If we're still attempting to pursue the Zangezur corridor then we won't want Armenians to leave. The Zangezur corridor depends on the existence of the Lachin corridor for Armenians which in turn depends on there being Armenians in Karabakh. If they leave, we will have zero justification for asking a Zangezur corridor and Armenians will be legally in the right to say no.
This is probably why there are all these initiatives being rolled out like making it so that residents of Karabakh are exempt from all forms of tax for the next 10 years to try and convince the Karabakh Armenians to stay. I suspect it probably won't work and most of them will leave anyway which means that we can forget about getting the Zangezur corridor and just have to hope that relations with Armenia are improved enough that we can achieve safe and hassle-free transport agreements through Syunik in the future.
You do know that there is no longer a “Lachin corridor” since 23 April 2023, right? It’s Lachin road for all intents and purposes, with an Azerbaijani border checkpoint.
Btw, even Russian peacekeepers are inspected when crossing in either direction. Both individually and their vehicles and cargo.