USA US Presidential Elections 2024


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IMHO failed assassination might be related to a clique inside the Republican Party. I guess they wanted to eliminate Trump and push VP candidate Vance up. It seems the Democrat candidate will lose no matter who the Republicans nominate. Vance is a shady figure.
Party doesn't push the VP, candidate does. Vance is Trump's VP candidate.


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In late June I predicted a Trump assassination was needed to save Zelensky. The red flags are everywhere even if I was in his shoes I myself would have been extra paranoid with secret service nagging them about buildings getting checked for every rally I would go to.

Biden cabinet is filled with jews, Ambassador Nuland is a Ukrainian jew, Ukraine's top government positions are jews, Ukrainian jew congress woman was the one that pushed the raise the draft age bill in the US. I mean the signs were all there that someone would go after your head. Not only that you **** up Zelensky's in his own words another Israel plan and by doing that Russia would grab Ukraine a large land with resources to gain slow ascension to superpower status with China whom are both going after Africa. Large population with whites/asians with better living standards eventually will always dominate over a large population of brown dominated countries in statistics regarding academics and knowledge. This would also mean Europe and countries like Taiwan, Japan and South Korea will have to eventually face the reality where they can no longer be guaranteed protection from the US that it would be better off building relations with the two major superpowers instead. Even I know well enough that someone would go after my head if I stopped funding Ukraine to speed up the process of destroying the current world order to a multipolar world.

I don't think they will make another assassination attempt like a plane crash because assuming they did his VP shares the same views he does whom more than likely will choose a VP that shares his views. Hard to steal the elections considering how extremely unpopular Biden is and how much they hyped up Trump trying to jail him and trying to assassinate him like he cant be stopped. If Biden did win no American will believe in elections which is probably what the US government wants to avoid. So the only option I see next is somehow starting an event in Europe before Trump enters office in January 20 that will lead western countries to WW3.


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Party doesn't push the VP, candidate does. Vance is Trump's VP candidate.
Trump has donators and backers. Those guys pushed Vance as the VP. Trump wasn't on good terms with Vance. Even a monkey will win against Biden or Harris. Trump is not needed. It is like hitting 2 birds with a single stone. Vance will become the candidate and you can blame Democrats for the fallout for a landslide victory. I don't think assassinating Trump works in favor of Biden, Harris, or Obama. They are not that dumb.


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Trump has donators and backers. Those guys pushed Vance as the VP. Trump wasn't on good terms with Vance. Even a monkey will win against Biden or Harris. Trump is not needed. It is like hitting 2 birds with a single stone. Vance will become the candidate and you can blame Democrats for the fallout for a landslide victory. I don't think assassinating Trump works in favor of Biden, Harris, or Obama. They are not that dumb.
Trump's death during an assassination attempt would make him a "martyr" and cause an explosion in Republican votes. Thus, the Democrats would lose the upper hand in Congress.

Since both houses (the House of Representatives and Congress) were in the hands of the Republicans, they could do whatever they wanted.

Right now, they still have a chance of gaining the upper hand in Congress.

Hari Sud

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American Democracy in Disarray

Chaos reigns within American democracy and the political system. The party controlling the US administration is in turmoil due to President Biden's lackluster performance in the recent debate. Concerns over his health are a significant factor in the confusion. Despite this, he remains obstinate in his bid for a second term. High-ranking Democrats are urging him to withdraw, but he remains undecided, resulting in total disarray. Even if he withdraws, no prominent candidate, other than Kamala Harris, has emerged.

Conversely, the Republicans, led by Donald Trump, have gained momentum following an assassination attempt on Trump. This has generated a sympathy wave, strengthening his grip on voters.

It's essential to disregard all poll numbers immediately following the assassination attempt or the Republican convention, as they could be influenced by both events—the underwhelming performance of Biden and the attempt on Trump's life.

Until the Democrats decide on their candidate, the uncertainty in the presidential race will persist. Pollsters currently give Trump an edge, but the undecided voters have not yet made their voices heard. These voters will ultimately determine not only the occupant of the White House but also the control of the Senate and the House, which is crucial for American governance. The ongoing Ukraine war and the Middle East unrest caused by Hamas have further confused American voters. Until they hear from both parties, they are unlikely to make a decision.

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