TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq


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I wonder if it's even realistic at this point..
It is in the best interest of Iraq to establish border security and overall public security in the north of Iraq by reinforcing the statehood in coordination with KRG. I am sure there are patriotic people in Iraq who wants the best for their country, but unfortunately as you said there are all sorts of malign activities supported by Iran to the level that I am not even sure that if serious steps are taken towards this initiative, the responsible in Iraq will live even a month after this step is taken.


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The points at which TSK established checkpoints and bases are Kani Balave, Bilozan and Baze. TSK also started distributed leaflets to apologize for the inconvenience to the local people.

Meanwhile TSK required the village of Dergele to be immediately evacuated by its inhabitants. This comes after our Serhat counter-mortar radar detected mortar fire at our forces in Metina. This morning TSK entered the village and gave 24 hours to the locals to evacuate. It is reported that all of the inhabitants managed to evacuate the village today.

Our main source updated the Claw Lock map.

1 > Turkish Armed Forces units advanced by land and deployed around Kani Balave, Babire and Bilozan villages.
2 > It is thought that there is no PKK presence in Hanke and its surroundings, south of Gapnerk Mountain.
3 > The mountain range between Babire and Bilozan was taken by TSK.


The camp is not completely surrounded, but it is thought that the PKK can't send reinforcements inside. Maybe it is surrounded...

If we look at the statements of the PKK, there are operations on several tunnels. If the villages are cleared, it is possible to lay a very strong siege on 5 tunnels.

-The map has a margin of error.



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Peshmerga Brigade Commander Muhsin Rashid Muhammed was found dead in Erbil. He is taking an important position within the Peshmerga Ministry of the KRG and his wife Viyan Sabri is the parliamentary leader of KDP in the Iraqi Parliament.

Local media and PKK sources initially reported that he was killed. In result of the investigation the police authorities in KRG stated that he was alone in the time of his death and he suicided with an AK type assault rifle inside his vehicle.


His wife, Viyan Sabri is known for her stance against PKK. She criticized the Iraqi Central Government on multiple occasions regarding their inability to remove PKK from the territory of KRG, their wrong policies on positioning PKK in Sinjar and blamed PKK for the unfortunate events in the north of Iraq.



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The points at which TSK established checkpoints and bases are Kani Balave, Bilozan and Baze. TSK also started distributed leaflets to apologize for the inconvenience to the local people.

Meanwhile TSK required the village of Dergele to be immediately evacuated by its inhabitants. This comes after our Serhat counter-mortar radar detected mortar fire at our forces in Metina. This morning TSK entered the village and gave 24 hours to the locals to evacuate. It is reported that all of the inhabitants managed to evacuate the village today.

Our main source updated the Claw Lock map.

1 > Turkish Armed Forces units advanced by land and deployed around Kani Balave, Babire and Bilozan villages.
2 > It is thought that there is no PKK presence in Hanke and its surroundings, south of Gapnerk Mountain.
3 > The mountain range between Babire and Bilozan was taken by TSK.

View attachment 69005

The camp is not completely surrounded, but it is thought that the PKK can't send reinforcements inside. Maybe it is surrounded...

If we look at the statements of the PKK, there are operations on several tunnels. If the villages are cleared, it is possible to lay a very strong siege on 5 tunnels.

-The map has a margin of error.

View attachment 69006
We reported that Dergele village was being evacuated.

The Ministry of National Defence claimed that there are 6 PKK terrorists that were killed in Metina. A part of these terrorists were a group trying to get out of Dergele village, but was intercepted by TSK.



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Apart from the airstrike in the Deraluk countryside there were at least 3 UCAV shots at a barn inside Deraluk.

Deraluk is a big town. In such a large place, UCAV strikes are very rare, other than hunting for leaders.

There may be 2 different scenarios here. One of them is connected with the supply route from Gara towards Tepe Bahar and its surroundings or there is a PKK preparation for an attempt to infiltrate the Linik Mountain or the position at Seri.




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Within the scope of the Claw-Lock operation, the Metina Mountain range was completely taken under the control of the Turkish Armed Forces.

Operation Claw-Lock, which started with infiltration operations against the PKK camp in the Metina region in the spring, continues successfully.

Troops affiliated with the Turkish Armed Forces took control of the Metina Mountain range, which extends over 25 kilometers and started to work on establishing a base area.

On the other hand, the troops continued to advance in the countryside and began to destroy PKK elements hiding in civilian settlements by carrying out operations in the villages.

Members of the terrorist organization were traveling around the villages with pickup trucks and tried to target Turkish Armed Forces units with guided anti-tank weapons and mortars.

There are 5 tunnels and caves under the Metina Mountain range where members of the organization are hiding. While some of the tunnels are completely blockaded, the entrance and exit routes of some tunnels are kept under observation. 7 PKK terrorists who tried to escape from these tunnels and caves in the last 3 days were neutralized.

In result of the successful operation, the number of terrorists in the Metina camp area has decreased significantly since the operation began.

It is expected that the terrorist organization PKK elements in the Metina countryside will be completely cleared by the Turkish Armed Forces in the following months. The situation of terrorists in the blockaded tunnels will be determined by the tunnel operations of the Turkish Armed Forces.



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Within the scope of the Claw-Lock operation, 4 more terrorists were neutralized in the Metina region. The number of terrorists neutralized in the last 3 days has increased to 10.

Troops affiliated with the Turkish Armed Forces took control of Hirval Mountain, located south of the Gire Biye base, within the scope of the Claw-Lock operation. There is no PKK camp area here, but there have been many ATGM and mortar attacks from this mountain to the base in Gire Biye.


Most likely, our guys merged the Claw-Lightning and Claw-Lock operation areas. We know that there was a deployment to the area located to the west of the Metina Mountain range from the west.



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Iraqi Ministry of Internal Affairs: "PKK and PUK burned the marketplaces in Erbil, Kirkuk and Duhok"

Iraqi Ministry of Internal Affairs spokesman Mikdad Miri announced at a press conference that 3 people affiliated with PKK and PUK responsible for burning down national markets in Iraq and KRG were arrested.

Stating that the suspects confessed their crimes, Mirani stated that the attackers were planning to target Turkish territory and the Iraq-Turkiye oil pipeline.

It was stated that the planner of the attack was Honer Fahreddin Ahmed and he was in charge of the 70th Peshmerga unit affiliated with PUK.

It was stated that the other suspect was Muhammed Nejat Hasan, an officer of the PUK's special force, the Counter-Terrorism Group (CTG), and that he was trained by the PKK. Mirani said that PKK's security and military staff came from Syria, Turkiye and Qandil and were trained in the Baghdad-controlled city of Kifri and PUK-controlled Sulaymaniyah and Sengaser. That's where they were assigned to carry out these terrorist acts.

For the first time we got a meaningful step by Baghdad. Congratulations!

For an introduction to these cases I share the information below. The organization was tasked with conducting false flag operations in the name of the imaginary Turkish nationalist organization "Ahd-ı Milli".

The ransoms first started in Kirkuk at the end of last year. It was claimed that a Turkist organization called "Ahd-ı Milli" claimed responsibility for the attacks. But the burned shops belonged to Turkmens. Finally, they took responsibility for the burning of the market in Erbil, and then the "Ahd-ı Milli" organization closed their website.


The domain location of this so-called organization is in Germany. This "organization" suddenly disappeared when information about the investigations in these cases started to be leaked.


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