Featured US politics 2020-2024

Who's next?


    Votes: 25 75.8%

    Votes: 8 24.2%

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Maximilian Veers

It is going to be interesting to see what’s going to happen. Warhawks or not. They’ve been spectators in Libya, Idlib and karabag, so they’ve seen some of what we can do. Their old approach isn’t going to work.

Yeah, My point being. Only the face changes. The rest remains the same.


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With this result i guess more bombs for the ME! YEYYY

Edit: And let me add this


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Yep, I know


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She is the same woman who convinced Obama to intervene in Libya. She is also the same person who wanted U.S. troop deployment to the South China Sea area, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines,

Biden's cabinet is filled with absolute Warhawks.

@Nilgiri @Saithan @Saiyan0321 @Vergennes and others..

Make no mistake the deep state is emboldened by this result they have gone all in to manufacture.

Let us see how the litigation goes, at the very least Trump will salt enough earth as far as possible.

Hopefully he also declassifies a good amount of material before he leaves (if it comes to that)....pardoning snowden would also be welcome.

There is now a significant chunk of the US public that find democrats+deepstate as total traitors from all the gaslighting and hypocrisy on display (if you dig into either Biden or Harris to even the bare 10% level in any consistent manner say using Trump as the 100% reference mark that has been the last 4 years). Warhawking is just one portion of it.

Even now it is very key to notice that it is the media groups calling the election for Biden....not the official state/govt process...which happens lot latter for a key reason.... giving some window for litigation like was seen in 2000 florida....and could be longer if SCOTUS pushes for stays on the existing dates for electoral college convention etc.

Given the mass scale of fraud now surfacing (and big tech + media suppression of any stories reporting it esp by 3rd parties)....Trump administration would be well within bounds to not only call for recounts (this time done under full observation of both parties unlike what transpired in key areas)...but also audit of the ballots cast.

The USPS (postmarked ballot) fraud in michigan and wisconsin is also one to watch out for. Whistleblower testimony (2 have already come out spurring the federal investigation so far) there will be crucial to have an audit process especially in the sudden overnight vote-dump areas (3 crucial inner city areas).

The greatest striking number is that old-sleepy Biden turnout shattered young energetic Obama (2008) turnout...and the key void left to explain this.

Also have to mention that Biden increased turnout in specific metros: Detroit, Philadelphia, Milwaukee...but REDUCED in every other major metro.

Surely it would look more consistent and reliable if the metro turnouts for Biden were across the board rather than a few cities where the fraud evidence is now surfacing and being gathered to be litigated?


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This was a good take on the issue, beyond the actual fraud....is the perception of fraud (about 5 min mark onwards) that must be addressed so people have trust in the system.


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Judicial Watch finds 1.8 million 'ghost voters' in 29 states, warns of 'dirty elections'​



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Rest in Peace MAGA 😭😭😭

Going to miss the memes, twitter rants and videos.

Don't lose hope altogether, we have to see how this pans out....I mean wtf, no standard observers from GOP allowed? If you have nothing to hide, why stop observers?...illegally.

SCOTUS is going to take side on this I feel and have audit into this.


Maximilian Veers

Don't lose hope altogether, we have to see how this pans out....I mean wtf, no standard observers from GOP allowed? If you have nothing to hide, why stop observers?...illegally.

SCOTUS is going to take side on this I feel and have audit into this.

Conspiracy mode - This looks like someone has meticulously planned for a civil war there. TRUMP and everybody else saw this coming. This has been the expected result for months.

1. Agitate the left into creating Antifa.
2. Use voter fraud to steal the election and also make this fact blatantly obvious.
3. Anger the Right-wing into protests
4. SCOTUS favours TRUMP
5. ANTIFA and BLM gangs come out. Someone somewhere makes a mistake and opens fire.
6. ???


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Conspiracy mode - This looks like someone has meticulously planned for a civil war there. TRUMP and everybody else saw this coming. This has been the expected result for months.

1. Agitate the left into creating Antifa.
2. Use voter fraud to steal the election and also make this fact blatantly obvious.
3. Anger the Right-wing into protests
4. SCOTUS favours TRUMP
5. ANTIFA and BLM gangs come out. Someone somewhere makes a mistake and opens fire.
6. ???

2020 is a nutty year, the end.

BTW let me also present another side (that seems to be ignored a lot).

GOP had 6 months or so to push for better laws to handle all this stuff (once corona made absentee ballot a big avenue for election option) in their state legislatures

Say in PA where they have control in both houses:

PA Senate GOP to Dem = 28 - 21

PA House GOP to Dem = 109 - 93

They could have worked out something with Governor (who is democrat) I feel. They have a good model (for vote counting) in Florida (ever since the 2000 debacle and harsh lessons learned) that they could have adapted as far as possible in the time they had to do it, certainly observers in philly would be easy to get and implemented.

If governor obstructed something about having observers and stuff like that back then, THAT would have been the time to bring it up in the news and raise protest, take to court etc.

Why are we hearing about this observer thing only now AFTER the election? They knew for decades now philly has vote fraud issue (mostly of consequence in smaller scale elections when journalists go snooping around a year or two later)....so why there is no action?

Heck GOP under first 2 years of trump had the magic trio in federal power: House, Senate and President.

Something is deeply rotten in GOP too if you ask me, or something was colluded....or they are just incompetent. I don't know which one is worse.

Anyway we will just have to see. It is a small chance this does something....because genie is well out of the bottle, courts generally don't like to squish things back in.

The media know this and hence are entrenching the narrative this is now an official result too...when that literally comes through final elector convention only.

Maximilian Veers

2020 is a nutty year, the end.

BTW let me also present another side (that seems to be ignored a lot).

GOP had 6 months or so to push for better laws to handle all this stuff (once corona made absentee ballot a big avenue for election option) in their state legislatures

Say in PA where they have control in both houses:

PA Senate GOP to Dem = 28 - 21

PA House GOP to Dem = 109 - 93

They could have worked out something with Governor (who is democrat) I feel. They have a good model (for vote counting) in Florida (ever since the 2000 debacle and harsh lessons learned) that they could have adapted as far as possible in the time they had to do it, certainly observers in philly would be easy to get and implemented.

If governor obstructed something about having observers and stuff like that back then, THAT would have been the time to bring it up in the news and raise protest, take to court etc.

Why are we hearing about this observer thing only now AFTER the election? They knew for decades now philly has vote fraud issue (mostly of consequence in smaller scale elections when journalists go snooping around a year or two later)....so why there is no action?

Heck GOP under first 2 years of trump had the magic trio in federal power: House, Senate and President.

Something is deeply rotten in GOP too if you ask me, or something was colluded....or they are just incompetent. I don't know which one is worse.

Anyway we will just have to see. It is a small chance this does something....because genie is well out of the bottle, courts generally don't like to squish things back in.

The media know this and hence are entrenching the narrative this is now an official result too...when that literally comes through final elector convention only.

Another thing to consider is that Trump is not an outsider to the establishment. Like most people think. Obama also in 2008 approached and dealt with the people like he was an outsider. Trump, if you read further had very good dealings with the Clintons, Epstein's, and the rotten elements of the establishment.

This entire COVID-19, 3rd world level incompetency during the election, and the blatant fault lines being created. I still feel we are missing something here. I know this is conspiracy territory now. Something about this whole situation does not feel right.

For some reason, Trump's presidency has allowed the right to go further right and the left to go far left. Mistake or intentional ?


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Pennsylvania House Speaker Bryan Cutler is calling for a "full audit" of the presidential election returns in the state before the results are certified.

In his letter to Gov. Tom Wolf requesting the audit on Friday, Cutler, a Republican, cited the Oct. 21 guidance from Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar about allowing individuals with rejected mail-in ballots to vote with a provisional ballot as a way to "cure" their ballot.

A follow-up guidance sent to counties on Nov. 2 advised county election officials to inform "party and candidate representatives" about the identity of the voters whose ballots had been rejected as a way "to facilitate communication with these voters."

(more at link)

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