Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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Supporting the Palestinians is a problem, but supporting Israel is not a problem, right?
Turkey should support neither side. Both sides support our enemies in one way or another and the best thing to do is sit by while they are busy killing each other. The Arabs had their chance multiple times to destroy Israel but failed. Its also good to have Iran focusing most of their resources on Israel and not exporting their terrorism directly inside Turkey, having them directly at our borders is already bad enough. You can never make a true ally out of Israel (not even the US can, as seen with the USS Liberty incident) whilst Palestinians have nothing meaningful to offer in the first place.


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There is a video circulating of Hamas smashing the skull of a filipino or Mongolian worker they captured with a garden hoe.

Probably one of these


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I'm all for Iran and company supporting / arming Palestine (Hamas) and USA and their allies supporting / arming Israel. Let them war and let the side that wants victory more win! They clearly despise each other. Let them kill each other as they will.

May the side who cares most about their survival win!
I don't think anyone will achieve more than a Pirus victory. It doesn't seem possible, at least in the short term. But who knows what will happen in the medium term?


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Erdogan is a politician first and foremost
He wont act like some geniuses in this forum and simp for Israel when it was the same nation who criticised Turkey for their military operations against the PKK; yet somehow, Erdogan is bad because he isnt crying for Israel's loss. Why should Turkey do that when Israel doesnt even care about the Turks who died at the hands of the PKK. Thank God that the members in this forum arent actual politicians or the nation would have fallen long ago for gods sake

Yet at the same time, Erdogan didnt forget that the Arabs are traitorous in nature and that they were the ones who betrayed the Ottoman Turks to have their own "Arabian lands" only for the jews to take it not long after and start butchering and raping the palestinians as if they are some sort of toys

Erdogan is properly acting like a leader and ppl are still criticising him..... insane. If it was the old Erdogan, he would have preached for Israel to return all of the lands to Palestine in the UN assembly. Erdogan is acting perfectly for once but the geniuses are way too smart to see that


President Erdogan waited for the hymns sung by Christians to end before cutting the ribbon.
He cut the ribbon with the words "La ilahe illallah, İbrahim halilullah", which was written on the Jaffa gate of Jerusalem by Suleiman the Magnificent.
With this word, 'Abraham', the common prophet of three religions at that time, was highlighted and the message that people of these religions should be tolerant to each other was given.
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Why do people here believe we have to pick a side in this Middle Eastern Mexican standoff or trying to stop both sides fighting. Just sit back and watch it's not our business.

No Name

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I'm starting to think that Erdogan is trying to use the conflict to distract from the fact that the air campaign against the YPG has slowed down if not stopped, all the while Assad bombs the shit out of Idlib.

Erdogan needs to use this as an opportunity to carry out a land operation in Syria.

Also, nobody should kill civilians under any circumstance, and people here who defend such actions must be punished.


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Some unofficial news from the Hamas it self says they didn’t notify Iran and Hizbollah about this attack since they are infiltrated by Israel Mossad.

I trust this news not because Mossad or Iran intelligence weakness but Iran is Shia . At the end of the day Shia hate Sunni muslim in which in this case are Hamas.

It’s much deeper than we think in a very comprehensive perspective
Well , i can accept that ...
Whats the masterplan? To force Israel accepting two state solution?
They would never accept it ...not on their present position .
Truthfully .. none of the member here condone this action . But , i don't know man ... it's sound a litle bit too rich hear/read it from you...

Naah , maybe it's just me ...
Let them shoot civialians. they are opressed people, this legitimizes everything in the eyes of some people here in this thread.

Shameful how terrorism is being openly supported in this forum...
Please , point one member who supporting such act !! Because i obviously doesn't condone it ..
Makes no rational sense for kids to throw rocks at Israelis in their merkava tanks, you do nothing to reduce the isreali capabilities and create a situation where your kid could get murdered.

If the kid is going to risk his life, then you might as well put an RPG in hands instead. At least that way maybe he takes the enemy out.
Oh , pray and tell me then .. on how the palestinian to lecture/disciplined ( hypothetically off course !! ) their todlers when they basically live in open air prison with no clear source of incomes , educations or future ... Please enlight us the plebians here . By the way.... I am an Indonesian. A developing and poor countries with lack of educational sophistication as yours . Hence forgive me for my ignorances ...🙏🙏
I find equally unnecessary the influence agents within the country and the idiotic bigots who are caught up in -acem oriented- Mehdi nonsense, as well as the brain-burnt idiots who would almost give their lives for Israel. Our nation has other priorities, other challenges and struggles related to its destiny.

We are not the savior of either state. We are neither culturally nor psychologically close to either society. The only common denominator is that they are now fighting for dominance in what was once Turkish territory. And while they are doing this, they do not have the slightest feeling of pity for each other, there is no hope for lasting peace. Turkiye should pursue only and only its interests. We have a need to maintain diplomatic ties with both structures. But keeping in mind that both structures can sell us out at any time on any issue.

But the important thing is that the issue of Quds stands at the crossroads of all historical, esoteric and modern political issues. So the course of events here has the potential to determine the direction of the world in the near future. What I am talking about is never about Israel and Palestine. Palestine can never destroy Israel, Israel can never destroy all the Palestinians and dominate all the land, there will only be more blood and more horror.

But we are moving towards an international situation where these events can lead to chain reactions. multipolarity, deregulation of the hegemonic states and the weaknesses of the hegemonic states in moving towards this multipolarity... This is pushing many states to become more daring. In 5-10 years, there could be hotspots of conflict in every corner of the world in the range of proxy conflicts to regional war, the most horrifying of which will be in our region.
Finally , someone who could read between the line 👍👍
There is fighting back and there is being plain stupid. What short and long term effects did this attack have? A sense of terror and danger for the Israelis? Showing them that the Palestinians can fight back and inflict heavy damage? Israel still has a far more superior military might and will just hit back 10x harder and eventually retake all territories Hamas currently controls. As long as Hamas is unable to cease the territories it took long term and force Israel to admit some type of being defeated, no matter how small, this does them more harm than good.

At the end of the day both Palestinians and Israelis are 1:1 the same. Yesterday it was Palestinians getting killed, today its Hamas killing Israeli civilians and tomorrow it will be back to Israelis bombing Gaza again. The Arabs went to war with Israel time and time again, which only ended in their defeat over and over.
Let me present you a live case studies . You know how long Indonesia were colonized and exploitated ?? 350 of years ....and look where we are now ...🙄🙄

Sigh ...


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The government controlled IHH, largest charity in TR which supports Hamas, organized pro-Hamas protests in TR. IHH used to be raided and investigated for links with jihadism before the coup. Lots of IHH accounts are talking about organizing the event and sharing pro-Hamas content.

And of course government controlled TRTWorld is presenting Hamas positively to the world even though everyone is seeing the videos of the civilians killed. I look forward to the reputation of TR being further damaged. Idiot government.

I have never seen Israeli media share terrorist PKK footage of killing soldiers. But TR will share footage from any other terrorist group.

This IHH have a history of being linked to Hamas and Muslim brotherhood, even in Syria. They are there even now.

This man was involved in organising the rallies.

There are photos of him meeting Hamas in Turkey and in Gaza, and he has photos with the militants as well.

Hamas has offices in TR and operate freely.

Soon foreign headlines will be:

"Does TR sponsor terrorism ?"



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Can you help me define what is a terorism ?? Should a freedom fighter were catagorized as a terorist too... ??
Dude are you playing dumb on purpose?
Stop wasting my time with your stupid posts.

No Name

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A land operation in Syria will never happen for now due to a couple of reasons

1- Economy; Turkish economy is in dire status and is being fixed at a slow rate to not enter into a hard recession; if you add a military operation rn, then expect the economy to be under super heavy stress that may slow down the shift to orthodoxy even further

2- Engine Technology; A lot of Turkish weaponry such as the famed howitzer Firtina and many APCs still runs using Western engine tech; if an embargo were to happen during the war, then the Turkish army will be hit badly until the national engine alternative is prepared

3-Military Tech; the previous Idlib military operation showed the TSK that the current tanks within its storage are crap and arent effective against current weaponry that is being employed by the PKK and Assad. Tanks like the Altay will need 1 to 2 mkre years to enter service

4- Foreign troops; the presence of US and Russian troops in Syria pose a risk as any casuality within their ranks will mean the PERFECT excuse to attach Turkey OFFICIALLY which is something both the US and YPG would die for
well, the least he could do is keep up the air campaign against the YPG or at least try to stop Assad from destroying everything in Idlib it doesn't look good for Türkiye when it does nothing Assad destroys everything there.


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Dude are you playing dumb on purpose?
Stop wasting my time with your stupid posts.
No i am not ... I just want tto confirm something from your reply . That's all . Is that were so hard to understood ?? Please , humour me here for a moment ...


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This is such a joke, they are crying for losing one member while some families lost tens in one attack
Read this sentence again slowly please. Fuck every other person on earth when my family is killed. This is literally the most human response anyone can give.
Soon foreign headlines will be:

"Does TR sponsor terrorism ?"
There will be some low blows but i don't think it will come to that. Turkey has some low level of influence on a part of Hamas. If Israel wants, we can relinquish all we have to Iran, I doubt they will tho. I don't expect any Israeli higher up official to go against us in the near future.
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Supporting the Palestinians is a problem, but supporting Israel is not a problem, right?
These settler clowns are actually main reason why it happened together with Netanyahu.

80% of Israeli army was station in West Bank protecting them and separating from Palestinians.

Normally Gaza border should be guarded by 2 brigades, but during the attack less than 1 brigade was there.


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Fortunately, he did not make a statement to the extent I feared. This is already the overwhelming view of UN member states. Exactly the same thing was said by Putin yesterday. I think there is progress.
I think he deliberately made this statement before negotiations with Israel. Otherwise He would be blamed of supporting Jews rather than Muslims.

Turkish national interest is corporation with Israel. Especially Natural Gas pipeline.

We shouldn't block ourself in Eastern side.


Who would be happy if this project was abolished due-to Palestine issue?

For sure Iran and Russia!

Timing is very interesting
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30 years of horrible repression, terror, arbitrary killings and torture have become so much a part of daily life that we have become so used to it that we don't see it anymore. So we tend to see these horrible barbarities yesterday as pure evil. But we become desensitized to how the lives of the people who commit these massacres came to be the way they are. I never approve of this barbarism, but I have the idea that it is the result of an action-reaction mechanism. At the same time, I have the idea that Israel is the party that has the ability to always manipulate and instrumentalize this mechanics in its own interests.
Not only this but also big crimes against humanity like skin banks but that's nothing for some people no one is shocked..

Let him sing his song...


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We should have tried to create a group to rival both PLO and Hamas, as PLO are seen as traitors and Hamas as strategically blind (by a lot of Palestinians) or terrorists (by West), long time ago to be able to have leverage and pressure in this situation. But that requires your state apparatus to have enough experts with good knowledge of Arabic (and Hebrew even) and the on-the-ground situation and enough street cred and clout, which with like 5k imam hatips, we have failed to produce somehow. But seeing as how we haven't been able to do that in Syria effectively, maybe it's a pipe dream. Eventually, there will be talks and negotiations and we have no say in the matter, while they (Israel) have a say in our matters.

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