Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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The abduction of children from Ukraine by Russia has been widely reported and documented. No denial by pro-Russia propagandists will change that.
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mehmed beg

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The Poles have a history of very unpleasant experiences - the most unpleasant in recent history coming from the totalitarian regimes of Fascist Germany and Communist USSR. Whatever the shortcomings of the US and the west in their dealings with Poland, they hardly register when compared to the murderous behaviour of its neighbours.

Has it occurred to you that Poland has bought a lot of kit from South Korea because it makes some good kit eg tanks, combat aircraft? Kit good enough for Poland to be interested in joining the South Korean KF-21 fighter programme.
Not really, there is no need.
Poland was sold few times and I am more then sure that the big part of their decision to invest so much in the Korean systems comes from Polish reservations vis a vie their Allies.
Only Israel can count to undieing felicity of the West.
But hey it is not all too bad , in the case of Russian victory, I am sure some friendly governments will come in power in some other European countries.
The Germans will remain the serfs and it will be the chance to get rid Europe from those pesky Turks and other European Muslims.


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Oh , good advice from Uygurs concentration camp screw.
But this prison guard knows everything about it, doesn't he?
So , we can give an advice to Indonesia to recognise South China Sea to the fullest.
I always believed, that between the good and evil has some obvious distinctions.

I just want to remind something here . During the early days of caliphs. ... Almost if not all the caliph were ascend because the consensus / approval from the masses ... Take that as you will .. but , i won't accept any leader that were not acknowledged or approved by the masses ...
Yeah , sometimes a populist idiot do ascend to govern ...but i blame it on the masses stupidity and ignorances not the system it self ..
And regarding the russo-ukro war ?? Both were idiots ... One was eager to manipulated and exploited while the other has a severe self inferiority/security complexs .
The only winner is China and to an extent is ... India here ..


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Putin’s ‘Victory Day’ offensive in northern Ukraine has backfired spectacularly

The Russian offensive in the Kharkov region has completely failed on all counts

“Yes, the Ukrainian military transferred entire battalions, perhaps entire brigades, from the south and east to the north to meet the Russian advance. But they had enough strength. The Ukrainian military had enough well-armed troops to hold their positions in the south and east and strengthen them in the north," the author notes.


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Ukraine means NOTHING to US.
They would sold all Ukraine to russia to "not escalate"

BUT, if they sold Ukraine that will mean that they would sold Poland so for us we rather ecalate it right now then wait for our turn to fight.

And the whole concept of a war with russia changed. Before 2022 we had plans to let them in and defend on the Vistula river line. Now its all gone.
First we see that russia can be beaten, they are unable to create any manouver.
Second, there is no way we let them in to destroy third of a country like they did in Ukraine.
Thats why we are buying abour 500 MLRS, JASSM ER , Apaches etc.

The foreign policy blob (the Washington blob) which are composed almost exclusively of neoconservatives has always put the emphasis on defeating ANY challenge to the Western order pre-emptively.

There are 3 main foes of the neocons in general :

Political Islam

This is well known for a very long time. The neocons has always put the emphasis to stop them from day one in the hope that the West (in their mind) would avoid the same mistake of appeasement that led to the rise of Nazism in Germany. The neocons argue that American passiveness and isolationist tendency in the 30s led to the world War and from now on America must proactively defeat them decisively before they gain strength.

So it's clear that defeating Russia is a clear priority for Washington. But the problem is, right now they just simply can't continue supporting Ukraine indefinitely, because other front elsewhere also needs U.S attention.

Once Russia finished its objective in Ukraine, Poland and the Baltica (and Finland) will be in the kill list. I'm guessing the Russians are only waiting for America to either be decisively defeated by China or naturally withdraw like all hegemons do.


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I could remember that early 2020 or late 2019 there's a report showing the U.S cutting their middle East section manpower by more than half as well as reducing budget by 70% so that Washington could be laser focused on China.

That shows just how much the U.S establishment needs to compromise on one theater of the globe to shift on another one.

Mind to remind you that the early 20s seemed like it couldn't be better for Washington. The Islamic State physical caliphate has been wiped out, the number of attacks by IS cells in the Badia desert has come to an all time low, while their franchise in Libya, Nigeria and Afganistan has been lying low.

While the Israel-Palestine issue was coming close into conclusion with the Abraham accords, everyone is just waiting for Saudi and eventually the rest of the Muslim world to accept an Israeli state.

There are still downs, like the defeat fall of Afganistan to the Taliban, but overall everything points out that the US has mission success and they could pivot fully towards the Asia Pacific.

Fast forward 2024. The Islamic State scored the highest tally in the Badia Desert last March, while their Afghan chapter successful strike Moscow, in the Sahel, the French are kicked out by populists loyal to Russia and now Timbuktu and Menaka are besieged by JNIM and ISGS while their Nigerian chapter runs rampage across Borno state in Nigeria.

And then Hamas-Israel which sucked whatever credibility tge West has left trying to defend israel. Now news has come up that Israel is planning to go after Lebanon (and Hezbollah) .

Russia is currently winning in Ukraine and victory prospects has never so bleak add that to the political instability leading to November election.

And there are people who still thinks that the U.S simply has the resources to handle multiple hot spots in at least 3 continents. Some even say comically laughable statements like "just give Ukraine the weapons it wants" LMAO.

For every bullet the US send to Ukraine or Israel, that is one less bullet for the upcoming china fight. And the Americans are well aware of this. That's just the bullet, we have yet to talk about the bill. Like I said, in their effort to pivot towards China, Jake Sullivan skin their ME section of the NSC to a mere skeleton. Now the US is facing 3 foes at the same time which btw are currently winning like in the case of Russia in Ukraine or the JNIM/ISGS in the Sahel.

If you are a country that built your 'toughness' on the back of American power, (talking to you Poland, Czechia, Lithuania) you basically running out of time. Yes we know you are NATO, but NATO at the end of the day rests on the U.S ability to clean your shit when SHTF on Europe. There are circumstances beyond your control that could result in the U.S losing its ability or willingness to fight and that's it for you. Put the U.S out of the equation and we'll see Russia enters the Baltics, will emasculated Europe stand up and risk a long war (like in Ukraine) for a tiny faraway Eastern European country? Maybe if you're the Baltics or Poland. But likely not if you are Spain, Portugal or Italy.


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Russia now has half a million men at the front. Compared to around 150-200K Ukrainians.
I imagine that is a big threat to Ukraine. I wonder, though, if many of these troops are now at high risk, given the US relaxation of rules preventing Ukraine using US weapons against targets in Russia and the belated delivery of weapons from the US.

i note that daily Russian casualties were reported to have reached record levels a few days ago (well over a thousand a day). Something strange is happening, it seems to me, if Russia is doing so well on the ground but is suffering such high casualties. Unless Russia has perhaps returned to the kind of suicidal attacks forced on the Wagner prisoner recruits at Bakhmut?
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I imagine that is a big threat to Ukraine. I wonder, though, if many of these troops are now at high risk, given the US relaxation of rules preventing Ukraine using US weapons against targets in Russia and the belated delivery of weapons from the US.

i note that daily Russian casualties were reported to have reached reached record levels a few days ago (well over a thousand a day). Something strange is happening, it seems to me, if Russia is doing so well on the ground but is suffering such high casualties. Unless Russia has perhaps returned to the kind of suicidal attacks forced on the Wagner prisoner recruits at Bakhmut?

There's no substantial evidence that Russia is actively throwing it's men into 'meat assault' or 'suicidal attacks' that many Western media lie themselves into.

Here's a pretty good video about that.

Ukraine is going to capitulate, all the evidence is there.


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There's no substantial evidence that Russia is actively throwing it's men into 'meat assault' or 'suicidal attacks' that many Western media lie themselves into.
I did not say there was. I have not seen the western media saying that is the case. You may be astonished but I cane up with that possibility all on my own. To me there seems to be a disparity between Russian soldiers advancing on the battlefield and suffering such high casualties. I seek an explanation.


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Ukraine is one of the most corrupt and dirty countries in the world, the only reason europe and the US are putting so much into it is to weaken russia, the only thing I don't get is why europe keeps pushing so much for ukraine to join the EU and NATO, thats ridicilous if u ask me. it should be reserved for non corrupt and high society and advanced countries, but it seems lately they are wanting to take in everyone, how the standards have dropped.
Its an illusion/lip service or whatever you want to call it.
It is easier to get in NATO then the in the EU.
NATO,32 countries have to agree with Ukraine joining and Ukraine cant join because of the war and lost territory.
Georgia is the best example,it cant join because of the presence of Russian forces on its territory as a result of multiple ''recent'' conflicts.

So,impossible for Georgia and as it looks for Ukraine

The EU is another ball game,you can have accession talks but,

Membership requires that candidate country has achieved stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights, respect for and protection of minorities, the existence of a functioning market economy as well as the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.

So,it would take Ukraine at least 20 years to even think of getting in the EU.

My country Türkiye couldnt get in because of faith and the power block.
Now its Germany/France block ruling the EU,then it would be UK/Türkiye ruling the EU.
Btw,the UK left because it had enough of the German Franco alliance,not because of other reasons.


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I did not say there was. I have not seen the western media saying that is the case. You may be astonished but I cane up with that possibility all on my own. To me there seems to be a disparity between Russian soldiers advancing on the battlefield and suffering such high casualties. I seek an explanation.
The casualty is kinda what you would expect from the warfare of this intensity.

If Russia lost that much to you than Ukraine is likely to lose just as much. The difference is that Russia is a country of 142 million while Ukraine is a country of 40 million.
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The casualty is kinda what you would expect from the warfare of this intensity.

If Russia lost that much to you than Ukraine is likely to lose just as much. The difference is that Russia is a country of 142 million while Ukraine is a country of 40 million.
Some revisions :

More than 10 million Ukrainians are now under Moscow's administration, realistically Ukraine's population estimates is around 28 million at the lowest and 31 million at the highest.


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Dominated by the US, I don't see NATO getting involved directly in the Ukraine war, short of Russia attacking a NATO state. IMO what would encourage that would be a Russian victory in Ukraine.

Given the US reluctance to provide the weaponry required by Ukraine to win the war and up to now to restrict use of weapons provided to Ukrainian soil and airspace, the US has made it more or less impossible for Ukraine to defend itself effectively. For example, if Russian bombers can launch missiles and glide bombs with impunity from1km inside Russian airspace, if their bases in Russia cannot be attacked, what chance is there of Ukraine stopping attacks by missiles and glide bombs?

In WWII - before America was at war with Germany - the US provided the UK with a number of ships to be used for Atlantic convoy escort duties. What use would those ships have been if they could only be used to attack U-boats when convoys reached UK territorial waters?
The United States may be hesitant to send NATO troops to Ukraine for fear of the war escalating into a nuclear one. It is reasonable.
But you will not prevent any country in the region from fearing a Russian victory in Ukraine. Some NATO members are neighbors of Ukraine and Russia. They're all scared.
Even Germany, out of fear of Russia, decided to create an army of millions.
Do you think it is better for Germany to defend itself on its territory or send an army to Ukraine?
Here's the dilemma.


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The United States may be hesitant to send NATO troops to Ukraine for fear of the war escalating into a nuclear one. It is reasonable.
But you will not prevent any country in the region from fearing a Russian victory in Ukraine. Some NATO members are neighbors of Ukraine and Russia. They're all scared.
Even Germany, out of fear of Russia, decided to create an army of millions.
Do you think it is better for Germany to defend itself on its territory or send an army to Ukraine?
Here's the dilemma.
There is no need for nuclear war. Just surrender and all this misery ends.

Germany should grow some balls and struck a deal to divide Europe into German sphere of Influence and Russian sphere of influence.


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There is no need for nuclear war. Just surrender and all this misery ends.

Germany should grow some balls and struck a deal to divide Europe into German sphere of Influence and Russian sphere of influence.
A question, if China or some other country would invade your country, what would you do?

mehmed beg

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I don't know how someone can see Germany in the charge of Europe??
It is basically fifedom of the various entities. If Russia or someone splits Europe, it would be France, nuclear power. Even in that case those 2 sides would be united, they would be compelled. Otherwise, how possibly they would be able to stand up to Anglo-Saxons? Whose main objective for the last 400 years is exactly to prevent this?
Not that I like Anglo-Saxons , but for Muslims of Balkan, Turkey and at least Azerbaijan that scenario would be a nightmare
These are very well known factors.
Obviously I don't like the Jews, but thanks to them USSR was formed, that event insured the existence of at least Turkey, Balkan Muslims and maybe even furtherer. That's how the situation is evaluated. Not some angry phantasies.

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