TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq


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Let's not open our mouths too much, but the Claw-Lock ongoing in Metina is going well. 5 more terrorists were neutralized yesterday. In terms of the rate of martyrs/neutralized terrorists, the highest rate in the Claw series of operations has been achieved.

TSK will deploy in the western part of Metina and the region will be completely under siege. All that remains is to sweep the tunnels. Villages are still the problem here. If the villages can be evacuated, the personnel on the field will move much more easily.

Both the Turkish Armed Forces and the PKK are entering and leaving these village areas. PKK's attempt to use villages as a shield must be prevented. As you know, the way our operations work does not follow the logic of making the job of the personnel in the field easier. Let's see if extra steps will be taken.




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The positions at Matin were attacked by a series of UAV strikes in the last couple of days. Fortunately the counter-measures deployed by TSK in the area were active and managed to intercept the drones.

It was revealed that the PKK used a new miniaturized version of the Mugin-3 that they used before and the drone was upgraded with a camera and additional antennas. Judging by the style and workmanship we can conclude that it is produced by the same team that produces the jet motor powered UAV that they tried to use in Syria and tested in Qandil. We can also say that this is the UAV that took the HD videos of the previous failed attacks published by PKK.


Other than that we can say that TSK took the Metina Mountain range completely under control.

If we draw a line from Seri (Zap) to Metina we can see that a ~40km line was taken under total control.

Now what's left are the tunnels to be isolated one by one and our soldiers to start working on them.

It is estimated that there are ~130 terrorists in the 11 tunnels which will fall under siege during operation Claw-Lock if everything goes right and these ~130 terrorists are the main fighting force of PKK.

If we manage to deal with the tunnels till this winter we will strike a very heavy blow to the PKK's fighting force.

If we happen to not clean them, then we will have 11 tunnels under siege which will fall due to the tactical situation on the field, which will not allow PKK movement, logistical replenishment and we may only expect some kind of inghimasi style suicide attacks.

The only tunnel that carries some level of risk will be the Seri tunnel.

Contrary to what we thought earlier there is still not deployment at Tepe Bahar, but after Metina mountain range fell under control we can say that the time of deployment is close.


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Infantry Non-Comissioned Officer Mehmet Ali HOROZ fell martyr in the Claw-Lock area of operations after an encounter with a PKK terrorists. Three terrorists were killed in this encounter.



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According to information leaked around a week ago from within the Iraqi Ministry of Internal Affairs it was revealed that Ferhat Abdi Sahin, the leader of the PKK/YPG terrorist organization in Syria is illegally residing in PUK controlled Kirkuk with the help of false ID. He was residing under the false name of Muhammad Halil Husain. It is thought that there are concerns for his safety in Syria and he took refuge in Iraq due to Turkish pressure.



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According to information leaked around a week ago from within the Iraqi Ministry of Internal Affairs it was revealed that Ferhat Abdi Sahin, the leader of the PKK/YPG terrorist organization in Syria is illegally residing in PUK controlled Kirkuk with the help of false ID. He was residing under the false name of Muhammad Halil Husain. It is thought that there are concerns for his safety in Syria and he took refuge in Iraq due to Turkish pressure.

View attachment 68813
Wouldn't it be easier for our guys to reach to him there?


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Wouldn't it be easier for our guys to reach to him there?
We can reach him everywhere. The problem is our agreement with the US.

How I read the situation is that he is slowly realizing that he is disposable and he is scared of being left unprotected by the US. This is why he wants to guarantee his safety by asking PUK for help.

He knows very well that he is breaching the rules put by us by travelling to meet with PUK and most probably the US warned him to not put US forces in risk by such a risky travel. They probably told him "If you want to travel, then we wouldn't be able to ensure your security", after we took this warning drone shot at the Suleymaniye airport. Turkiye is pushing the limits.

We know that PUK arranges the transport of PKK HVTs with a PUK marked political vehicles and false IDs between Syria and Iraq for some time, after nothing else worked. I bet that Ferhat Abdi Sahin is staying in a PUK place, under PUK protection and wherever he goes, he goes in a PUK marked vehicle. This way, they guarantee his safety (the safety which the US can no longer guarantee while he is in Iraq), because they know that the preferred option for us is not to strike a target belonging to the second most powerful Kurdish party in KRG. This will bring repercussions.

In order to ensure a possible undisturbed stay in Iraq under PUK protection, they forged a false identity where he can do what he needs to do without causing suspicion and prevent intelligence leaks. If you have a Syrian passport and you try to enter the KRG you can get a 30 day visa permit which would be lengthened in different cases. The situation is such that if he travels with his real passport not only MIT will confirm trough more than one sources that he travelled, but if he wants to stay in KRG for more than 30 days he may face a legal situation sourced by KDP influence within the KRG government. With the forging of this false Iraqi citizenship PUK basically both covers his identity on entry/departure in/from Iraq and also ensures that he won't face a legal problem with the KRG law enforcements. The management of information leak on Syrian territory is easy as he is holding the strings, but in Iraq the situation changes.

I think this is a countermeasure caused by his panic. Can we strike him in this situation if the need arise and the conditions are met? Yes, we can. What we can't do is strike him directly, but there are more than one options on the table. The hand of the Turkish State is long and no enemy of Turkiye can feel safe.

We can ask why the Iraqi authorities revealed his false identity? In order to eliminate a safe exit from Syria if SHTF and enforce a dependence towards Iran. Why they chose this instead of sending a suicide drone at his house? Because they have plans with PUK and such a move will get in the way of the high level cooperation between Iran and PUK so they prefer to keep him in Syria.

That's my humble opinion on the situation.


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We can reach him everywhere. The problem is our agreement with the US.

How I read the situation is that he is slowly realizing that he is disposable and he is scared of being left unprotected by the US. This is why he wants to guarantee his safety by asking PUK for help.

He knows very well that he is breaching the rules put by us by travelling to meet with PUK and most probably the US warned him to not put US forces in risk by such a risky travel. They probably told him "If you want to travel, then we wouldn't be able to ensure your security", after we took this warning drone shot at the Suleymaniye airport. Turkiye is pushing the limits.

We know that PUK arranges the transport of PKK HVTs with a PUK marked political vehicles and false IDs between Syria and Iraq for some time, after nothing else worked. I bet that Ferhat Abdi Sahin is staying in a PUK place, under PUK protection and wherever he goes, he goes in a PUK marked vehicle. This way, they guarantee his safety (the safety which the US can no longer guarantee while he is in Iraq), because they know that the preferred option for us is not to strike a target belonging to the second most powerful Kurdish party in KRG. This will bring repercussions.

In order to ensure a possible undisturbed stay in Iraq under PUK protection, they forged a false identity where he can do what he needs to do without causing suspicion and prevent intelligence leaks. If you have a Syrian passport and you try to enter the KRG you can get a 30 day visa permit which would be lengthened in different cases. The situation is such that if he travels with his real passport not only MIT will confirm trough more than one sources that he travelled, but if he wants to stay in KRG for more than 30 days he may face a legal situation sourced by KDP influence within the KRG government. With the forging of this false Iraqi citizenship PUK basically both covers his identity on entry/departure in/from Iraq and also ensures that he won't face a legal problem with the KRG law enforcements. The management of information leak on Syrian territory is easy as he is holding the strings, but in Iraq the situation changes.

I think this is a countermeasure caused by his panic. Can we strike him in this situation if the need arise and the conditions are met? Yes, we can. What we can't do is strike him directly, but there are more than one options on the table. The hand of the Turkish State is long and no enemy of Turkiye can feel safe.

We can ask why the Iraqi authorities revealed his false identity? In order to eliminate a safe exit from Syria if SHTF and enforce a dependence towards Iran. Why they chose this instead of sending a suicide drone at his house? Because they have plans with PUK and such a move will get in the way of the high level cooperation between Iran and PUK so they prefer to keep him in Syria.

That's my humble opinion on the situation.
Wouldn’t this be a good time to reduce PUK influence. If PUK lost influence and got smaller while other parties gained more influence it’d limit their abilities more.


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Wouldn’t this be a good time to reduce PUK influence. If PUK lost influence and got smaller while other parties gained more influence it’d limit their abilities more.
The influence of PUK depends on the political situation in KRG and after the latest elections the situation is not the brightest we've seen.

They also gained importance both for the US and Iran.

We previously said that the "failed State" label of Iraq is both a curse, but also a thing which we and other policial players like KDP for example can exploit. The word "democracy" carries different meaning in that side of the world.

I think you are right in your take.


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Very big reinforcement convoy including artillery units was spotted in the area of Kani Masi. Kani Masi was one of the starting points for the infiltration operations that was launcher in the beginning of the operation targeting Metina. What we can say is that most probably in the coming days we will witness very serious TSK movement in Metina. Base areas will be established and work on the tunnels will start.



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The operation continues in the west of Metina, and the operation has expanded significantly.

TSK is stationed on the hill between Bilozan and Baze.

Speaking to Kurdsat, a person from Baze village stated that while leaving the village and going shopping, he was stopped by the Turkish Armed Forces and his identity was checked. The speaker stated that there were many Turkish soldiers in the area.


It was reported that the Turkish Armed Forces established checkpoints and carried out identity checks not only between Baze-Bilozan, but also on the Kani-Blave line in the west part of Metina. It is reported that the Turkish Armed Forces established checkpoints on the main roads in Bamerne and Kani Masi.

PKK sources also reports that TSK established control points in Amediye and 10 suspects were arrested after ID checks.

Soldier also conducted on foot patrols in some areas

Since last night, there has been intense personnel movement and reinforcement in some areas in the north of Iraq. There is also activity in Hakurk.



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The operation continues in the west of Metina, and the operation has expanded significantly.

TSK is stationed on the hill between Bilozan and Baze.

Speaking to Kurdsat, a person from Baze village stated that while leaving the village and going shopping, he was stopped by the Turkish Armed Forces and his identity was checked. The speaker stated that there were many Turkish soldiers in the area.

View attachment 68973

It was reported that the Turkish Armed Forces established checkpoints and carried out identity checks not only between Baze-Bilozan, but also on the Kani-Blave line in the west part of Metina. It is reported that the Turkish Armed Forces established checkpoints on the main roads in Bamerne and Kani Masi.

PKK sources also reports that TSK established control points in Amediye and 10 suspects were arrested after ID checks.

Soldier also conducted on foot patrols in some areas

Since last night, there has been intense personnel movement and reinforcement in some areas in the north of Iraq. There is also activity in Hakurk.

I believe the moles are staying hidden during all these operations within our borders.


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I believe the moles are staying hidden during all these operations within our borders.
There are a couple of small PKK groups in Turkiye right now. With the latest operations in Batman, Dogubayazit and Beytussebap we hit them very hard and even managed to take down terrorists from the "RED", "ORANGE" and "GREY" Most Wanted lists. Very big percentage of the armed terrorists in Turkiye are taking place in these lists and this affirms the determination for their neutralization.

PKK couldn't conduct a successful military operation for a long time now and what they do is simply wrong from their perspective. Their groups are being hunted like flies without them being able to take any meaningful actions and this shows the stubbornness of PKK to keep even a small amount of manpower in the mountains of the southeast of Turkiye no matter the price, instead of pulling their fighters to some place in Iraq where they will be helpfull. Whenever these groups go low on numbers (in the case of Agri), new group of terrorists infiltrate trough Iran. In the case of other terrorist groups in other areas, they are active for years, but low on numbers, not being able to do anything. We are lucky that we have the Gendarmerie in this as the Land Forces Command is already overstretched with operations abroad. The Gendarmerie is doing a lot already, but I would want them to push even harder and increase reconnaissance and surveillance operations so we deal with the remaining terrorists fast and swiftly.

What we should worry most as a threat to the national security within our borders are the terrorists tied to the youth wing of PKK and terrorists infiltrating from Syria. We should prevent sensational attacks and fires at all costs. The political wing of PKK in the Parliament is another story, but I wanted to emphasize the threat on the paramilitary forces.


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Intense airstrikes were conducted against targets in Tepe Bahar area.

Turkish Armed Forces, Kani Blava, west of Metina. The Turkish Armed Forces have significantly reduced the freedom movement of PKK in Metina, both from the villages inside and from the villages outside. There is pressure on Metina from every point. We can say that Metina is currently encircled.

Tonight T-129 ATAK helicopters of the Turkish Armed Forces targeted PKK terrorist organization positions in Metina/Baze.

And as we talk about the big success of this operation guess who is entering the show (again).

Of course the Iranian proxies of the Islamic Resistance of Iraq .



"In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Permission is given to those who are being fought because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah for their victory (is) surely Able.

Allah has spoken the truth

The brutal Turkish forces carried out a barbaric attack, occupied new villages, and terrorized the people of our beloved Iraq, without prior coordination with or knowledge of the central government. Astonished by the complete silence of the regional government, which by its silence supported this invasion, the Iraqi resistance expresses its readiness to expel the occupier from the lands of Iraq, as it did with ISIS terrorist organizations, whoever they are and wherever they are, and we call on the Iraqi parliament to hold an emergency session to clarify its position on these attacks.

Therefore, the occupying Turkish forces must immediately withdraw from Iraq in order to preserve the blood and dignity of its forces and God is the supporter of the believers

The General Secretariat of the Islamic Resistance, the True Promise Corps
Dhul-Hijjah 1445 AH
information Office
2024 June 25"

Now, this comes after the extreme success of TSK in its operation in Metina and the focus moving at critical points like the tunnel networks in Metina and Tepe Bahar. We also know that intensive work is being carried out at the location of the tunnel network in Seri.

This comes after a statement by General Mohammed Sakr al-Saiedi, Commander of the Border Forces of the Iraqi Ministry of Internal Affairs who is stating:

"Iraq has not had checkpoints along the Iraq-Turkey border throughout its history, which has led to the operation of illegal armed individuals.

We are coordinating with the Turkish side to establish a common coordination center so that there will be no conflict between our troops and Turkish troops and we can build checkpoints on the Iraq-Turkey border strip.

We initially got positive results regarding coordination, but nothing concrete has happened on the field yet, but there is a serious effort. "I hope there will be a great understanding between the two countries because this is an important and big issue."

By what we see on the field in the face of Turkish troops conducting ID checks in the villages in Metina, Zap and Hakurk, conducting patrols on foot and establishing control points, we can understand that the Iraqi forces intervention is not enough or simply said, the Iraqi side don't want to do what it needs to do.

The operation is going on in full coordination with the Peshmerga forces. We can see the strategic planning and the big picture. The areas that currently TSK is patrolling and the points at which TSK is positioned are all points where Peshmergas were positioned previously. Peshmerga started the preparation for this operation years before the actual intervention by establishing base areas and gathering critical information on the areas of operation, so when TSK arrives everything is ready for TSK intervention.


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Intense airstrikes were conducted against targets in Tepe Bahar area.

Turkish Armed Forces, Kani Blava, west of Metina. The Turkish Armed Forces have significantly reduced the freedom movement of PKK in Metina, both from the villages inside and from the villages outside. There is pressure on Metina from every point. We can say that Metina is currently encircled.

Tonight T-129 ATAK helicopters of the Turkish Armed Forces targeted PKK terrorist organization positions in Metina/Baze.

And as we talk about the big success of this operation guess who is entering the show (again).

Of course the Iranian proxies of the Islamic Resistance of Iraq .

View attachment 68991


"In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Permission is given to those who are being fought because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah for their victory (is) surely Able.

Allah has spoken the truth

The brutal Turkish forces carried out a barbaric attack, occupied new villages, and terrorized the people of our beloved Iraq, without prior coordination with or knowledge of the central government. Astonished by the complete silence of the regional government, which by its silence supported this invasion, the Iraqi resistance expresses its readiness to expel the occupier from the lands of Iraq, as it did with ISIS terrorist organizations, whoever they are and wherever they are, and we call on the Iraqi parliament to hold an emergency session to clarify its position on these attacks.

Therefore, the occupying Turkish forces must immediately withdraw from Iraq in order to preserve the blood and dignity of its forces and God is the supporter of the believers

The General Secretariat of the Islamic Resistance, the True Promise Corps
Dhul-Hijjah 1445 AH
information Office
2024 June 25"

Now, this comes after the extreme success of TSK in its operation in Metina and the focus moving at critical points like the tunnel networks in Metina and Tepe Bahar. We also know that intensive work is being carried out at the location of the tunnel network in Seri.

This comes after a statement by General Mohammed Sakr al-Saiedi, Commander of the Border Forces of the Iraqi Ministry of Internal Affairs who is stating:

"Iraq has not had checkpoints along the Iraq-Turkey border throughout its history, which has led to the operation of illegal armed individuals.

We are coordinating with the Turkish side to establish a common coordination center so that there will be no conflict between our troops and Turkish troops and we can build checkpoints on the Iraq-Turkey border strip.

We initially got positive results regarding coordination, but nothing concrete has happened on the field yet, but there is a serious effort. "I hope there will be a great understanding between the two countries because this is an important and big issue."

By what we see on the field in the face of Turkish troops conducting ID checks in the villages in Metina, Zap and Hakurk, conducting patrols on foot and establishing control points, we can understand that the Iraqi forces intervention is not enough or simply said, the Iraqi side don't want to do what it needs to do.

The operation is going on in full coordination with the Peshmerga forces. We can see the strategic planning and the big picture. The areas that currently TSK is patrolling and the points at which TSK is positioned are all points where Peshmergas were positioned previously. Peshmerga started the preparation for this operation years before the actual intervention by establishing base areas and gathering critical information on the areas of operation, so when TSK arrives everything is ready for TSK intervention.
This is related to Iraq central government not being an independent government, but due to the number of shia living there have become a iranian proxy/marionette of sorts.

I do believe that is Irans true goal as well, turning iraq into a 100% marionette and expanding their influence that way. It has been pointed out in the past.

IMO: Only by installing another Shia Mehdi or something (who in fact shits on Iran) will it be possible to start breaking Irans hold over Iraq. But in that case I imagine that Iran will liquidate the Mehdi because that isn't in their interest.

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