Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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Either the US folded like cowards or they are unhappy with YPG being in bed with PKK.

could be another case of erdogan throwing trumps letter in the bin. Before that intervention the USA military was openly talking about striking the Turkish military while trump was threatening Turkey and erdogan directly not to anything. They ended up folding but not before handing over off much of the land that they occupied to Russia to spite Turkey.

The first time Turkey moved into Syria both the USA and Russia co-ordinated together to close Turkey in from either side to limit the extent in which the military moved on their proxies.

When it comes to Turkey the USA, EU and Russia are all united, oppose Turkey at all costs in Syria while all of them support the PKK against Turkey.


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The US might have wanted to create two separate orgs. They know that their project in Syria will not live if the world sees YPG as PKK.

The whole reason they named them the SDF syrian democratic forces was because of this. They are so arrogant their generals even go on TV and laugh about. So if your family died in that recent terrorist attack on Istanbul the Americans behind it find it all very funny.

The way the general, the host and the people in the audience laugh shows how f'ing disconnected they are from the evil they commit towards the rest of the world.


proper sick mindset in these people. No one Turkish is buying american bullshit anymore, they fully see the harm the americans intend for the Turkish nation.


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So, there is little doubt about a new buffer zone on the border thats for sure but question is who is gonna take control in those areas?
We already have problems in Afrin.


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Peskov the Russian clown making statements that "it could come back around like a boomerang" is Russians trying to threaten us. No Peskov, you will try to hide behind the USA in Syria like the pkk hides behind them. Your clown army filled with thieves and drunkards will get rekt in Syria if you start shit. Only serious army in Syria facing us today is the US army.


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Oh btw, asking for any long time Syrian watchers. Since when viva revolt twitter acc becomes pro ypg ?


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The pkk are counting that the Americans will be always on their side, the same belief likely held by the RVN and ANA.

I don't understand why some people keep pushing for Erdogan to be always tough to pkk, when the pkk is hiding behind American back. You should at least be patient and wait for the world politics to more lenient to you.

There's no real guarantee that the US will view the pkk as precious as they view they now 10, 20 or even 100 years from now.

When that time comes, you should go for the kill. But now, tread carefully.

"The pkk are counting that the Americans will be always on their side, the same belief likely held by the RVN and ANA."
If you check last 30 years of event, related to pkk you will just gonna see that usa always were aligned with pkk.

Why should we expect any change from usa?


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Lets see if the Americans and Russians try to co-ordinate against us and if the EU threatens us with sanctions over it all?

Please check you post #4,245 .
You will see you answer there

usa and russia always used if there are New opportunity to co-ordinate against Turkiye. Do not lie yourself when you say "Let see if "-> there is no such case "if"


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"The pkk are counting that the Americans will be always on their side, the same belief likely held by the RVN and ANA."
If you check last 30 years of event, related to pkk you will just gonna see that usa always were aligned with pkk.

Why should we expect any change from usa?

They will always be on their side as long as the project looks feasible. The only way you can break that link is to do enough damage in syria and iraq that the pkk is no longer feasible and the americans won't waste their time and drop their support. But if you sit back and allow that bond to grow and grow, you will be facing a direct war with the USA in the future.

Think how bad things are now concerning syria, just imagine how much worse they would be today had Turkey not made pervious interventions. Every intervention makes Turkey safer and every intervention makes their hands weaker against us. Hence why they threaten us not to move, the threats prove if anything you have to move i sooner rather then later.

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