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Wartawannya lagi sibuk di lain tempat yg banyak amplop an nyaEhhh btw, setahun belakangan udah ga da kapal china lagi yang ketangkep ya?
Ini emang ga ada atau gimana nih?
Tergantung sector lokasi sich. Kalau perahu viet khan langsung munculnya banyakan di wilayah kita sedangkan kalau nelayannya PLAN lebih jauh di sisi utara ZEE kitaPerihal kapal ikan ini rasanya lbh byk urusan sama kapal viet
Polisinya makai versi AP boots line -up motorcycle itu
Anything that has the word "far" or "extreme" are just equally bad as the other side of the coinFirst time reading Turkish Far Right aligned Ultranationalist (Grey Wolf-like) talking at each other. Damn, make me think again anything that is far in the political spectrum don't care is that far-left or far-right are just same.
*they will hate me for sure
Very trueAnything that has the word "far" or "extreme" are just equally bad as the other side of the coin
First time reading Turkish Far Right aligned Ultranationalist (Grey Wolf-like) talking at each other. Damn, make me think again anything that is far in the political spectrum don't care is that far-left or far-right are just same.
*they will hate me for sure
eechh.. whaaat.....?Everything with far, is not good.
Like how far your relationship with ur ex?
Click hold the "like"Silly question guys, but i really need the answer. How to use that laughing emoji instead of thumb up in bellow the comment...? Oh no its so stupid
Time to sip some kapal api and open a new pack of Djisamsoe . Don't sweat the small detail ...What's next?Rizieq Shihab Resmi Tersangka Kerumunan Petamburan
Polda Metro Jaya resmi menetapkan Rizieq Shihab sebagai tersangka dalam perkara kerumunan Petamburan terkait pernikahan
Time to sip some kapal api and open a new pack of Djisamsoe . Don't sweat the small detail ...
Why you had to bust my last and only ( left ) leisuring dreams ...You should treasure your Samsoe pack more
Instead the Cigarettes excise is increased by 12.5 percentage, and looking back then prices at seller likely will be increased by 25 percentage
View attachment 8318
Skrg yg ngetren itu ngopinya pour over pake beans lokal, trus rokoknya tingwe
Very typical of Sri Mulyani of going into full SJW mode If continued our industry will be paralysed because there will be too many restrictive regulations & over taxation just like what happen in the US