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They can not bid, since they don't have a facility security license by SSB.
However, they have acquired Selah shipyard just to be able to use the license and to bid for further projects (wasn't among I-class bidders).


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Turkiye buying frigates from UK?

They are old, probably cheap.. but not bad ships, very capable, fast additions for urgent needs, gap filler? :unsure: more delays to i class? Also lets not forget MEKOs are going through upgrades, apparently back up solutions already needed as i class is not ready yet. Nice


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Any information from friends?
One more hint as the date closes in; the winner starts and ends with the same letter of the alphabet.

Still surprised the twitter guys havent found out it... even subcontractors in the shipbuilding industry have heard.
Uh-huh! My friends told me not to play your game :LOL:

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I’ll take your word and wait until 21st ;)


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You have understood it right and that is the farthest clue i can give till 21st.
I went through some shipyards in Turkey.
It seems it's only Ada Shipyard which starts and ends with the same leter.
They also have naval ships designs but it seem to be unlikely to give them this project where as some other shipyards has more experience with naval shipbuilding.


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I went through some shipyards in Turkey.
It seems it's only Ada Shipyard which starts and ends with the same leter.
They also have naval ships designs but it seem to be unlikely to give them this project where as some other shipyards has more experience with naval shipbuilding.
Maybe he counts the i at the end of tersanesi? Would that be a valid one


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Maybe he counts the i at the end of tersanesi? Would that be a valid one
Regardless of the language (in Turkish or English) my condition applies. So, not Istanbul Shipyard (Also they are officially referred as Istanbul Denizcilik)


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MİLGEM 6th, 7th and 8th Ships Will Be Built by STM-TAİS Joint Venture!

At the 2nd Defense Industry Executive Committee (SSİK) meeting of 2022, held on 20 December 2022, decisions were taken regarding 25 different projects. One of the projects discussed at the meeting was the MİLGEM 6th, 7th and 8th Ships Procurement Project. As it will be remembered, in the Explanation Text of the SSİK Meeting, it was stated that "The procurement of the 6-7-8th Ships (ISTIF Class Frigates) to be built within the scope of the MİLGEM Project was decided at today's SSİK Meeting", but which firm/institution was assigned regarding the procurement process and No information was shared about the shipyard where the construction activity will take place.

According to the information we have received, the 6th, 7th and 8th MİLGEM Ships will be built by STM-TAİS Business Partnership and delivered to the Naval Forces Command. In this context, the construction of the aforementioned İSTİF Class Frigates will be carried out by STM Main Contractor at the SEFİNE, ADİK and SEDEF Shipyards. The ships are expected to be delivered to DzKK after the FAT, HAT and SAT processes with a phase difference of 6 months. Today, there is no clear information about the construction and delivery schedule of the ships.

Due to the experience of the Main Contractor in the MİLGEM Project and the experience of doing business with private sector shipyards with both TCG Ufuk TVEG realized with Istanbul Maritime Shipyard and Ukraine MİLGEM Project continuing with RMK Marine Shipyard, STM's Main Contractor is also the Main for its 6th, 7th and 8th Ships. I was considering that you could be selected as a contractor.

Within the scope of MİLGEM 6th, 7th and 8th Ships Procurement Project, the Call for Proposals File (TÇD) was published by the Defense Industry Presidency (SSB) in December 2021. Head of Defense Industry Prof. Dr. In the TÇD, which was announced to the public by İsmail DEMİR with a post on his social media account on December 22, 2021, the relevant companies were asked to submit their answers until March 15, 2022 at the latest, however, a 15-day extension was made after the submission deadline and it was updated to April 1, 2022. . The bid submission deadline was later extended once more, and the firms submitted their bids to the SSB on April 8, 2022. TÇD document of MİLGEM 6th, 7th and 8th Ships Procurement Project from SSB Marine Vehicles Department: It was purchased by STM, TAİS, DESAN, DEARSAN and İSTANBUL DENİZCİLİK.

Equipping activities of the STIF Class Istanbul Frigate, which has been declared as having an overall length of 113.2m, width 14.4m, depth 7.75m, draft of 4.05m and displacement of 3,000 tons, are still continuing, and Port Acceptance Tests (HAT) for the Main Propulsion System started in September 2022. Leonardo The 76mm Super Rapid Sea Cannon supplied from the company and kept in the warehouse was installed in November 2022, and the preliminary preparations for the integration of the 16-cell National Vertical Launch Launcher System (MIDLAS) just behind the head gun were started in November. The first firing test of this MIDLAS was successfully carried out at the Aksaray Firing Test Area using the HİSAR-D RF Missile. Head of Defense Industry Prof. Dr. İsmail DEMİR and the Ministry of National Defense announced to the public that the MIDLAS shot was successfully carried out on 3 December 2022 with their social media accounts. With the completion of the ground-fired tests of MIDLAS, an important stage will be left behind for the integration of the system to TCG Istanbul, whose equipment activities continue.

It is aimed to start the Sea Acceptance Tests (SAT) with the TCG İstabul Frigate in March 2023 and to deliver the ship to the Turkish Naval Forces Command on 6 September 2023.


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I should further add, the selected primary contractor also indicates which shipyard will be building the first hull, which is labeled as prototype. As in TTHB project ,which STM is conducting, the design phase will be completed by primary contractor and then moved onto the prototype construction. Following a progress in the construction then serial production tender will be held for 3 additional hulls.

Yes, it is either TAIS or STM at this point. However, STM may also work with one or two shipyards from the TAIS concortium. Based on security licenses there are few shipyards who can build the military vessels; Desan (now part of Ada), RMK, TAIS members, Dearsan, Istanbul Shipyard - (unsure about Ozata) - . RMK is booked with Ukranian Ada Class orders, Dearsan has got Nigerian OPV project in short term which leaves us with Istanbul Shipyard (TCG Ufuk) and Desan (LDG) + Possibly ADIK.

I am more in favor of STM getting the deal and sharing it to TAIS members, win-win in many ways. However STM is not quite good on terms with one of the TAIS members.
When i wrote this (20 Oct), far before than SSIK, STM-TAIS visited each other to discuss partnership being enforced by SSB, the decision was in fact made before SSIK.

No need to make it seem mysterious, ASFAT was not a bidder in I-Class 2-3-4 construction thus military shipyards are already out of the scope.

And there are three options;

TAIS or/and STM gets the project. Pick the wise one.
"TAIS or/and STM", i have given three options, one is "and" and only one fits to earlier hint.

There is another reason i picked 21st as the date to reveal :)

Actually wrote an article earlier last night but then slept on it.. Lol.
@Mis_TR_Like could maybe prove it with server logs.


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At this stage only one shipyard ,who is not oriented for profits, may bear the financial and time risks of building a prototype; Pendik Naval Shipyard (ITK), that leaves us with the question of who will be the primary contractor for design and prototype construction; STM or ASFAT? . STM was contractor of Ada and I Class, as well as TTHB but recent trends show that MoD - DzKK in favor of ASFAT as contractor (for example OPV). So, anyone who is making a comment has 50-50 chance :).

TF2000's model scale experiments have been commenced and being conducted at Istanbul Technical University, both in towing tank and newly introduced ITU-KAT cavitation tunnel.
ASFAT is the main contractor of TF2000, Kuasar Marin is likely the design - engineering services sub-major-contractor assigned by ASFAT.


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When you look at the specifications of the Pakistani MILGEM ”corvettes” , you can’t help wonder why they are still called “corvettes”.
The width of the ships have increased by 0.4m.
The length of it is 108.2 metres instead of 99 metres.
Hence the weight has become 2985 tons instead of 2300 tons.
They are more like a frigate than a corvette.

One can not help wonder if these 3 new frigates of the ISTIF class can be stretched like the Pakistani ships, to make them closer to the tf4500 , some of us seem to aspire to?
@Anmdt ?



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Don't be discouraged by the Asfat name. İstanbul Military Shipyard Command will build the TF-2000. All military factories and shipyards come together under the Asfat name. Asfat is an umbrella organization. As always İstanbul Tersanesi Komutanlığı will run the show for the first ship of its class.
The second ship of the İstif class is planned to be delivered in the second half of 2025, all ships are planned to be delivered by 2026.
The first welding of TF-2000 is expected to happen somewhere between the end of 2023 and the first half of 2024 at the latest. The first TF-2000 is expected to be delivered in 2029.


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I believe as the main next generation combat ship of Turkish navy, TF2000 should have ABM capability as well as limited ability to defend against hypersonics ( point defence )
What do you guys think? I think SIPER block ii should be able to do both with the combination of CAFRAD.

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