Quick question, untuk berita-berita seputar Indo Defence baiknya di post di thread mana ya? Strategic Industries atau per matra (tergantung alutsistanya)?
Randu!I have opened a dedicated thread for it just now if folks are interested to compile it all there:
Indo Defence Expo 2022
Please post all news, coverage and updates here. Information about the event can be found on the official website: https://indodefence.com/defencehub.live
Yeah better make a dedicated post for it.I have opened a dedicated thread for it just now if folks are interested to compile it all there:
Indo Defence Expo 2022
Please post all news, coverage and updates here. Information about the event can be found on the official website: https://indodefence.com/defencehub.live
Ah yes, as per the traditions.Pindad named a slighlty modified VAB MK3 as Anoa 3.
Yeah better make a dedicated post for it.
Did you google translate his post or you can understand Bahasa Indonesia
Satu kotak tu dah pasti makan biaya sekitar 10 juta Dolar, kecuali mau research sendiri.American way of swarm attack, Cruise missile swarm attack
Bisa diluncurkan pakai sistem palet, C130j bisa bawa 12 unit. Lumayan juga kalo TNI boleh beli ginian
Nyinyir gimana maksudnya?Wkwkw kelihatane banyak org yg nyinyir, marah, frustasi tentang kontrak atau mou di trit indo defence wkwkwkk
Masih sisa 3 hari, kalau dipikir2 kalau major ya harusnya hari2 awal sih. Hari terakhir gereget udah ilang.Nyinyir kok bukan major kontrak.
Dulu kalo ga salah ada yang bilang mogami bakal sign di indodefence kan?
Waduh bye bye dong wkwkHari terakhir gereget udah ilang.