainian soldiers.

At the same time, air strikes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the stronghold, areas of concentration of manpower, weapons and equipment of the occupiers, their ammunition depots and air defense systems had a convincing result.

"In combination with the performance of fire missions by rocket and artillery units, the enemy lost 17 rashists, 1 Buk anti-aircraft missile system, 1 Sani 120 mm caliber towed mortar system, 5 vehicles and armored vehicles," the fighters reported.

Recall, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in the Yuzhnobugsky direction, the Russians concentrated their main efforts on holding their positions, preventing the advance of Ukrainian troops and shooting at our units.


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When do you guys think this war will end? I don't think it will be as long as Syria. I think when Putin has had enough he will probably announce that it was a "successful special operation". I think by spring next year, when it gets muddy again, it will end. But I think low-level fighting might continue in the east for a long time.


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When do you guys think this war will end? I don't think it will be as long as Syria. I think when Putin has had enough he will probably announce that it was a "successful special operation". I think by spring next year, when it gets muddy again, it will end. But I think low-level fighting might continue in the east for a long time.

The thing is this could go for a year. The war has become locked into an attrition war.

What makes it even worse the Russians have failed in their aims and objectives. Even if they take the donbass and then declare victory. They still failed while accumlating heavy casualties.

Their combined arms approach failed. They failed in nearly everything in trying to do a combined arms approach.

Their surprise attacks failed. They became bogged down in the siege of Kiev.

They underestimated Ukraine thinking it will be like 2014.

Underestimated how much military aid is going to Ukraine. Putin believed Nato would back down like in 2014 and 2008 in Georgia.

War has become like the Iran-Iraq war. A war locked into an attrition war minus the chemical weapons.


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In Dugins own books he basically promotes terrorism against Turkey, meanwhile when the clown went on TRT world he got promoted as somebody important and somebody the audience should respect.

There is no way on earth the editor at TRTworld didnt know what this guy is about, so the question is why are enemies of Turkey being given a platform. Why are the enemies of Turkey being promoted as our allies and friends?
His daughter was killed.


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The thing is this could go for a year. The war has become locked into an attrition war.

What makes it even worse the Russians have failed in their aims and objectives. Even if they take the donbass and then declare victory. They still failed while accumlating heavy casualties.

Their combined arms approach failed. They failed in nearly everything in trying to do a combined arms approach.

Their surprise attacks failed. They became bogged down in the siege of Kiev.

They underestimated Ukraine thinking it will be like 2014.

Underestimated how much military aid is going to Ukraine. Putin believed Nato would back down like in 2014 and 2008 in Georgia.

War has become like the Iran-Iraq war. A war locked into an attrition war minus the chemical weapons.
Yep that's a pretty good summary. Also Russia focused so much on superweapons that they really fell behind in every other area. When you look at what type force they've been trying to create, you can see that everything is geared towards a war against the USA. Hypersonic this, hypersonic that. On the other hand, they thought their rudimentary targeting systems that were used extensively to flatten Syria would suffice in a war against Ukraine. Boy were they wrong. It's as if they were prepared for a fight against both a superpower and ragtag militias... But not a middle power. Of course, now we know that they would get slapped by any competent military.


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US sent more F22 Raptors to Poland. There are now 12 Raptors guarding east NATO flank

That is really big force, I wonder if russia is planning something in the next few days.

Bosniak Revival

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The thing is this could go for a year. The war has become locked into an attrition war.

What makes it even worse the Russians have failed in their aims and objectives. Even if they take the donbass and then declare victory. They still failed while accumlating heavy casualties.

Their combined arms approach failed. They failed in nearly everything in trying to do a combined arms approach.

Their surprise attacks failed. They became bogged down in the siege of Kiev.

They underestimated Ukraine thinking it will be like 2014.

Underestimated how much military aid is going to Ukraine. Putin believed Nato would back down like in 2014 and 2008 in Georgia.

War has become like the Iran-Iraq war. A war locked into an attrition war minus the chemical weapons.

For both sides to break the deadlock:

A) Ukraine will need to achieve Artillery parity with Russia. Yes they have the HIMARS which technologically beats anything Russia has but they need more of those systems and more 155mm guns & re-supply of Soviet era 122mm, 130mm & 152mm rounds.

B) Russia would need to once again launch an attack via Belarus to divert Ukranian forces from the East & Donbas and push to encircle Kharkiv. Not being to take Kharkiv is Russia's biggest loss in the war. Take Kharkiv and the road to the Dnieper is yours. However in order to do this Russia would have to probably call General Mobilization and/or use Chem weapons to break through the deadlock. Another factor is achieving better Air advantage by use of newly acquired attack drones from Iran.


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View attachment 47094
US intends to strengthen the regime of application of sanctions against Russia - WSJ

US want to block the Russian Federation all the remaining ways of income and imports

This means targeting foreign banks and cryptocurrency platforms that are helping the Russian Federation.

The US has imposed a series of heavy sanctions against the Russian economy to punish it for invading Ukraine. Now US officials are pushing for them to be effective, closing loopholes, lobbying for support from other countries, and cracking down on people who condone Russia's evasion of restrictions.

Administration officials say the goal of the second phase is to cut off all remaining revenue and import routes that President Vladimir Putin needs to fight the war, even as Europe continues to buy significant amounts of oil and gas from Russia, according to The Wall Street. Journal.

That means targeting foreign banks and cryptocurrency platforms that help Russia maintain access to international currencies, seizing the bank accounts and corporate assets of blacklisted oligarchs, and punishing foreign companies caught exporting controlled goods into the country.

It also means trying to persuade countries such as China and India that have not joined the Western economic pressure campaign to cut back on the flow of money and exports still flowing into Russia.

Washington's goal is to "empower Ukrainians to defend themselves, weaken Russia's ability to fight this war [and] project power in the future," U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said last month at the Aspen Security Forum, a national security conference. and foreign policy issues.

Recall that Zelensky announced the first document on security guarantees for Ukraine. The Ukrainian side has already familiarized itself with the text and believes that it will be "a very powerful document."

India will need to see a serious concrete plan from the West on how it intends to move supply chains they have invested into China....either to India or back to the west (these amount to 100s of billions of investment and trillions of production)

Otherwise continued tokenism (to look past West's immense financial and political role in the growing of both Russia and especially China from 90s onwards - while ignoring and paper overing the CCP psyche and Rodina psyche ) will amount to very little in the end in convincing India especially if it is hyphenated with China like this article does.

It will need to be approached in unique fashion that West so far has not done so....and continues to use this jargon of "persuade countries such as China and India" in their media (and wherever else).....

..... i.e still not grasping what they have grown in China drastically (on western time and dime) a full magnitude or more than they have with India (with all context factored in)....and what each security threat to them now represents that are far different to each other.
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