Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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Honestly more a less this is how i see it, its kind of a cruel cycle but the Israelis want these sorts of attacks which they then portray to the world as terrorism to then justify annexing more land. Rinse and repeat.
Obviously you learned nothing from the last US iraqi occupational experiences after all ... Sigh
I do think so. I just read that police in Egypt (one of Israel closest ally) randomly killed 8 Israeli tourists. This shows while the upper up of many Arab countries are more receptive of Israel, the masses simply don't.

As I said, the likely reason why this anger is not poured against a people only 9 million in size, is because the U.S is protecting this state, the cost-benefit ratio doesn't prefer a long war of annihilation .

Once the U.S is out you will see what people really crave, not only in the Middle Eastern region but as far away as most of the muslim majority countries.

Without the U.S meddling we will see this Middle Eastern region rife with conflicts with states going to war with each other for control and consolidation. And once the winner comes out on top, what better way to rally people and seek legitimation other than the second conquest of Jerusalem ?

And what better way to keep spirit high other than the constant reminder that the Israelites has committed crimes their kin in race and religion ? I could already envisioned what kind of state sponsored vilification once the time comes.
Sadly ... That also what was come into my mind . Sooner or later .. if thing continuing like this . Israel will cease to exist as a state... And that would be a tragedy of unprecedented level ..
By all means send your kids out to get easily killed by Jews. I know Turkish Cypriots who lived during the troubles in Cyprus and no one thought then to send their kids out to throw stones at Greek soldiers. Why give the enemy the excuse he's looking for to murder you, or rather your kids.

Listen if you were in that situation, only a devil who hates you and your kids would advise you to such things. So i'm not going to advise anyone to sends their kids to throw stones in that situation.

Arabs got to get organised and incorporate a long term strategy, everything they are doing now is basically a slow death. They wont win or rather succeed like this. With this strategy whats left of Palestine vanishes in 50 years.
You just don't get the memos do you ...

It's easy to talk about an ideal educational programs and whatsnot when you have a safe roofs upon your head . Without a constant worries should a GPS or Laser giuided missile come down for your way during your internet online debating activities . Just because somehow you magically tripped a key searching words from an enemy AI spyware programs .
Forget about a future strategies... They don't even knows what's tomorrow available meals on daily basis .

Talking about a detached reality ..
To think i was watching and seeing it in my life time ... i guess i am too old for this shits ...



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Come on bro.... Ease up will ya' . Don't let your emotion clouded your judgment . We are moslems .we should strife for the better ...

But i do agree .... Every dog has his days ...

We are moslems . We allready have the codes that regulates on how we are conducting our warfare .

Mark my words here ....Gaza may ceased to exist . But , the embers of strugles .....will not!!
If I'm angry it's like 10% angry, the rest is just sad. But what I'm talking about is nothing radical. This is what the likely scenario is in the long run.

As I said the current American world order will eventually collapse, sooner or later, because no empire stands forever. If that day comes, you will see these Mid-East countries suddenly finding themselves scrambling for control. You will see for example, a re-ignition of the long Turko-Egypt rivalry, or Saudi-Iranian competition, but these times due to the fact there is no world police around to put things in place, things tend to get violent and excessive. ie, war.

In that scenario the traditional nation-state concept we have known since the 19th century could collapse because nobody is enforcing it anymore. Iraq could just again move to occupy Kuwait and there will be no Desert Storm 2.0 to kick them back out. In short a modern version of medieval power at play. Where the strongest most cunning country win.

Just like all wars, eventually winners came out on top, and because the fracture of conflict, rulers will seek legitimacy, and again I say this, What better way to seek legitimacy other than the conquest of Jerusalem ? This is especially true in that part of the world.

Let me give you an example, we all know Saladin, known for his recapture of Jerusalem from the Crusading states, what we don't know is before that, he actually goes to war with fellow muslim state. His campaign against the Fatimid in Egypt.


This is the likely scenario once the Americans are out, with countries or even warlords trying to seek control and eventually legitimacy.

Imagine you are a ruler of a hypothetical Arab superstate at that time and you want to cement your legacy, what would you do ? pay for a propaganda campaign using bots and influencers...or just rally people to capture Jerusalem and sell the idea of conquest and vengeance.

I think if history has something to teach, it's the latter. And we know violence could swoosh out of control. Back in the day, there's only oral tradition to lit people's anger and provoke/rally them. These days we have digital media like videos, Imagine yourself a citizen or even a soldier during this hypothetical times seeing image like this from the past.

Isn't there anything more sweet other than an equal or even disproportionate response knowing full well that these criminals are now vulnerable and without protection?

There could be Holocaust 2.0


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Hamas will ceased to exist ....i have no doubt about that . But , should the resistance movement were ceased to exist too ? I sincerely doubting that ...


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If I'm angry it's like 10% angry, the rest is just sad. But what I'm talking about is nothing radical. This is what the likely scenario is in the long run.

As I said the current American world order will eventually collapse, sooner or later, because no empire stands forever. If that day comes, you will see these Mid-East countries suddenly finding themselves scrambling for control. You will see for example, a re-ignition of the long Turko-Egypt rivalry, or Saudi-Iranian competition, but these times due to the fact there is no world police around to put things in place, things tend to get violent and excessive. ie, war.

In that scenario the traditional nation-state concept we have known since the 19th century could collapse because nobody is enforcing it anymore. Iraq could just again move to occupy Kuwait and there will be no Desert Storm 2.0 to kick them back out. In short a modern version of medieval power at play. Where the strongest most cunning country win.

Just like all wars, eventually winners came out on top, and because the fracture of conflict, rulers will seek legitimacy, and again I say this, What better way to seek legitimacy other than the conquest of Jerusalem ? This is especially true in that part of the world.

Let me give you an example, we all know Saladin, known for his recapture of Jerusalem from the Crusading states, what we don't know is before that, he actually goes to war with fellow muslim state. His campaign against the Fatimid in Egypt.


This is the likely scenario once the Americans are out, with countries or even warlords trying to seek control and eventually legitimacy.

Imagine you are a ruler of a hypothetical Arab superstate at that time and you want to cement your legacy, what would you do ? pay for a propaganda campaign using bots and influencers...or just rally people to capture Jerusalem and sell the idea of conquest and vengeance.

I think if history has something to teach, it's the latter. And we know violence could swoosh out of control. Back in the day, there's only oral tradition to lit people's anger and provoke/rally them. Imagine yourself a citizen or even a soldier during this hypothetical times seeing image like this from the past.

Isn't there anything more sweet other than an equal or even disproportionate response knowing full well that these criminals are now vulnerable and without protection?

There could be Holocaust 2.0
And i wholly agree with your take on this . Well , it seems some people were so mesmerized on the whole western/US superiority they tend to forget that the wheels of life are slowly revolving... And it's unstopable .


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We should have tried to create a group to rival both PLO and Hamas, as PLO are seen as traitors and Hamas as strategically blind (by a lot of Palestinians) or terrorists (by West), long time ago to be able to have leverage and pressure in this situation. But that requires your state apparatus to have enough experts with good knowledge of Arabic (and Hebrew even) and the on-the-ground situation and enough street cred and clout, which with like 5k imam hatips, we have failed to produce somehow. But seeing as how we haven't been able to do that in Syria effectively, maybe it's a pipe dream. Eventually, there will be talks and negotiations and we have no say in the matter, while they (Israel) have a say in our matters.
you do not know how the palestinians see turks.. you saw how it ended with muslim brotherhood a bloodthirty dictator who burned people on the streets and let them rot for one week was declared the savior the good one against the devils from turkey..

dont blind yourself with such things these people are chanting with you only if your chant with them outside this they will hate your past your current state and chant with your enemy if they see benefit for themselves.. all that will be ok and good but you remain bad because you also have to consider your place your home.. in their eyes turks had been the rapist opressors and no this is not from secularists or nationalists..

the reality is you can do a shit...

and as a muslim I have to say if we compare all this shit happaning there with our old times and leaders.. many things are a disgrace and not conform with how you should act as a muslim in war.. its far away from that reality and nothing justifies these acts or do people not fear allah? or do not fear that allah will destroy them and replace them with someone other even if its from their enemies wich we call today kuffar?


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The USN is preparing to show off in the region with a task force prepared for an almost active war situation. I think the situation could also be critical for Lebanon right now.


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turkey should use this for their syria intervention perfect while the world is watching the beloved son


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The USN is preparing to show off in the region with a task force prepared for an almost active war situation. I think the situation could also be critical for Lebanon right now.

Right, they want to deter Hezbollah.


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Damn.....Apperantly, today Israeli army was giving some Islamic theology lessons.🤣

Listen from 1:30 to 1:35.


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Why do people here believe we have to pick a side in this Middle Eastern Mexican standoff or trying to stop both sides fighting. Just sit back and watch it's not our business.
Not our business?
If someone sniff in our region, we will get an influence immediately. Thats our destiny.
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