UK publishing house to print books in Pakistan through IPS Press


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UK publishing house to print books in Pakistan through IPS Press​

ISLAMABAD: Kube Publishing (Leicester, UK) and IPS Press – the publishing and bookselling arm of Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad on Sunday signed an agreement which will enable readers in Pakistan and Afghanistan to buy low-priced local editions of all books of the popular UK-based Islamic publisher.

According to a statement, the agreement signed by Kube Publishing CEO Haris Ahmad and IPS GM Naufil Shahrukh has also authorised IPS Press to exclusively import and distribute all Kube titles in the assigned territory.

The first title to be published under this arrangement is the Pakistan edition of ‘Revive Your Heart: Putting Life in Perspective,’ authored by renowned Islamic scholar and motivational speaker Nouman Ali Khan.



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UK publishing house to print books in Pakistan through IPS Press​

ISLAMABAD: Kube Publishing (Leicester, UK) and IPS Press – the publishing and bookselling arm of Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad on Sunday signed an agreement which will enable readers in Pakistan and Afghanistan to buy low-priced local editions of all books of the popular UK-based Islamic publisher.

According to a statement, the agreement signed by Kube Publishing CEO Haris Ahmad and IPS GM Naufil Shahrukh has also authorised IPS Press to exclusively import and distribute all Kube titles in the assigned territory.

The first title to be published under this arrangement is the Pakistan edition of ‘Revive Your Heart: Putting Life in Perspective,’ authored by renowned Islamic scholar and motivational speaker Nouman Ali Khan.

I would have prefered if the books covered the following subjects -

  • how to make cars
  • how to build motorways
  • basics of town planning
  • road safety for general public
  • etc
But never mind after-life takes precedence.


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I would have prefered if the books covered the following subjects -

  • how to make cars
  • how to build motorways
  • basics of town planning
  • road safety for general public
  • etc
But never mind after-life takes precedence.

A dummies guide to following the law would also be appreciated. Agreed however what to do with a nation that believes that all that is happening, happened or will Happen, in this world is irrelevant and all that matters is the afterlife and the ruling class wants to spread this thinking further. After all people who think this is a temporary abode won't rebel so hard against oppression.


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A dummies guide to following the law would also be appreciated. Agreed however what to do with a nation that believes that all that is happening, happened or will Happen, in this world is irrelevant and all that matters is the afterlife and the ruling class wants to spread this thinking further. After all people who think this is a temporary abode won't rebel so hard against oppression.
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people".

Karl Marx.

The fact is religion sedates the masses. While the masses focus on after-life the elites focus on this-life.


A dummies guide to following the law would also be appreciated. Agreed however what to do with a nation that believes that all that is happening, happened or will Happen, in this world is irrelevant and all that matters is the afterlife and the ruling class wants to spread this thinking further. After all people who think this is a temporary abode won't rebel so hard against oppression.
Are you saying the Pakistani elite has practically accepted stagantion sigh


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"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people".

Karl Marx.

The fact is religion sedates the masses. While the masses focus on after-life the elites focus on this-life.
I think oposite actually non religious view of world sedated west, it krumbles in front of our own eyes. Corruption, competence, education all means for eventual prosperity are not disonected from religion qute contrary.


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I think oposite actually non religious view of world sedated west, it krumbles in front of our own eyes. Corruption, competence, education all means for eventual prosperity are not disonected from religion qute contrary.
I take a contrary view. Non religious societies [I was born/brought in UK] focus on the mundane. Jobs, living conditions, housing, education and all other aspects of life that appeal to the temporal.

When religions enters the public space societies get trapped in the realm of hereafter and dozen interpretions that religion throws up. Since religion is not about reason but belief things devolve to "god says so" leading to suffocation of reason and logic.


I take a contrary view. Non religious societies [I was born/brought in UK] focus on the mundane. Jobs, living conditions, housing, education and all other aspects of life that appeal to the temporal.

When religions enters the public space societies get trapped in the realm of hereafter and dozen interpretions that religion throws up. Since religion is not about reason but belief things devolve to "god says so" leading to suffocation of reason and logic.
t. a steven pinkerian


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I take a contrary view. Non religious societies [I was born/brought in UK] focus on the mundane. Jobs, living conditions, housing, education and all other aspects of life that appeal to the temporal.

When religions enters the public space societies get trapped in the realm of hereafter and dozen interpretions that religion throws up. Since religion is not about reason but belief things devolve to "god says so" leading to suffocation of reason and logic.
Your tninkin is 20 centuray, china is most religious state if you follow my tought and yet they are wealthiest state on earth, it all about commitment and vision what you want for society, those wester flasbacks will not solve yoir problems, actually i think that western mindset would be disaster for you.
Religion is not issue, opositte world view is for sure more absurd, you need to distinct values as society very precisely, secularism is not magician mantle.


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"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people".

Karl Marx.

The fact is religion sedates the masses. While the masses focus on after-life the elites focus on this-life.
Guess Malcom X would have had some words to say to current Pakistan if he lived to see it.

What’s your opinion on gulen hizmet schools in Pakistan, I think it’s Maarif foundation schools now.


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What’s your opinion on gulen hizmet schools in Pakistan, I think it’s Maarif foundation schools now.
I don't have a real informed opinion on these "Gulen" schools which I think went under the style "Pak-Turk" schools. I do think whatever education they were providing was above average but since Turkey raised objections Pakistan went along and rightly.

Even the worse Turkish religious education is better then the what Pakistani mullahs peddle which is just medieval Arab thought mixed with Pakistani misogyny mixed with local superstition mixed with hatred of modern ideas because these are seen as "Western".

One of the things you Turks don't realize is how hatred of western colonialism has mutated and is now articulated as hatred of anything seen as western. Since Turks have never been coilonized your society does not have this complex.

A simple manifestation can be seen how Erdogan a politician with Islamists leanings comes to the UN dressed in what is now a global attire - a suit. But Imran Khan who spent most of his life between 20-40 in UK, was a international playboy who dined and wined [bedded half of them] with the Western elites in London, New York, Berlin etc


With Mrs Trump Sr.



Then began the change,


Yet today he walks around wearing the traditional Shalwar Kameez. That would be like Erdogan going to UN dressed like a Ottoman ghazi from 16th century. This might look inconsequential but trust me there is complex behind it and what informs this spills into everything. The pysche of broader Pakistani society which is insular and retrogressive. It views everything Western as evil. Good is everything opposite. It's like pushing for traffic lights to be reverse sequenced. Green-amber-red because red-amber-green is evil/Western.

Today as PM.




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I don't have a real informed opinion on these "Gulen" schools which I think went under the style "Pak-Turk" schools. I do think whatever education they were providing was above average but since Turkey raised objections Pakistan went along and rightly.

Even the worse Turkish religious education is better then the what Pakistani mullahs peddle which is just medieval Arab thought mixed with Pakistani misogyny mixed with local superstition mixed with hatred of modern ideas because these are seen as "Western".

One of the things you Turks don't realize is how hatred of western colonialism has mutated and is now articulated as hatred of anything seen as western. Since Turks have never been coilonized your society does not have this complex.

A simple manifestation can be seen how Erdogan a politician with Islamists leanings comes to the UN dressed in what is now a global attire - a suit. But Imran Khan who spent most of his life between 20-40 in UK, was a international playboy who dined and wined [bedded half of them] with the Western elites in London, New York, Berlin etc

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With Mrs Trump Sr.

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Then began the change,

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Yet today he walks around wearing the traditional Shalwar Kameez. That would be like Erdogan going to UN dressed like a Ottoman ghazi from 16th century. This might look inconsequential but trust me there is complex behind it and what informs this spills into everything. The pysche of broader Pakistani society which is insular and retrogressive. It views everything Western as evil. Good is everything opposite. It's like pushing for traffic lights to be reverse sequenced. Green-amber-red because red-amber-green is evil/Western.

Today as PM.

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I like the shalwar style. Though it's not modernized in Turkey and still gives the impression of tribalism/landlord.

I was also under the impression that Pak-Turk schools either gulen, hizmet, Maarif are considered elite schools because of the above average teachings and such.

I will admit that the thought behind these schools were brilliant especially how the network to implement it has/was kept active and their reach too. Harmony schools in Philippines, and similar in the US.

The turkish language festival implemented was also an amazing concept that actually promoted Turkey to the young minds.

Previously these schools were established and follow same national guidelines for teaching of each respective nation. The difference is that they would hire qualified teachers from Turkey to these schools. e.g. green card to US would be easier obtained and such. They'd have something like boarding schools too and one of the "Big brothers" would make sure to manage things and delegate assignments and such.

In a way you could consider the entire construction as being students living surrounded by students who study and help each other. Motivate and support, do sports together, go to the movies etc. Of course they'd also pray together, study Risa-li Nur etc.

Well there are also downsides and such, but I think there were more positive than negative sides. I can only hope the same quality and dedication is shown in the Maarif (pak-turk) schools.


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I was also under the impression that Pak-Turk schools either gulen, hizmet, Maarif are considered elite schools because of the above average teachings and such.
I do think whatever education they were providing was above average
Yes, they were considered 'elite'. There are other elite schools in the country mostly Church Convent schools ran by Catholic Nun orders or British era grammar or cadet schools. But I believe the Pak-Turk schools provided quality education at affordable rates in areas lacking good schools. Also the school culture was more Islamic orientated.

It was pity what happened as lot of the Turkish school staff [teachers etc] suffered and many lost their jobs or were required to leave Pakistan. I think the interior ministry was instructed with list prepared by Ankara.


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It was pity what happened as lot of the Turkish school staff [teachers etc] suffered and many lost their jobs or were required to leave Pakistan. I think the interior ministry was instructed with list prepared by Ankara.

Gulen movement schools backed by US and other western foreign intelligence organizations. They use these schools to infiltrate agents and use it for social engineering etc.


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Gulen movement schools backed by US and other western foreign intelligence organizations. They use these schools to infiltrate agents and use it for social engineering etc.
Social Engineering is the keyword here. Granted, not everyone gets into the inner circle, but they manage to imprint young minds and shape them to fit their ideology.

But imo, they'd still do a greater job in raising the young minds of Pakistan than the current system and internal divisions.

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